Railway World
Volume 26 (1965)
Key file
Number 296 (January 1965)
G.M. Kichenside. Summer Saturday on the Isle of Wight. 2-9.
Cecil J. Allen. Great Western train services of 1905. Half-a-century of train travel—No. 35. 10-14.
C.W.R. Bowman. Two days with two "Northerns". 16-18.
Canadian National Railways preserved U-2e 4-8-4 No. 6167 and U-2g
No. 6218 running between Toronto and Hamilton.
M.R.C. Price. The last railway horses. 18.
Used for shunting at Stoke-on-Trent and at Newmarket
Swindon shed—a 30 year contrast. R.C. Riley. 19.
Empty in 1964: in 1934 contained 0-4-2T No. 3580; 0-6-0ST No. 2007;
0-4-2T No. 4833; ex-MSWJR 0-6-0 No. 1008
John Marshall. Horwich Works — Part 1. 22-6.
Includes a table of locomotive types built at Horwich.
Michael Belshaw. Talyllyn progress, 28-9.
M.G.D. Farr. Stroud Valley railcars. 30-1
R.E.G. Read and Gordon Biddle. Around about our stations. 31.
Photograph of Eastern & Midland Railway initials cast into brackets
suppoting platform roof at Yarmouth Beach station
Letters to the Editor. 33-5.
Garstang & Knott End Railway. G.H. Platt.
LNWR Special Tank 0-6-0ST worked on the line: F. Moore photograph
provide evidence No. 1325 of this class in Knott End station with a G. &
K.E. coach and their outside-framed four-wheeled van. The engine only carried
this number from October 1907 to June 1919 which agrees with Bardsley's
recollection of the date.
Platt spent two months in Garstang in 1920 and to the best of his
recollection the 2-6-0 tank engine Blackpool was painted black. He
did not remember seeing any red locomotives either.
A Batignolles reminiscence . H. Fayle. 34
Referring to the article "A Batignolles Reminiscence" in the October
issue, he feared that Mr. Ellis's memory must have failed him: his recollection
of the Paris suburban trains went back to 1901 and while there were some
double-deck 2nd/3rd class coaches between St. Lazare and Poissy and Nantes,
they did not last after 1910. The suburban trains from St. Lazare to Versailles
and St. Germain however did not have any 3rd class at all, although on the
other railways serving Paris—the Nord, Est and PLM—all three classes
were found on the suburban trains, and he believed this also was the case
on the Orleans line.
Power loss in locomotives. D.H. Landau
Tuplin cast doubt on the accuracy of various locomotive resistances
published in Landau's September letter. These figures were the result of
the careful work of the Locomotive Testing Committee. They are the average
results of several road tests with each class of engine. The climatic conditions
were allowed for, and the figures adjusted, where necessary, to relate to
a 7½ rnile/h. 45° headwind. Of course these figures can never be
more than a useful guide because of the varying mechanical condition of
individual engines, but I hardly think variations as high as 25 per cent
are likely.
He must admit, that he was just as sceptical as Tuplin himself when he first
became aware of the much higher resistance of the King in comparison to a
Duchess . When the following differences in detail design are considered,
however, the results seem far more likely than they first appeared.
1. The slightly smaller wheels of the King alone would mean about 3¼
per cent more loss at the pistons, valve gear, and driving wheels at any
given speed.
2. The King also differs in having semi-plug type piston valves which detract
to some extent from the low friction inherent with the orthodox type of piston
valve. This feature, coupled to a heavier valve gear leads one to expect
much higher losses in these components. That this is in fact so is fully
confirmed by the test results. As the steam rate of an engine increases,
the power loss also rises at any given speed. This is entirely because of
the increase in valve travel; thus any such increase is a measure of the
efficiency or otherwise of the valves and valve gear. At 70 rnile/h., as
the steam rate is increased from 20,000 to 30,000 lb/hr. the power loss in
the King rises by 50hp whereas the rise for the Duchess is only 15hp.
3. The King has a larger frontal area and the aero-dynamic 'shape' is less
clean. (On test the King carried an indicator shelter and this may have inflated
the losses a little.)
