Journal of the Railway & Canal
Historical Society This year lacked cntinuous pagination |
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Edmonds, Tim. Some observations on transport history
book publishing: a view from the first seven years of the R&CHS Book
Awards. 2-6.
Survey of the Society's Book Awards which are funded by the David
St John Thomas Charitable Trust. There vhas tended to be a shortage of titles
on canals and on other non-railway transport subjects. Table 1 lists all
the titles that had received awards between 2004 and 2010 and the relationship
between them and reviews in the Journal. There has been a downward
trend in the number of books submitted for review tabulated in Table 2. Middleton
Press, Oakwood Press and Ian Allan (and its subsidiaries) are the dominant
commercial publishers. Societies represent 13% the source of publications
submitted for review; self-publishing contributed 5%, but only 2% came from
academic presses. Picture books have not increased in number. Edmonds considers
that there is likely to remain a significant market for books: KPJ would
question this with the increasing dominance of the Kindle and the decline
in retail outlets.
Cox, John. The Exeter Great Western Railway: failed broad gauge route
to the South West. 7-10.
Proposed broad gauge line from Yeovil to Exeter through Crewkerne,
Axminster and Honiton: project would have involved several tunnels but was
intended for high speeds. Parliament rejected the proposed railway in
Shill, Ray. Burton on Trent Canal and river trade. 11-22.
Examines the various landed interests who sought to gain by encouraging,
or otherwise, navigation upon the River Trent; also records those who particpated
in the barge traffic and the commodities carried both in association with
brewing at Burton and as far as Willington.
Shackleton, Frank. A terrible accident. 23-33.
At Welshampton, Shropshire, on 11 June 1897 involving an excursion
from Royton on the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway to Barmouth via the
Cambrian Railways. The accident, a derailment, happened on the return journey
at about 22.00 and led to eleven deaths and 27 people were injured. The
excursion had been organised by the Royton United Sunday Schools and although
those killed were mainly young they were not children as stated in some accounts
of the accident given by Baughan
and Christiansen and Miller and this
is traced to C.P. Gasquoine's The story of the Cambrian (1922 note
corrected title Ottley 5670). The train had been hauled by Cambrian Railways
0-6-0 locomotives Nos. 75 and 77 and the leading vehicle of the train was
an old four-wheel brake van owned by the L&YR. The Inspecting Officer
Colonel Yorke blamed poor track and speed excessive to that track nwhilst
exonerating the footplate crews. George Owen, the Cambrian engineer, William
Ashton, the locomotive superintendent and George Hughes at that time in charge
of LYR rolling stock were all involved in the inquiry. There are illustrations
of the memorials erected at Royton and at Welshampton. See also letters
from Peter Johnson (Issue 211 p. 55),
R. Maund (211 p. 57), and responses to them from
Frank Shackleton (Issue 211 p. 58) and again reply
from author in 212 page 42..
Watts-Russell, Penny. Travelling steam: Pascoe Grenfell
MP and the London Northern Railroad. 34-46.
The railway aimed to connect London with the Cromford & High Peak
Railway and was originally envisaged as taking a direct route via Northampton,
but this was altered to a route up the Lea Valley to Cambridge, to Peterborough.
Oakham, Loughborough, where it branched to Nottingham and Derby and thence
to Cromford. Pascoe Grenfell was its promoter and Chairman and the Board
was packed with the aristocracy. The company emerged in 1825 and remained
active on paper until 1830 when it re-emerged as the London Northern Railway,
but the author suggests that aome of the remaining finance may have become
invested in the Midland Counties Railway. It was promoted by
Pascoe Grenfell and
Thomas Richardson was also
involved: the article includes portraits of both. The article notes that
several well-known engineers, notably the Stephensons, Chapman and Locke,
were involved in this project.
Scowcroft, Philip. Aspects of the LNER Music Society. 47-9..
Describes both local events in Doncaster where prior to WW2 there
was both an amateur choir and orchestra running under Company auspices and
major events in London and in Edinburgh. The former wwas a concert in the
Queen's Hall on 26 June 1925 to celebrate the Stockton & Darlington Railway
Centenary and was organised for delegates to the International Railway Congress.
The Edinburgh event took place on 10 April 1926 at the Usher Hall and involved
a special train which left Liverpool Street No. 10 Platform at 07.02, called
at Cambridge and Ely to pick up parties from Norwich (depart 06.33) and
Colchester (depart 05.45); then advanced via Peterborough North, Doncaster
and York and arrived in Edinburgh at 17.19 just in time for a rehearsal at
17.45 and the concert at 19.30. Breakfast, lunch and tea were served en route.
