Macaulay's Modern railway working and "Bell"'s Railway mechanical engineering
These two works are clearly related: they even share a common cover design with an embossed loocomotive featured within a similar pattern. The first was seen in Norwich's Millennium Library and the latter was reinspected at the Library of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum. Both works follow a similar pattern: long (mainly) signed articles which are divided into Chapters with many figures. There are some folding figures and tables, and in Volume 7 some railway posters are reproduced in colour. Parts of this work were revised and reissued as Railway mechanical engineering (below) and other parts (including the opening historical section as revised by F.H. Graveson) were reissued as Modern railway adminsitration in 1925 (Ottley 3704). Macaulay was also the author of a paper presented to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Coal-shipping appliances and hydraulic power-plant at the Alexandra (Newport and Soute Wales) Docks and Railway, Newport, Mon. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1906, 71, 435-65. Disc.: 466-98 + Plates 65-65.
Macaulay, J.
Modern railway working: a practical treatise by engineering and administrative
experts... London: Gresham, 1912-14. 8v.
Macaulay was the General Manager of the Alexandra (Newport & South
Wales) Docks & Railway. He was assisted by Cyril Hall. One very disconcerting
feature of the volumes is that the work is also divided into four sections
and these do not correspond with changes in the volumes: in one case an
individual contribution extends over two volumes. A handful of contributions
ae not signed..
Volume 1
Section 1: The history, constitution and management of railways.
Hall, Cyril: The early history of the railway. 3-68.
Sadly this begins badly by quoting the myth that tramway is derived
from "Outram-way" and cites Stretton for this useless gem. The story extends
back to Cugnot, Murdoch, Watt's patented steam carriage, Trevithick's high
pressure engine to the Pen-y-darren locomotive shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows
Trevithick's Wylam or Newcastle locomotive; Figure 11: Blenkinsop's rack
locomotive (Murray's invention of the D valve is recorded). Chapter III:
1813-1825. Figure 12: Hedley's test carriage (to establish adhesion between
an iron wheel and an iron rail); Figure 13 Puffing Billy. Hackworth
is discussed on pages 29-32. Figure 14: SDR No. 1;. Figure 15 Royal
George (Hackworth 0-6-0). Figure 16. Stephenson's Experiment.
The Stephensons are covered on page 32 et seq. Figure 18: Stephenson's
Killingworth locomotive. Pp 36-7 covers Stephenson's discovery of the value
of the blast. Figure 21 Locomotion. Chapter IV Liverpool
and Manchester Railway. Chapter V. The triumph of the locomotive. This considers
the Rainhill trials and the Rocket's boiler is considered in depth (Figure
27). Figure 28 Sanspareil. Figure 29 Novelty. Figure 34
Northumbrian. Figure 35 Planet. Figure 36 Mercury including
its convertion from 2-2-0 to 2-2-2. Otttley 3704 notes how this section
was revised by F.H. Graveson and issued as Modern railway administration
in 1925. KPJ postulates that what must have been a fairly widely available
reference work probably coloured subsequent locomotive histories.
McDermott, E. The constitution of railway companies: their
financial and legal status. 69-126.
Mileham, E.C. The law relating to railways. 127-56.
Phillp, S.M. The manipulation of passenger traffic. 157-84.
Bell, A.R. and others.
Railway mechanical engineering: a practical treatise by engineering
experts. London, Gresham, 1923. 2 v. (xii, 290 + x, 284 p.) illus.,
A standard work according to KPJ in Steam locomotive development:
more recent re-inspection (at Coalbrookdale) shows that it is a strange work
as it lacks an overall Editor. A very brief introduction notes that the work
is related to J. Macaulay's Modern railway working (an 8 volume work
of 1912-1914: Ottley 3738). Most of the individual contributions are
arranged in chapters. There is an extensive index which covers both volumes...The
contributions are as follows:
Thomas Nash Tests of materials used in British locomotive
construction, 1, 1-18 (revised by William Cleland);
A.R. Bell Modern locomotive design, 1, 19-83:
S. Warner The design and construction of carriages and wagons,
1, 85-260;.
Sir Henry Fowler Railway carriage
lighting, 1, 261-90;
G.N. Shawcross (of Horwich Works) Locomotive workshop practice and
equipment, 2, 1-82,:
Walter Chalmers (CME of NBR) Locomotive maintenance and repair,
2, 83-119;
Sir Philip Dawson Electric traction on railways, 2, 121-258.
Appendix in Volume 2 is entitled Care of the locomotive
includes the duties of cleaners, drivers, handling injectors and the
preparation of trimmings.