The high resistance of the King now seems less iuiprobable. It should also
be noted that in the opinion of the testing staff the Duchess was one of
the freest running engines ever tested. The above might well be the reason
why the Kings never quite matched the sparkle of the converted Scots at their
John F. Clay is mistaken in thinking that the Duke and Duchess figures have
been transposed. He has apparently been misled by certain figures published
in a contemporary magazine on two occasions in the last few years. The dbhp
values then given for 71000 were in fact the traction dbhp trailing gross
weight ratio characteristics (Graph 40 Bulletin No. 15), something quite
different. These are figures solely used for train timing purposes. If Mr.
Clay still has any doubts, or wishes to know the correct dbhp figures for
71000 (Graph 11), I would willingly loan him the bulletin concerned.
Power loss in locomotives. John F. Clay
My hasty assumption that the resistance figures for the Duchess and
No. 71000 had become transposed in Mr. Landau's table was a regrettable
over-simplification. The figure of 700hp for No. 71000, however, is at variance
with the published 370hp at 70m.p.h. Such a figure seems to be incredibly
low but it is supported by the published results of road tests. Compared
with a King some improvement might be expected from poppet valves and roller
bearings but it is difficult to accept the suggestion that the resistance
of a heavier engine was less than half. Is there any logical explanation
for such extreme variation? Despite the good test results of No. 71000, on
a draw-bar h.p, basis, it was rare to find a practical footplateman with
a good word for the engine and it rarely approached a Duchess in ordinary
everyday service.
MS & L. locomotives and Ashbourne. Robert Keys. 35
If I may elaborate a little on this point, in view of the remarks
made by Messrs. Read and Biddle in their letter in your current issue, in
the words of a once-famous radio celebrity, " it all depends what you mean
by "-in this case, summer excursions. The MS&L 1.30pm SO train from
Manchester to Macclesfield was extended to Alton during the month of October
1882; commencing with the 1883 summer service, some equivalent service became
a regular feature, and in July 1883 the running over NSR metals was extended
to Ashbourne. The departure from Manchester was at 2pm, and arrival at Ashbourne
4.15; the return journey commenced at 8.15pm. Similar services ran in July,
August and September 1890, and again in July 1891. All these were included
in the normal summer timetables. Further services were given in later years,
until, with the opening of the LNW Buxton to Ashbourne line, the field was
yielded to that company, whose route was more direct; but in these cases
it has not been established for certain that they were through workings,
and not by connecting service from Rocester. There were also odd rogue
excursions, and it was presumably one of these whose engine was derailed
on May 29, 1894. One of them, at least, was for early risers, since it was
due to reach Ashbourne at 7.40am, on June 3, 1882. There were three of these
excursions in that year, and five in 1883.
Railway Songs. J.F. Burrell
The writer of the interesting letter on railway songs is in error
over the Welsh railway song. The hero was Croshy or Crosher Bailey, a corruption
of Crawshay Bailey, who was of the family of famous Iron Masters. It was
not a Taff Vale railway song as Bailey's interests lay mainly in the territory
covered by the former LNW line from Abergavenny to Merthyr, part of which
was built on the site of Bailey's Tramroad.
Railway Songs . Peter L. Bainbridge.
Further to the reply by S. Alasdair Munns in the November issue, the
1964 Topic catalogue includes a record 12Tl04 Steam Whistle Ballads
which replaces 10Tl3 and 10T25; the latter was called Second Shift.
Included in 12Tl0 is the Song of the Iron Road which was written by
Ewan MacColl for the BBC production Ballad of John Axon, first broadcast
in 1958. It may be possible to obtain the other songs from this programme
from the B.B.C.
Included on l0T25 is the Colour Bar Strike which was written by one
of the firemen at Kings Cross mpd on the occasion of the strike in 1957.
Although not included in the current lists, this record may still be
Signaling miscellany an unusual B.R. signal. 35
Unusual signal illustrated was photographed by C.C. Thornburn, about
200yd west of St. Monance station on the Leuchars Junction-Thornton Junction
via St. Andrews line in the Scottish Region. Enquiries reveal that it is
a fog marker for use by the signalman in foggy weather. When the fog becomes
so thick that the signalman cannot see the marker he must put into operation
the signalling regulations for working during fog. Elsewhere, other physical
objects, as for example, ordinary signals, telegraph poles or a building,
may be employed for the same purpose.
Number 297 (February 1965)
Cecil J. Allen. Half-a-century of train travel—No. 36. LNWR train
services of 1905. 42-6.