Sleeping accommodation was provided in trains in Waverley station: the musicians
were then treated to a view the Forth Bridge whilst breakfast was eaten.
On return the special left Waverley at 10.35 and reached Liverpool Street
at 20.30 with meals provided.
Correspondence. 50-1.
The world's first railway
system. Reg Davies.
Comment on Gordon Biddle's caustic comments on Mark Casson's
counterfactual approach to the British railway "network"
The world's first railway
system. John Poulter.
Comment on Gordon Biddle's caustic comments on Mark Casson's
counterfactual approach to the British railway "network"
Encounters with waterways history:
Willan, Hadfield and Rolt. Jean Lindsay. 51.
Note on Hadfield's aversion to economic history annual meeting was
due to its concentration on gossip and pulling strings for academic
Pneumatic dispatch. Miles
Macnair. (RCHS Journal, November 2010,160-164)
As a postscript reference to this interesting article, readers may
like reminding that Thomas Webster Rammell 's pneumatic patents of 1856-83
had been anticipated by that other prolific patentee, William Henry James
in his patent 9473 of 1842. This was lauded by the Mechanics Magazine for
offering the potential of very high speed mail transit over inter-city distances.
(RCHS Journal, November 2007,682-3)
Ward's tramroad. Peter Brown.
Encounters with Waterways History:
Willan, Hadfield and Rolt. Jean Lindsay (RCHS Journal, November
2010, 146). 51
Joseph Boughey's article was interesting and timely. Willan, Hadfield
and Rolt deserve to be remembered for their achievements and contribution
to the development of the study of transport history. I should like to make
one small point, which illustrates perhaps Hadfield's character. Boughey
states that the economic history annual meeting daunted Hadfield because
of its 'academic tone', but the version I had from him was that the reason
why he never attended again was that its main purpose was an opportunity
for gossip, and the pulling of strings for any academic post that was vacant.
He felt an outsider, and that he had not been made to feel welcome. No doubt
this was unintentional, but Hadfie1d retained a strong memory of this unpleasant
Ward's tram road. Peter Brown (RCHS
Journal; November 2010, 168)
In my article about the P1as Kynaston Canal I speculated that in about
1830 T E Ward built a tramroad about 1,000 yards long from the end of the
Plas Kynaston Canal to his Plas Kynaston Colliery. I based this assumption
on the map of 1829 showing what appeared to be his proposal for a canal the
full way to the colliery, and the Ordnance Survey map of 1873 which showed
the trarnroad.
However, there is no hint of the railway on the on the statutory deposit
maps for railway proposals in 1845 and 1846.1 Assuming these maps are accurate,
and they certainly seem to be in other respects, there are two obvious
possibilities. Ward could have built the trarnroad but it had been abandoned
by 1845; ifit had not become used as a footpath, it may not have been considered
worth noting by the various surveyors. Then for some reason it was reinstated
in later years. Alternatively, it was not made until after 1845. In 1845
the Shrewsbury-Chester railway was being planned, its route virtually passing
through the site of Ward's Plas Kynaston Colliery. Ward died in 1854 but
the colliery continued for several years. A new Plas Kynaston colliery was
sunk to the east of the GWR line, and was active from 1865 until 1897.2 For
the colliery owners to build an old- fashioned horse-drawn tramroad to a
canal after the railway had opened seems illogical, yet in 1873 this trarnroad
certainly existed and was owned by the colliery company.'
A possible explanation for the tram road being built or reopened in the late
1860s was Robert Graesser's chemical works. This was built in 1867 alongside
the Plas Kynaston Canal with the intention of producing shale oil from colliery
waste. The old Plas Kynaston Colliery had been one of the largest collieries
in the area, so would have been an appropriate source of the raw material.
Indeed, the railway does not terminate at the end of the canal but crosses
it and goes to the chemical works. After a few years Graesser found this
process uneconomic, and switched to making phenols from tars and wastes from
gas works.'
