Cylinders & valve gears


MACHINING locomotive cylinders at Doncaster Works, L.N.E.R. Rly Gaz., 1935, 63, 537-8. 2 illus.

The manufacture of monobloc cylinders for 3 cylinder locomotives: details of the practice applied at Doncaster Works of the London & North Eastern Railway. Rly Engr. 1932, 53, 340-3. 6 illus., 2 diagrs.
Both of the above refer to the manufacture of monobloc cylinder castings which were applied to several designs.

Rave, G.A.
[Discussion on :]
Spencer, B.
Some features of locomotive design. J. lnstn Loco. Engrs, 1924, 14, 216-21.Disc. :221-7. (Paper No. 158).
Spencer outlined some design desideratta which included Belpaire fireoxes. Musgrave presented a defence of the Doncaster traditions.

Hinds, C.N.
Joints and jointing materials. J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1923, 13, 581-4. Disc.: 584-94. (Paper No. 146).
Doncaster practice.

Valve gears

British Transport Commission. Handbook for railway steam locomotive men. 1957.
Characterised by the clarity of its diagrams: see end of this page for examples from it.

Evans, Martin. Model locomotive valve gears. London: Percival Marshall. 98pp.
Although aimed at model engineers, and thus largely devoid of information about poppet valves the book does survey most other types: Stephenson link, Gooch and Allan straight link, Joy (including modified external form), and radial valve gears: Hackworth, Marshall (1879), Walschaerts, Baker, Jones', Beames', Greenly's connected motion, valve gears for multiple cylinders: Churchward and Deeley scissors type and Gresley.
Shields, T.H. (Paper No. 443) The evolution of locomotive valve gears. J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1943, 33, 368-448. Disc.: 448-60. 1944, 34, 260. 2 illus., 100 diagrs., 2 tables. Bibliog.
Corrections and additions were publshed in Journal 179 (p. 260);

Gresley designs

Derived valve gear

The Walschaerts-Gresley valve gear was the source of much criticism, which is partly answered in Holcroft's article, where it is stated that "it may be recalled that in recent times a speed of 125 m.p.h. was attained by one of the L.N.E.R. "Pacifics' fitted with Gresley gear. Cox was involved in a report on the arrangement for Thompson.

CONJUGATED valve gears. Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1949, 55, 41-2. 5 diagrs.

Holcroft, H.: Conjugated valve gears for locomotives : their history and development. Engineer, 1946, 181, 145-7; 168-70; 192-3.21 diagrs. Reviews the development of derived valve gear on the L.N.E.R.

Locomotive adventure : fifty years with steam.
Pp. 90-3 outline Holcrofts' contact with Gresley.

VALVE-SETTING for three-cylinder engines fitted with Walschaerts-Gresley gear. Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1931, 37, 30-2.2 diagrs.

WHO invented the "Gresley' gear. Rly Gaz., 1941, 75, 607-8.
Editorial comment, answered much later by Holcroft.