The complexity of the Anglo-Scottish trains is covered. For instance
the 2pm departures from Edinburgh and Glasgow ran separately to Preston and
conveyed portions for Manchester and Liverpool. Then they went forward as
a single train. At Crewe a slip coach for Nuneton was attached which gave
a service to Leicester. The service to Ireland was lavish and included several
routes, including Holyhead to Greenore with a connection from there to
J.W. Gahan. The "Super Ds" — the last LNWR locomotives
on BR. 47-51.
From the Webb original simple which was considered to be an 0-8-0
extension of the 0-6-0 Coal Engine developed three and four cylinder compound
versions, the latter including a 2-8-0 variant. Webb's successors gradually
converted these to simple expansion, but the process was not complete until
after the Grouping. Larger boiler versions were introduced and these were
known as the G1 class; the G2 class was introduced shortly before the Grouping
and these had higher boiler pressue (175 psi). All locomotives were fitted
with Joy valve gear. Gradually all locomotives conformed to the G2 type
All in a day's work. 52-3.
Photo-feature: minor collision at Shepperton when EMU No. 4662 forced
off leading bogie.
J. Spencer Gilks. The Reading, Guildford & Reigate. 54-8.
Surveyed by Francis Giles.
At its western end it served the fringes of Aldershot at North Camp crossed
the route of the Portsmouth Direct line at Guildford (using the LSWR between
Ash and there. It was part of the South Eastern Railway and ran trains through
to London.
West Country winter. 59-61.
John Marshall. Horwich Works — Part 2. 62-5.
Boiler shops, the forge, steel foundry, tinsmiths' shop, brass foundry,
central power station, paint shop, testing shop, millwright's shop, fitting
and machine shop and huge erecting shop
Michael Farr. GWR diesel railcars. 66-8.
Highly prone to catching fire (illustration of W10W on fire at Bridgnorth
on 10 March 1956. Other illustrations show No. 18 at Lambourne with two trailing
coaches in 1938; Nos. 35 and 36 with intermediate brake composite and No.
19 at York in May 1944. See also letter on page 281 from
S.A. Staddon
R.E.G. Read and Gordon Biddle. Around about our stations: chimneys.
Drawings of chimneys at Louth and at Waverton; photograph of Kings
Britain's latest railway museum — Penrhyn Castle.
See letter from J.M. Dunn p. 242
G.J. Hoare. Swiss steam special. 73.
Steam powered (2-6-0T) on Furka-Oberalp Railway between Andermatt
and Gletsch through the Furka pass run on 27 September 1964.
W.J.K. Davies. Light railway notes. 74-5.
Sucrerie Agricole de Maizy S.A.: 60 cm gauge for harvesting sugar
Book reviews. 79-80
History of the Great Western Railway: Volume 2.
1863-1921, by E.T. MacDermot revised by C.R. Clinker. 362pp
Reviewed by HS
Number 301 (June 1965)
J.M. Tolson. The Wrexham & Ellesmere line— I. . 204-7.
The Wrexham & Ellesmere Railway ahd a long gestation period: it
was authorised on 31 July 1885, but did not open until 2 November 1895. It
was part of the Cambrian Railways which had reached Ellesmere from
Whitchurch on 4 May 1863 and extended to Oswestry on 27 July 1864. The branch
was single track and connected with the Great Central Railway at Wrexham.
Six 0-4-4T locomotives were ordered from Nasmyth Wilson with three delived
in 1895 and the remainder in 1899. They were heavy locomotives by Cambrian
standards : three were withdrawn by the GWR in 1923, one in 1928 and the
final two in 1932. The Cambrian had introduced push & pull working in
1913 by building a bogie saloon coach using the bodies from two six-wheelers.
This seated 10 first and 56 thitd class passengers and had a lavatory
compartment. The author travelled in the autocar (as did KPJ in 1960).
Cecil J. Allen. Half-a-century of train travel—No. 40. L &
Y train services of 1905. 208-12
Aspinall Atlantics and Hughes 4-6-0s and general survey of
Allan P. McLean. The end of Princes Street. 214-16.
Includes a picture of the Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens
which was originally to have been situated between the Caledonian Hotel and
a new station wwhich wads never constructed. It was purcahsed by Daniel Ross
and the City of Edinburgh as reluctant to acquire it.
G.M. Kichenside. Back to the beginning – operation during signalling
changeovers. 218-21+
With the introduction of power signalling on the West Coast Main Line
the transition was carried out by applying hand signalling and absolute block
working by telephone.