I. Birkenhead, Chester, Mold, Ruabon & Vale of Llangollen Railway, deposited
plan, 1845: Denbighshire Record Office, Ruthin (DRO), QSD/DR/36; Shrewsbury
& Chester Railway, deposited plan, 1846: DRO, QSD/DR/43
2. G G Lerry, The Collieries of Denbighshire, 2nd edition, 1968, 132
3. Birkenhead, North Wales & Stafford Railway, deposited plan and reference
book, 1871: DRO, QSD/DR/l91
4. R Graesser Ltd 1867-1967: DRO, NTD/98; Ifor Edwards, 'History of Monsanto
Chemical Works', DHST, vol.16 (196), 128-48
Reviews. 52-
The Great Western Railway in the First World War. Sandra Gittins.
History Press. 256pp. Reviewed by Philip Scowcroft.
"A very full, detailed survey of the subject". Many of the illustrations
came from the GWR Magazine.
The Railway Operating Division on the Western Front:
the Royal Engineers in France and Belgium 1915-1919. William Aves.
Shaun Tyas. 208pp. Reviewed by Grahame Boyes. [52-3]
This book fills an important gap by concentrating on the ROD's 'broad'
(i.e. standard) gauge operations, rather than the tactical narrow-gauge lines
that have received most attention. Although the first Railway Company of
Royal Engineers landed in France within days of the onset of war, its role
was to repair the railway infrastructure; operation of the railways was still
the responsibility of the national railways. The ROD, employing largely volunteer
professional railwaymen from Britain and the empire, was not formed until
1915, when it was agreed that the British army should take over railway
operations supporting the British Expeditionary 52 Force. Part 1 of the book
(100 pages) describes the strategic roles of the standard gauge railways,
including the new lines and operational facilities that had to be built to
serve the 120-mile British front and the variety of traffics and train that
they handled. These included trains of troops and their horses from and to
the ports; ambulance trains and 'sick horse specials'; supply trains of food
and equipment; considerable movements of materials for building and repairing
railways and roads and, under cover of darkness, the deployment of rail-mounted
heavy guns and tanks. Chapters on the ROD's 50 locomotive depots and workshops
introduce Part 2, the 80 pages of which are devoted to the histories of the
1534 ROD engines that served on this front.
To avoid congestion in marshalling yards, the French practice of running
fixed-formation supply trains was adopted, but the overall scale ofthe railway
operations and how they were organised is now difficult to imagine. The focus
on locomotives will appeal to many, but others will wish for more information
on the volumes of traffic and the intensity of train working. How was it
all controlled day-to- day? Was there any form of timetabling? The book is
attractively produced, with a very interesting selection of photos.
To Western Scottish Waters by rail and steamers to the Isles. Robert N. Forsyth. Amberley Publishing. 160pp. Reviewed by Rodmey Hartley.
The London, Tilbury and Southend Railway: a history of the company and line. Volume 3. 1912-1939: the Midland and LMS years. Peter Kay. 88pp. Reviewed by Tony Kirby.
An encyclopaedia of Britain's bridges. David McFetrich. Kettering:
Priory Ash Publishing, 2010. 352pp. Reviewed by Martin Barnes.
About 1650 bridges are included in this catalogue and about half of
them are illustrated, mainly in colour.The author is a civil engineer and
the prose is precise
The Chiltern Railways story. Hugh Jones. History Press. 2010.
192pp. Reviewed by Tim Edmonds. [54]
"book gives a valuable insight into recent railway history"
Monorails of the world. David Voice. Adam Gordon. 96pp. Reviewed
by Miles McNair. [55]
It is difficult to recommend this expensive publication to members,
because the historical aspects of the development of monorail systems occupy
a relatively small portion of the book. But there are several rare illustrations
of early experiments although no mention of the pioneering maglev work of
Emile Bachelet before World War I.
Trains, coal and turf: transport in Emergency Ireland. Peter
Rigney. Reviewed by John King. [55]
It is always a pleasure to review a book that makes good use of primary
sources, covers new ground and is relevant to a wider audience. Such a rare
book is Peter Rigney's masterly work about an Irish railway during the Second
World War. The author's interest in the subject began after he examined the
files of the General Manager of the Great Southern Railways of Ireland. The
book could probably have been written from just the railway files but the
author endeavoured to examine all relevant primary material in Ireland and
Britain. The book is about the improvisation of the railway company during
the war. It contains many fascinating insights into Ireland's neutrality
and how it was openly and covertly subverted by many parties. Before the
war, the railway was dependent on quality South Wales coal which the British
reduced in retaliation for Ireland's denial of the use of its ports. The
author explains how the railway improvised with varying degrees of success
with other fuels. There was great hope that turf could be used successfully
as locomotive fuel but, by 1942, it was realised that it had no future.
