Peter Tatlow
Harrow &
Wealdstone 50 years on: clearing up the aftermath. Peter Tatlow.
Oakwood Press, 2002,
Reviewed by William Featherstone. in
J. Rly Canal Hist. Soc.
34, 382-3
Highland Railway miscellany: a pictorial record of the Company's activities
in the public eye and behind the scenes. Oxford Publishing, 1985.
un-numbered, but 295 illus.
An illustrated hstory of LNER wagons: Volume One: LNER Southern Area,
ex-GN (Great Northern), ex-GC (Great Central) and ex-GE (Great Eastern) wagons
absorbed by the LNER. Didcot: Wild Swan, 2005
A pictorial record of LNER wagons. Poole: Oxford
Publishing, 1983.
Railway Breakdown Cranes: Volume 1:
Return from Dunkirk railways to the rescue Operation Dynamo
(1940). Oakwood Press, 2010, 184pp,
Reviewed by Graham Bird. J.
Rly Canal Hist. Soc. Vol.