Merchant Navy class Pacific No. 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S.N. Co.
heads down Waterloo to West of England express near Sutton Bingham. 222-3
Colour reproduction of V. Welch painting based on photograph by Clive
A.M. Robertson. "Railway cases were seldom trivial" [Dr Watson].
Identifies and tabulates the Sherlock Holmes novels by Arthur Conan
Doyle which mentioned railway journeys: the most frequently used line was
the London & South Western, then the South Eastern Railway and the Great
Western Railway.
Michael Belshaw. Great Northern finale in Londonderry. 229.
A legal battle to keep the GNR(I) Derry Road open had been lost
D.H. Landau. A super "Black Five". 230-1. illustration, diagram
A highly realistic might-have-been of marrying the last Caprotti-fitted
Class 5 chassis with the 250 psi No. 2A boiler would have produced a locomotive
greater in power and reliability than the Jubilee class.
"Spinner". Spit and polish — 1908 style. 232-3.
Circular from R.M. Deeley, Locomotive Superintendent of the Midland
Railway, issued 24 August 1908 announcing an awards scheme for good husbandry
of locomotives leading to paid holiday.
W.J.K. Davies. Light railway notes. 236-7
Réseau Breton Mallet 0-6-6-0T 410 class built by Piguet et
Cie at Lyon Anzin.
R.E.G. Read and Gordon Biddle. Around and about our stations:
Booking halls. 237-8.
Drawing of Kenilworth; photographs of Wolverhampton Low Level and
Nottingham Victoria
Book reviews. 239-40
Patrick Stirling's locomotives. L.T.C. Rolt.
Hamish Hamilton. 64pp.
M.J. did not like the layout which led to bleeding out of the detail
of the locomotives (chimneys missing, etc) and did not like the use of a
second colour.
Railways, 1—to the end of the 19th century. T.M. Simmons.
HMSO. 48pp. Reviewed by MJ
Guide, with colour illustrations to the railway exhibits.
Letters to the Editor. 240-2.
Penrhyn Castle Museum. J.M. Dunn
May I draw your attention to two points concerning LNWR engine No.
1054 in the excellent article in your February issue? No. 1054 is not fitted
with Joy's Valve Gear but with Stephenson—or more correctly Howe's-link
motion. No. 1054, as No. 7799 of the LMS was definitely stationed at Bangor
in 1929 and would have taken its turn in working regular trains between Llandudno
Junction and Afonwen. It was not fitted with the vacuum controlled regulator
gear for push-and-pull working until April 1946.
The Locomotive Club of Great Britain: K.A.C.R. Nunn [obituary].
It is with deep regret that we announce the death of our President,
K.A.C.R. Nunn, on April 8, at the age of 73.He became our first President
in 1949 and frequently attended meetings, dinners and rail tours. He was
a keen rail way photographer all his life and a great enthusiast and well
known all over the country for his railway articles and photographs. He often
gave very interesting lectures which were illustrated by photographs from
his famous and historic collection. He was also a great authority on the
Great Eastern Railway on which he worked and he retired from British Railways,
Eastern Region Public Relations Department in 1951. His helpful and cheerful
personality will be sadly missed by all his friends and enthusiasts and the
railway world has suffered a great loss with his passing.
Number 302 (July 1965)
J.M. Tolson. The Wrexham & Ellesmere line — II. 244-7+
Description of route as then extant for freight
Steam in Europe: Switzerland, photographed by Brian Stephenson. 248-9
Cecil J. Allen. Half-a-century of train travel—No. 41. Midland
train services of 1905. 250-5.
Rather hectic dash through main express train services and associated
motive power.
Campbell Highet. Reading in the 1920s. 258-61.
Family moved from Worcester to Reading in 1915. Acquired a quarter
plate camera (some of his photographs reproduced). Saw ambulance trains,
the Great Bear and was greatly impressed by introduction of 47XX and
Castle classes.
Restored LNER Pacific No. 4472 Flying Scotsman approaching Devizes
with Ian Allan Pullman: painting by V. Welch. 262-3.
Colour plate: special to Ilfracombe on 19 October 1963: reproduced
permnission D. Seaton.
Norman Harvey. Secondary routes in the North East. 266-70+
Performance recorded by Herbert Gelder: D17 No. 1633 hauled Leeds
to Bridlington express in 1933; D20 class between Scarborough and Bridlington
and reverse in 1931. Records of runs between Bridlington and Hull behind
B1 and D49/1 made in 1948. Detailed logs of Driffield to Bridlington trains
hauled by K3, D49 and LMS Class 4 2-6-0, and fast running between Hull and
Selby behind D49 No. 62722 Huntingdonshire on 20 April 1953.