The British policy was always problematic and almost self-defeating. There
was some pressure by civil servants for the quantity and quality of coal
exports to be improved as the Great Southern was reliant on coal for moving
cattle to the ports for export to Britain. At first any increase was rejected
but civil servants, with the connivance of their minister, 'manipulated shipments
within existing quotas.' The author gives several interesting examples of
the close co-operation between the two countries. When coaches and wagons
were destroyed during the Blitz on Belfast, the Irish railways helped by
the loan of buses, albeit with their markings obliterated. It is difficult
to criticise this book. The author could perhaps have brought out more of
the character of Sean Lemass who was the Minister for Supplies and who had
a hatred of the LMS Railway. But that is a small point when seen against
a major work of quality that brings new information on an important period
of Anglo-Irish history.
Engines of war: how wars were won and lost on the
railways. Christian Wolmar. Atlantic Books. 310pp. Reviewed by Philip
Scowcroft. [56]
There are too few maps and the bibliography is short, but the
book is eminently readable... It will surely becoame the standard work in
its field in English.
Ratgoed a study in slate: the slate, the quarries, the tramway
and social life of a Merionethshire valley. Sara Eade. Author. 132pp.
Reviewed by Tim Edmonds. [56-7]
A "fascinating selection of illustrations, including recent colour
photographs", but few direct references to sources and many captions
The essential guide to Welsh heritage and scenic railways.
Mervyn Jones. Oakwood. 192pp. Reviewed by Graham Bird.
Lost stations on the Far North Line. Keith Fenwick, Neil T.
Sinclair and Richard J. Ardern. Highland Railway Scociety. 60pp. Reviewed
by David St John Thomas
John Moss of Otterspool (1782-1858). Graham
Trust. Author. 253pp. Reviewed by Gordon Biddle. 58
Biographical material in review
used to make brief entry herein (it is worth noting that
Reed fails to incorporate sufficient
information about Moss to create an entry and that the book under review
provides a solid link between finance gained from slavery and railway
promotion. Reviewer is critical of the book's construction which makes excessive
use of footnotes and on the bibliography. Nevertheless, primary sourcees
have clearly been used: mainly letters between Moss and Sir John
Blood on the tracks. David Brandon and Alan Brooke. History
Press. 192pp. Reviewed by Adrian Gray.
Crime on the railways: intended for the "general reader" Murder represents
about 40% of the content. Fraud is largely limited to Hudson and Redpath.
Very little on terrorism. Prize fighting is limited to one incident. Some
errors were noted: Mangham not Margham: a criminal gang of the 1950s. Sometimes
there is a lack of context. Sources not cited.
Doctor Griffiths' Tramroad and Canal. Robert Large.
Pontypridd Museum. 52pp. Reviewed by Gerald Leach. 59
Richard Griffiths (1756-1826), a medical practitioner, became involved
in coal mining and built a 2¼ mile long tramroad and a 1 mile long canal
in 1809 to link into the Glamorganshire Canal at Dynea. Notes failure to
refer to The Glamorganshire and Aberdare Canal. Volume 2 by Stephen
Rowson and Ian Wright.
The History of the Calderstones Hospital Railway
1907-1953. C.M. Cornwell. 136pp, Reviewed by John Howat. 60
The Lancashire Asylums Board built four large institutions in the
Ribble valley in Lancashire: two had a railway connection to a nearby public
line. Cornwell wrote authoritatively on the first of these, the Whittington
Hospital Railway, and now turns to the Calderstones Hospital Railway. This
linked to the Lancashire & Yorkshire line at Barrow sidings, Whalley.
The construction and course of the line, its working, with particular emphasis
on the unusual fireless locomotive of latter years, a fatal accident and
the eventual decline are covered, but this book embraces much more than the
the railway. The selection of an ideal site, the construction of the hospital
and its use as both an asylum and as a military hospital during WW1 are recounted
and there is a chapter on ambulance trains. The profuse illustrations, with
extended captions, show not only the railway both in working and derelict
condition, but also the vast hospital during its heyday, military occupation
and subsequent demolition. Written in a slightly whimsical style and easily
read, it is creditable companion to the earlier work. Highly recommended.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel through time. John Christopher. Amberley
Publishing, 2010, 96pp. Reviewed by Martin Barnes.
