Journal Institution of Civil Engineers
see also Minutes of Transactions
Volume 8 (1938)
Gelson, W.E. (Paper 5126)
Some experiments on locomotive springs, with reference to bridge
impact-allowances. 295-304: 9, 501-04.
Investigation to ascertain the character and amount of the damping
forces developed in the laminated springs of a locomotive when there is relative
vertical motion between its sprung and unsprung portions, such as may occur
when the locomotive is crossing a bridge. Special testing apparatus for applying
measured pulsating and suddenly-applied loads to the springs was designed
and constructed by the North Western Railway of India and erected on railway
premises at Lahore. A general-arrangement drawing of this machine set up
pulsating for load tests is given in a diagram. Correspondence: between C.W.
Clarke and W.E. Gelson.
Volume 9 (1938)
Fancutt, F.
The work of the Paint Research Laboratory of the London, Midland and
Scottish Railway Company. 140-62. Discussion: 163-82. Correspondence:
The opening by Lord Rutherford of the London, Midland and Scottish
Railway Company's Research Laboratories at Derby, in 1935, was the culminating
point in a series of developments which had their origin more than 70 years
before in the opening at Crewe, in 1864, of the first of the Chemical
Laboratories. The other Companies, which in the grouping of the railways
in 1923 combined to form the LMS soon followed the lead thus given by Crewe,
and at the end of the nineteenth century all the railways were equipped with
some form of chemical testing laboratory. Participants in the discussion
included M.F.G. Wilson, L.A. Jordan, E. Pugson, H.G. Lloyd, R.L. McIlmoyle,
W.H. Peters, J. Douglas, U.R. Evans, V.G. Jolly and W.H. Woodcock. Correspondents
included C.W. Clarke, J.N. Friend, N.N. Maas and H.J. Troughton.
Volume 10 (1939)
Thompson, J.T.
Abstract. Railway track-work for high speeds. 405-07.
High speeds increases the importance of analyzing, at least
in a general way, the nature of the forces involved. Considered alignment
and cant; stresses in the track; and maintenance. The question of length
of transition-curve and comfortable speed are treated in detail. For curves
without cant the length of transition should be as given W.H.. Shortt,
Volume 11 (1939)
Davies R.D. (Paper No. 5158)
Some experiments on the lateral oscillation of railway vehicles. 224-61.
Railway vehicles, when travelling at high speed, tend to develop lateral
oscillation. When the tires are new this causes little trouble, but as they
become worn the oscillation becomes more violent, and finally assumes the
characteristic form known as " bogie-hunting.'' The only cure is to withdraw
the vehicle from service and to re-turn the tires to their original profile.
It has long been known that the trouble is connected with the coning of the
tires, and the investigation here described started from that point.
Inglis, C.E. (Paper No. 5201).
The vertical path of a wheel moving along a railway track. 262-77. Disc.:
278-88: 12, 450-2 + folding plate. 13 diagrs. 3 tables.
Papers Nos 5158 and 5201 were discussed together. Contributors included
W.K. Wallace, M. Walder, W.A. Stanier, J.T. Thompson, F.W. Carter, W.L. Lowe
Brown, W.E. Gelson, O.F.A. Sandberg and J.W.E. Smith. In the later correspondence
contributors were C.W. Clarke and W.J. Doak. where it was queried whether
railway vehicles, when travelling at high speed, tended to develop a lateral
oscillation:. cases were known where lateral oscillation was most marked
at speeds between 35-40 miles per hour, but was damped considerably a t 60
miles per hour. Also, it was stated that the only cure for bogie-hunting
was to withdraw the vehicle from service and re-turn the tires to theiroriginal
Volume: 26 (1946)
Jones, A.L.
Revolving locomotive boilers about their horizontal axes in order to attain,
from time to time, in the course of repairs, the most convenient working
position. 539.
Takes care of t tendency to turn owing to the unsymmetrical load of
the firebox legs and thence hooked to the second crab. Both crabs lift the
boiler clear of the stand or packing. When one drum is reversed the winding
operation begins. The operation is positive and precise, and is accomplished
at one setting and in a space no greater in area than that occupied by the
boiler at rest.