R.E.G. Read and Gordon Biddle. Around and about our stations:
Signs past and present. 274-5.
Includes Staleybridge Joint Railway Station sign which survived into
British Railways ownership.
Gatehouse of Fleet church. 275.
Grounded Caledonian Railway carriage.
Book reviews. 279-80
British railway tunnels. Alan Blower. Ian Allan. 108pp. Reviewed
by HS
Some mis-spellings noted by reviewer.
The Reseau Breton. R.G. Harman. Branch Line Handbooks. 40pp.
. Reviewed by HS
Translation of a French booklet written by Rozé
Swiss motive power survey. C.W. Sex and B.J. Prigmore.
Electric Railway Society. 36pp. Reviewed by MJ
Despite the virtual demise of the steam locomotive in Switzerland
the country has a considerable attraction for railway enthusiasts who can
combine alpine holidays with explorations of the modern and highly efficient
Swiss railway network, which features integrated services between the
nationalised Federal Railways system and the many private railways. A few
years ago the Electric Railway Society produced a booklet Swiss Loco Survey;
the present title is an enlargement of the earlier edition brought up-to-date
and broadened to include motor coaches and railcars of the principal standard
and metre gauge lines. Among the standard gauge railways included are the
Swiss Federal, BLS, South Eastern, Bodensee-Toggenburg, Emmental-Burgdorf-Thun
group and the Gruyere-Fribourg-Morat, The metre gauge lines include the Rhaetian,
Furka-Oberalp, Visp-Zermatt and the Brunig line of the Swiss Federal also
such local lines as the Lucerne-Stans-Engelberg and the
Montreux-Oberland-Bernois, but not for example the comparable Bernese Oberland
Railway from Interlaken or purely mountain railways. Details for each class
include the numbering series, wheel arrangements, horse power and thumbnail
historical details. The book is sufficiently up-to-date to include the Swiss
Federal's new Zurich suburban stock which is only now being delivered. The
booklet is a duplicated production but is not illustrated.
The Glasgow & South Western Railway. Campbell Highet.
Oakwood Press. 92pp. Reviewed by MJ
The popular series of Oakwood Press railway histories is normally
confined to the smaller companies unsuited to treatment in a major history.
The latest in the Oakwood library, is devoted to a relatively small company
but one which was among the five major Scottish railways, the Glasgow &
South Western. It was a compact system, with a virtual monopoly in most of
the area it served, although it was in competition with the Caledonian for
Clyde Coast and Ardrossan traffic and, in alliance with the Midland, rivalled
the West Coast partnership for Anglo-Scottish traffic. Indeed the emnity
between the GSW and the Caledonian was considerable and was doubtless behind
the GSW's association with the Midland rather than the Caledonian's English
partner, the LNWR. In fact the GSW's adoption of Midland red for its coaching
stock in 1884 made it seem that the Midland had extended its territory into
Scotland. The author describes in some detail the historical develop ment
of the GSW and the rivalries with the Caledonian which lasted until the grouping
in 1923. The story of the Portpatrick & Wigtownshire Joint is itself
fascinating especially in the early stages when the Great Northern (of England)
and the Belfast & County Down were involved. Like all Oakwood histories,
various aspects of the railway are described, including locomotives, rolling
stock, signalling engineering works, train services and, in this case, steamer
services also. Particularly interesting are the ramifications of the Midland
Scottish Joint stock coaches used for Anglo-Scottish services running over
the GSW. The Glasgow & South Western was also in the forefront of carriage
design and, like its neighbours, produced some of the largest non-corridor
stock in the country, 68-70ft in length and carried on 12 wheels. Sixteen
pages of half tone illustrations, which have suffered from poor printing,
maps and appendices listing mileages, chief officers and dates of openings
and closures, but not an Index, complete a compact and entertaining account
of one of the lesser publicised railways, which can be recommended without
Letters to the editor. 281.
Coronation" Class Performance. H.F. Maybank
In his interesting article" For the Last Time?" in your March issue
Norman Harvey mentions the running between Banbury and Paddington on a Locomotive
Club of Great Britain special of June 21 last year, by "Coronation" Pacific
No. 46251 with an eight-coach train. I was on this special myself, and can
confirm from my own observation the high maximum and minimum speeds recorded
by Mr. J. G. McEwan. I think, however, that the most remarkable feat by No.