Brunel continues to inspire new books and this is a good one. It comprises
then and now pictures with comprehensive captions. The 'then' pictures are
old photographs, lithographs, etc., mainly from the earliest times but some
from in between. The 'now' pictures are high quality colour photographs mainly
by the author. Starting with the Thames Tunnel, there are then sections on
Railways, Bridges and Steamships. Almost all the railway pictures are on
the London to Cornwall main line via Bristol. Predictably, J C Boume features
in the 'then' pictures but there are also some little known images. Pictures
are not attributed and there is no index or bibliography. The 'now' pictures
are the better feature of this book. They include some unexpected subjects
such as the whistle of the Great Britain, the Bristol & Exeter offices
in Bristol, an unusual view of Hanwell viaduct and good modem views of Swindon
'railway village'.
Swanage: 125 years of railways. B.L. Jackson Oakwood Press,
2010, 288pp, Reviewed by Graham Bird.
Includes restoration period and brief notes on the former narrow gauge
railways which served the clay industry: "competent and readable history":
index criticised.
Barnes, Martin. Joseph Locke (1805-1860): pioneer
engineering project manager. 2-10.
2010 Clinker Lecture presented on 30 October 2010 at the Birmingham
& Midland Institution. Barnes concluded his lecture by emphasising Locke's
achievements: Stripped of hyperbole. it is quite simple but in two parts:
Firstly, he produced more successful railways in the UK and beyond than his
more famous contemporaries. They were successful because he had worked out
how to design and build them so that they would be successful for their users
and, hence, also for their promoters.
Secondly, he deduced for himself and applied without precedent, over a hundred
and fifty years ago, those fundamental principles and practices of good project
management which have only been recognised again in our own time. In particular
he worked out the rules by which projects could meet all three of the classic
competing objectives. They should be finished within the budget, on time
and in such a way that, in use, they performed as expected.
In a recent book, Will Howie and Mike Chrimes wrote:
'Of the triumvirate, BruneI was flamboyant and daring, and these characteristics led him to dazzling successes and striking failures; Robert Stephenson was safe and steady, but he never shrank from the grandiose when it called to him; Locke was precise and workmanlike and, above all, he was careful with other people's money. If all these characteristics are necessary to some degree in an engineer, it was mainly Locke's example that the profession later followed.'
In the crypt of St Paul's cathedral is a small tablet commemorating
the life of Sir Christopher Wren. On it is inscribed the injunction: 'Si
monumentum requiris, circumspice' 'If you seek his monument, look around
you'. In Locke's day, nearly all the businesses whose shares were quoted
on the stock exchange were railway companies. Manufacturing businesses were
still all privately owned. Joseph Locke's obituary in The Times ended
thus: 'If you seek his monument, look in the share lists'. Today, 150 years
later, if you seek his monument, all you have to do is look out of the window
on your journeys on the railways which he conceived, designed, built and
brought into use.
These four things are what modern project managers have to do. Very few do
them as well as Joseph Locke did 150 years ago. Also includes an excellent
biography of Locke.
Messenger, Michael. The North Cornwall Coach Company Ltd. 11-15.
Established in Camelford in 1875 to connect Wadebridge with the London
& South Western Railway at Launceston.
Pearson, David. The Aberdeenshire Canal up to 1810. 16-28.
Dow, Andrew. British Transport
Review. 29-31.
Journal published three times per annum by the British Transport
Commission between April 1950 and January 1964 and intended for senior management
throughout the nationalised transport industry. It was instigated by
John Benstead and implemented
by Jock Brebner, the public
relations and publicity officer of the BTC. Although the actual editor was
not named Dow considers that it may have been
Christian Barman, The total
number of essays published was 268 and a sample of 24 is listed. The whole
has been indexed by Andrew Dow. Note is taken of libraries where full sets
are available. See also letter from Robert Humm
in Issue 212 page 44:
Mystery house. Adrian Gray. 31.
Photograph from the Strand Magazine of a railway carriage built
into the upper storey of a country cottage: see letter from
Mike Day in Issue 212 page 42 which suggests building,
which is extant is near Newbury.
Duncan, John. North British and Caledonian Railway rivalry in
Peeblesshire. 32-7.
"almost suicidal rivalry between the NBR and the CR during the 1850s
and 1860s"
Reynolds, Paul. Railway investment in Manchester
in the 1820s. 38-48.
See also letter from David Hodgkins in Issue
212 p. 43 who considers that Cromford & High Peak
Railway was a contributory factor.
Clarke, Neil. The Eytons and the Shrewsbury Canal: three generations of involvement. 48-53.