46251 on this occasion was on the Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton section, where
we ran the 10.60 miles from Upton Magna to Hollinswood summit (service slack
to 45 m.p.h. at Wellington included) in l 0min 3sec. Even with a train of
290 tons only, this was a remarkable performance, if one considers the gradient
profile of this stretch-about three-quarters of it uphill at gradients varying
between 1 in 220 and 1 in 120. We also touched 90 m.p.h. before making a
stop at Cosford. However, I have experienced an outstanding run with a "
Coronation" Pacific even more recently than this; the occasion was the Ian
AlIan Locospotters' Excursion to Crewe on September 1, this time with No.
46245 and a 10-coach train of about 370 tons gross. Particularly striking
was a net time of 82min or less for the 84.10 miles from High Wycombe to
Birmingham. From Princes Risborough to. Bicester we averaged exactly 80 m.p.h.,
and we had minima of 63+ at Ardley and 53 at Hatton.
GWR Railcars. S.A. Staddon
With reference to the recent article in which was mentioned the loan
of two railcars to the LNER and to Mr. Bertram's letter on this subject,
I recall seeing car No. 19 at Newcastle Central on April 18, 1944; it was
then working the Newcastle to North Wylarn service in place of a G5 on a
push-and-pull set. This was the type of service on which one would expect
a railcar to be tried out and I doubt if it ever worked to Consett. I have
never seen a G5 working to Consett and certainly not 1737 which at that time
was a Hull engine and has never subsequntly been in the Newcastle district.
The Consett line was worked by A8s, N8s and VIs. After a week or two at Newcastle
No. 19 went to Starbeck and was tried out on a number of G5 turns from
Harrogate—I do not think it ever worked from York. Of railcar No. 6
which was stated to be on loan at the same time I have heard no mention.
Perhaps some other reader can say where it worked. The railcar on loan in
1952 was W20W which was on trial around Leeds in August and then in Lincolnshire
in September. This would appear to have been in connection with the later
introduction of diesel multiple units to these areas.
Number 306 (November)
W.A. Tuplin. The ill-fated "Leader". 413-15.
Someone once said that Bulleid's Southern Region Leader class 0-6-6-0
locomotive was intended as a replacement for the Drummond M7 class 0-4-4T
but this may have been just a joke. Yet it is interesting to consider in
what field of railway service the special characteristics of the Leader class
might have justified themselves.
Its first uncommon characteristic (for such a large locomotive) was that
the whole weight including that of fuel and water was carried on driving
wheels. The ratio of adhesion weight to total weight was 100% and this cannot
be beaten, but in what circumstances is this ratio more valuable than the
0.4 that is representative of steam locomotives for main line passenger service?
Only where the resistance to motion is so much greater than usual that the
full power of the engine can be demanded at low speed. This is the case either
on very steep gradients or during acceleration, that is on mountainous routes
or in suburban service with heavy trains and short distances between stops.
Great Britain has no busy main lines of the first type, and the other class
of service is better covered by multiple-unit electric traction which has
the great advantage that the load itself contributes to the adhesion weight.
The problem of designing a long locomotive in such a way that it can run
round sharp curves has been tackled in various ways during the history of
the steam locomotive, and the one devised by H. W. Garratt in about 1910
is probably the best. At all events, its principle was adopted by Bulleid,
and the description by H.A.V. Bulleid
in Master Builders of Steam of the Leader as a "sophisticated
Garratt" is a good one. In details, however, the " Leader" was well distinguished
from all other Garratts, and the "aims" behind the special features were
admirable. The welding of joints in the boiler avoided the need for rivets
and the "water-legs" or "water-walls" that surround the firebox in the
conventional locomotive boiler were abandoned in the Bulleid boiler with
the advantage of eliminating hundreds of stays, many of which are prone to
fracture. The water-walls were replaced by thick fire-brick walls, but the
loss of heat through them was noticeable, without using any measuring instrument,
by anyone standing close to them, and one must suspect that the boiler-efficiency
was low. To offset this feature were four thermic syphons, which must surely
have had stays approximating in total number to those in a conventional boiler
of the same size. There have been many attempts in the past to achieve the
ideals sought by Bulleid in designing the boiler of the Leader, but none
gained lasting success and it may be doubted whether the Bulleid boiler would
have proved superior to any of them.