Peter Smedley-Stevenson, 1932-2011. 54
Obituary: author of works on The Midland Counties Railway (1989)
and The Nutbrook Canal, Derbyshire (1971): early member of the Society
and contributed to much research on transport in the East
Correspondence 55
A terrible accident. Peter Johnson. 55-7.
See Issue 210 page 23: both this
and the following letter throw considerable light on the management of the
Cambrian Railways under the
Denniss and
Yorke's response to the poor permanent
A terrible accident. R. Maund. 57-8.
See Issue 210 page 23:
A terrible accident. Frank Shackleton. 58.
See Issue 210 page 23:
Reviews. Andrew Overton.
Aspects of the LNER Musical Society. John Watling.
Reviews. 60
Lambert's Railway Miscellany Anthony
Lambert. Ebury Press. 2010. 240pp. Reviewed by Martin Barnes
This is a book which everybody with an interest in railway history
will enjoy. It comprises about 300 separate texts each describing some
interesting or surprising characteristic or event related to the history
of railways. Most are from the British Isles, some from further afield. They
are grouped into ten chapters each covering a particular topic. Most readers
will be familiar with some ofthe things described but will not have come
across the majority of them. It is impossible to describe how intriguing
the texts are and to quote some of them in this review would be invidious.
So, instead, here are three questions to which the answers are in the book.
Why were the nameplates of 6122 Royal Ulster Rifleman removed for
a particular journey in 1938? Where on the ECML were two young schoolgirls
seen to be the footplate crew in charge of an A4 on a passing passenger train?
Which chairman of the Labour Party had, in his youth, tried to blow up the
gents' lavatory at Oxted station? These, and many like them, are things you
really need to know. But seriously, this is the most intriguing railway history
book for a very long time. It seems to be accurate and there is a bibliography
and an index.
Thomas Telford's Scotland. Chris Morris. Tanners Yard Press.
2009. 80pp. Reviewed by Martin Barnes
This book is a sequel to On Tour with Thomas Telford by the
same author, reviewed in the issue of this Journal of April 2005. It comprises
recent pictures of the highest quality and artistry of Telford's works
in Scotland. Captions are interesting and informative and there are maps
locating each picture. There is a bibliography and an index which gives OS
map sheet numbers and grid references.
The only railway or canal interest, of course, is the Caledonian Canal which
gets sixteen pictures. However, no transport historian will be unimpressed
by the pictures of the great man's elegant road and harbour works set in
their Scottish landscapes. The picture of Craigellachie bridge confirms that
it is no more than a curvy and castellated version of Galton Bridge on the
Birmingham Canal in less interesting but more conventionally attractive
George and Robert Stephenson a passion for
success. David Ross. History Press. 2010. 317pp. Reviewed by Peter
Cross-Rudkin. [62-3]
It is strange that so many more pages of print have been devoted in
recent years to Isambard Brunel than to George and Robert Stephenson whose
influence on the world at large was so much more important. Even L.T.C. Rolt
in his three civil engineering biographies published in 1957-60 wrote about
Brunel first, Telford next and then the Stephensons. Since then there have
been Hunter Davies' George Stephenson: Father of Railways (1975),
Michael Bailey's Robert Stephenson: the Eminent Engineer (2003) and
Addyman and Howarth's Robert Stephenson: Railway Engineer (2005),
which tend to emphasise the works rather than the lives of their subjects.
David Ross's new book sets out explicitly to look at the Stephensons together
and how they reacted to each other to create what Rolt called the railway
revolution. Although the author inevitably devotes much attention to the
progress of their mechanical and later their civil engineering, their
relationships with other engineers and the people who promoted their works
are dealt with at length. The book is divided into three parts, headed George,
George and Robert, and Robert and George, as the wider impact of their careers
changed over the years, but a common theme throughout is the overpowering
competitiveness of both men the passion for success of the book's
title. The contrast between their characters is explored George,
self-assured and domineering and Robert, functioning best within a group
of supportive friends. Perhaps more could have been made of Robert's development
of the modern type of engineering consultancy, brought out admirably in Bailey's
book. Their achievements are described clearly and set in the wider context
of the world in which they lived, but this is no hagiography in the tradition
of Samuel Smiles or even of Rolt. George's treatment of those who dared to
stand up to him and his persistence in mismanaging affairs which he was not
qualified to organise and Robert's morally dubious responses to the Dee Bridge
disaster and the Suez Canal Commission are dealt with openly. Based on a
wide range of sources, it is a balanced portrayal. Easy to read, this book
supersedes Rolt and its new perspective makes it a valuable addition to Bailey
and Addyman/Howarth. At £20 for a substantial, hardback book, it is
also excellent value.