Lubrication of the mechanism of the conventional steam locomotive is wasteful
because oil, once used by passing between sliding surfaces, is allowed to
leak away beyond recovery. Bulleid was acutely conscious of the difference
between this "total-loss" system and the lubrication of a motor-car engine
from which, at least until it is considerably worn, the escape of oil is
very small indeed. In the Southern Pacifies he attempted to achieve
total-enclosure of the running gear of the inside cylinder and of all the
valve gear. To make such an assembly oil-tight would be very difficult; indeed
the oil-consumption of the Pacifies was as high as that of conventional
locomotives of similar size on other lines. Conditions in the Leader may
have been more favourable but the engine did not run far enough to demonstrate
how efficient it was in this respect.
Each bogie had three cylinders—50% more than was necessary. Each piston
worked in a sleeve moved by the valve gear in such a way that holes in the
sleeve admitted steam to the cylinder-ends in appropriate relation to the
movements of the piston.
Sleeve-valves of this general type were used in motor-car engines about 50
years ago, with the advantage of avoiding the noise made by poppet-valves
and their mechanism, but there is no possible gain of this kind in relation
to conventional piston-valves in steam engines. The cylinders of the Leader
were made to use steam on the Uniflow principle, the exhaust being through
a belt of ports spread round the circumference of the cylinder at its middle,
and exposed by the piston to the steam in either end of the cylinder when
the piston was near the opposite end of its stroke. The system offers the
advantage that incoming steam is not cooled by metal exposed to exhaust steam;
although this feature has been of use in stationary steam engines, trials
of the Uniflow system in locomotives were not sufficiently successful to
justify extensive adoption of the principle.
In each power-bogie the three pistons drove cranks in the middle axle, from
the outer ends of which chains conveyed torque to the adjacent axles. Chain
drives, probably never previously used in an installation of this type and
size, were thus employed as an alternative to the well-tried coupling rods.
In place of the conventional axle-boxes sliding vertically in horn-blocks,
Bulleid fitted the Leader with axle-guides in which the relative motion was
accommodated by shear-deformation of rubber elements. This had the great
advantage of avoiding the wear that occurs in conventional hornblocks and
the harsh vibration resulting from the fore-and-aft play in running. The
elasticity of the rubber is in elementary principle advantageous in diminishing
the ill-effects of inaccuracies in chains or coupling-rods but only experience
in service could make one quite confident about this.
Long before Bulleid joined the Southern Railway, that company was making
much use of electrification and was extending the system. Multiple-unit electric
stock was naturally used for the suburban services but electric locomotives
seemed likely to be adopted for longer distances. Bulleid was, perhaps,
influenced by some idea that compliance with conventional ideas of appearance
of electric locomotives might please the management and, if so, this might
explain why he enclosed the Leader in a casing of uniform cross section with
a passageway connecting driver's compartments at each end. To provide the
passageway the boiler had to be offset laterally from the natural central
position and ballast had to be added to bring the centre of gravity back
to the central longitudinal plane of the locomotive. The enclosure of the
boiler in the casing made conditions unbearably hot for the fireman, and
a concession was made to him by thickening the brick walls of the firebox
and this considerably reduced the grate-area.
It seems that the casing might have been better omitted and that the conventional
housing of both men in a central cab would have been a more satisfactory
arrangement. Contrary to the opinions of a tramcar-driver, the projection
of 40ft of locomotive ahead of the driver does not seriously impede his safe
handling of the train and it does give him protection in any head-end collision.
Before there had been sufficient time to test the Leader thoroughly,
nationalisation set in and the new regime was not enthusiastic about the
sophisticated Garratt. Its design was certainly opposed in many ways to the
current concepts of what a steam locomotive should be and it is not surprising
that the project was allowed to die. How might an effort have been made to
ascertain whether the Garratt had a place in British Railways operation?
How might one have tried out the Garratt principle separ- ately from the
sophistications that Bulleid built into the Leader? By building a Garratt
with no other unconventional feature.
For simplicity each bogie should have two outside cylinders and no others.
If the six wheels are to be coupled, the cylinders must be placed either
ahead of the wheels or behind them and in either case the overhang is excessive
unless a pony truck is added. In that case the wheel- arrangement naturally
becomes 2-6-0+0-6-2 which is that of the LMS Garratts of which 33 were in
service for almost 30 years. They were used almost exclusively in freight
service but after nationalisation they were abandoned in favour of 2-10-0s.