Dad had an engine shed. Anthony J. Robinson.
Oakwood Press. 2010. Reviewed by Allan Brackenbury 184pp, [63]
Accurately subtitled 'Some childhood railway reminiscences of a North
Wales shedmaster's son', the bulk of the book concerns the time when his
father was the well-respected shedmaster at Mold Junction near Chester from
1952 until its closure in 1966. The period roughly coincided with the author's
schooldays. He is an engineer whose career has been outside the railway industry,
thus he writes about railways knowledgeably yet objectively. The book gives
a fine insight into the work and maintenance of steam locomotives and goods
trains, with staff proud of their job, prepared to work in all weathers to
keep trains running. There are several references to J M Dunn who was shedmaster
at Bangor and a lifelong family friend. This book is entertaining reading.
Laymen will find out about many practical operations at vital but unspectacular
parts of the railway system.
The ironmasters' bags: the postal service in the South Wales Valleys,
c1760 to c1860. Paul Reynolds. 'print on demand' publication available
from Amazon. 275pp, Reviewed by Richard Coulthurst. [63]
In the middle ofthe 18th century the northern parts of Glamorgan and
Monmouthshire were a remote, sparsely populated area which was transformed
by the arrival of the iron industry. There was no public postal service but
the iron company managers needed to communicate with their owners, agents,
solicitors, suppliers and customers by letter and resorted to using a private
bag service to link up with the official Post Office services that did exist
in surrounding towns. Others could use the ironmaster's bags for a fee.
Eventually, a public postal service was introduced using various means of
transport with these being replaced by railway services, although some of
the ironmasters were reluctant to give up their private service as they had
found it a profitable side-line. The transfer of the mail to the railways
did not always go smoothly and one chapter studies the uneasy relationship
between the TaffVale Railway and the Post Office. This is a well researched
and fully referenced book which draws on the Royal Mail archives and the
letter files and letter books of the ironworks held by a number of record
offices and libraries.
Early lectures on railway and canal history. Stephen Bragg
and Martin Bames. 2-3.
Stephen Bragg participated in a series of lectures presented by C.R.
Clinker in Derby during 1954 under the auspices of the Workers' Education
Association. These led to the formation of the Derby Railway History Research
Group based in Derby Public Library and eventually to a branch of the Railway
& Canal Historical Society and its early Midland Counties Railway.
Continued contact with Clinker led to his collection being deposited
in the Brunel University Transport Collection. Martin Barnes also encountered
Clinker, but at Mason College in Birmingham in 1955. Other lecturers included
Charles Hadfield and Alick Jenson (on the Black Country tramway network).
W.A. Camwell was also an influence.
Shill, Ray.Trent Navigation Improvements in the 20th century. 4-13.
Based on paper presented to the seventh Waterways History Conference
held at Birmingham Central Library Theatre on 9 April 2011. Aim of the work
was to improve the navigation to Nottingham with new locks above and below
Newark at Cromwell and a modern bridge at Trent Bridge in Nottingham.
Tucker, Joan. The Stroudwater Canal 1954: the end and the
Based on a paper presented to the seventh Waterways History Conference
held at Birmingham Central Library Theatre on 9 April 2011. The Stroudwater
Canal was one of the canals not nationalised in 1948 and had fallen into
disrepair and the owning company sought an Act of Abandonment in 1954. This
brought the Inland Waterways Association into action and although the Act
was passed the Stroudwater Preservation Society was formed. The Parliamentary
debate is outlined.
Constable, Mike. Canal boatwomen on the Oxford Canal 1944-45. 19.
Based on a paper presented to the seventh Waterways History Conference
held at Birmingham Central Library Theatre on 9 April 2011. Female labour
was used during WW2 under the direction of the Ministry of War Transport.
Daphne March operated the Heather Bell on the Worcester & Birmingham
Canal and acted in an advisory capacity to assist in the movement of coal
by the Grand Union Canal company.
Brown, David Henthom. Canal reservoirs and the effects of 20th century
legislation. 20-33.