The enclosure of the mechanism had not been successful in the Southern Pacifies
and nowhere had the conventional locomotive boiler been superseded by any
other type in locomotives with more than 45ft2 of grate area.
It is thus hard to criticise the BR decision not to press on with trying
to perfect the Leader. Before doing so it would have been useful first to
see what could be made of the LMS Garratts by remorseless testing in all
service conditions and correcting the deficieucies thus revealed. Simultane-
ously, the other special features of the Leader might have been tested one
at a time in otherwise conventional locomotives, This would have taken
time—but time was what Bulleid did not have.
Illustrations: first of Bulleid's Leader class locomotives. No. 36001
the only one to undergo trials, heads a special train from Eastleigh in August
1950. (S.C. Townroe); first Leader class 0-6-6-0Ts, No. 36001, stands at
Eastleigh shed on 21 October 1950. (H. C. Casserley); close view of bogie
of Leader class locomotive No. 36003 at New Cross Gate in 1950. On the extreme
right can be seen the front of No. 36002. (K.S. Dobson); partly completed
third Leader No. 36003. (H.M. Madgwwick)
Cecil J. Allen. Half-a-century of train travel—No. 45. Great Eastern summer services of 1905. 416-22.
C. Hamilton Ellis. Bavarian baroque. 423+
Cartoon (superior drawing) of locomotive with Hall cranks
J.S. Curtis. Old Euston. Part 3. The new rises from the old. 424-7.
LNWR electrification and BR electrification; chronology and photographs
of devastation.
Margaret Wilson. Some impressions of New Zealand Railways. 428-31.
Impressive stations in Aukland and Wellington and suburban electric
services at latter.
The Cowes and Ventnor lines. 432-6.
Black & white photo-feature
L.J. Thompson. Northamptonshire tunnels. 437-9.
Kilsby, Catesby and Hunsbury Hill plus completre list and map
J. Graeme Bruce. Q stock metamorphosis. 440-4.
Formed in 1938 from C, D and E classes of District line stock in
M-T-T-M-T-M formations where M=motor and T=trailer. There wereo some 2 car
units which were added to the east end of the Q sets.
Letters to the Editor. 445
L & Y Club Trains. John Marshall.
Re June issue the reference to the construction of the L&YR Club
Train, questioned by Mr. Bardsley, The answer is that the design work
was carried out at Horwich and the coaches were built at Newton Heath, apart
from various steel parts such as wheels, axles, springs and drawgear which
were made at Horwich. It was a period of administrative change on the L&Y.
On July 1, 1899, John Aspinall, who had been in charge of the carriage and
wagon department since 1896, became general manager and was succeeded as
CME by H. A. Hoy, J. Howarth was works manager at Newton Heath until March
26, 1902, when he was succeeded by H. N. Gresley. There can be little doubt
that the design and construction of the Club Train were influenced more by
Aspinall than by anyone else.
Reseau Breton. C.F.D. Whetmath
With reference to the review in your July issue of our recent publication"
Reseau Breton ", I was surprised to see your reviewer cribbing at the use
of the term "narrow-gauge" to describe the metre gauge. As the book does
not describe a line in the British Commonwealth the reviewer's comment that
it caused confusion to a Commonwealth reader is hardly relevant. All other
sources refer to the Reseau Breton as being narrow gauge; I would refer the
reviewer, inter alia, to "Railway World" August 1962, "Narrow Gauge Railways
in Europe" by P. B. Whitehouse, and" French Light Railways" by W. J. K. Davies,
a recent book in which your reviewer failed to comment on the fact.
Reading in the 1920s. E.S. Youldon..
The article" Reading in the 1920s " suggests that all the 47XX class
were turned out with the No. 1 boiler. In fact, only the first, No. 4700
itself was so equipped and ran thus from 1919 to 1921. The remainder, Nos.
4701-8, were built from the start with the larger No. 7 boiler in 1922-23.
R.E.G. Read and Gordon Biddle. Footbridges—1. 450-1.
Photographs of concrete bridge at Wood End platform in 1952; braced
girder structure at North Walsham, M&GN in 1954; plate girder structure
at Warmley; close-up of GWR maonogram at Box and drawing of ornamental work
at Daybrook.
W.J.K. Davies. Light railway notes. 452.
Aberford Railway: private railway which ran from junction with Leeds
& Selby line from Garforth. Collieries were served en route.