Based on a paper presented to the seventh Waterways History Conference
held at Birmingham Central Library Theatre on 9 April 2011. Legislation on
reservoirs has tended to be driven by accidents, most of which did not relate
to canals in any way. Thus the severe devastation caused by the collapse
of the Bilberry Reservoir above Holmfirth in 1852 led to the Waterworks Clauses
Act of 1863. The five deaths caused by overtopping of Skelmorlie Reservoir
in Ayrshire on 18 April 1925 and collapse of Eigau dam at Dogarrog
(see Archive 2001 (29),
30) influenced Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act of 1930. Specific canal
reservoir failures considered include those related to the Huddersfield Narrow
Canal; the Glen Clachaig Reservoir for the Crinan Canal in 1811 and again
in 1859, the one on the Crumlin Arm of the Monmouthshire Canal on 14 July
1875 when nine were killed
Gray, Adrian. A review of transport and the Law of Deodand.
It seems remarkable that this medieval measure survived into the railway
age and it was the cases where plaintiffs lost that illuminated its futile
nature in th machine age. For instance when a boiler exploded and killed
four men on the Bristol & Gloucester Railway it was claimed that there
was nothing of value left to pay a deodand, but many successful (from the
plaintiif's standpoint) cases are listed and relate to many early railways
including the Canterbury & Whitstable Railway, the London & Birmingham
Railway and tyhe Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. The Fatal Accidents Bill
of 1846 largely superceded deodand.
Brown, Peter. A Maglev for Brighton? 34-6.
System developed, but not implemented, at the University of Sussex
by Professor Bhalchandra Jayawant to replace the Volks Electric Railway in
association with the then new Brighton Marina.
Scowcroft, Philip. Road Transport in Doncaster. 36
Coaching reached its zenith in 1815-35 when Doncaster could be reached
from London in 16½ hours. This was due to better fed horses, better
coach design and most ikportantly to road improvements. Railways were relatively
late in arriving 1848.
Correspondence. 42
A terrible disaster. Frank Shackleton.
See No. 210 page 23 for original
contribution and No. 211 page
55 for letter from Peter Johnson: mainly argues that David Mawson, the
L&YR guard's evidence that it was the tender of the second locomotive
which initially derailed and the Cambrian Railways were aware of Col. Yorke's
Mystery house. Mike Day.
Photograph from the Strand Magazine of a railway carriage built
into the upper storey of a country cottage: Allan Garner, Chairman of the
Broad Gauge Society states building, which is extant is near Newbury and
notes two other similar buildings, also extant: one in Gloucestershire and
other near Wolverhampton..
Railway investment in Manchester in the
1820s. David Hodgkins. 43
Considers that the Cromford & High Peak Railway was a major factor
as it would assist communication between the existing canals, that is link
the Cromford Canal to the Peak Forest and Ashton Canals
Why do we drive on the left? Miles Macnair. 43
Carried whip in right hand
Why do we drive on the left? David McFetrich. 44
Gordon Home's Old London Bridge (1931) stated that during
term of Sir Gerard Conyers as Lord Mayor of London in 1722 he sought to bring
order to the traffic by ordering it to ttraverse the bridge on the
British Transport Review. Robert
Humm. 44.
Mainly on availability of publication in terms of individual
'Merlin' Hazledine. Andrew Pattison. 44-5
An inhaled gold coin. Martin Barnes. 45
Medical sources for account of retrieval of gold half sovereign from
I.K. Brunel's lung.
Reviews. [212] 48
The GWR Handbook: The Great Western Railway
1923-1947. David Wragg. Haynes Publishing, 2010, 248pp. Reviewed
by Rodney Hartley. [54]
This book is a re-issue of the book first published in 2006 by Sutton
Publishing. While basically, it may be termed as a 'coffee table' book, it
does form a useful reference to the Great Western Railway, perhaps as a starting
point for further study of the various details of the Company. Many of the
items covered are quite brief, notably the constituent companies and later
acquisitions, although the antecedents and neighbours together with Paddington
Station are covered in some detail. Likewise, the chapter on Great Western
shipping services covers only four pages, that on associated air services
merits only five. There are two chapters covering the Second World War totalling
sixteen pages. The Great Western's foray into bus transport is covered, and
there are chapters on the named expresses and publicity. The various General
Managers receive briefbiographies. There are useful appendices, ranging from
Locomotive Headcodes to locomotives absorbed at the grouping of 1923 and
all GWR locomotives are listed, together with Diesel Railcars and Shunting
engines. There is a relatively short bibliography and an extensive index.
However, the question, which must be asked, is whether this book is worth
the high price?
Southern Railway Handbook: The Southern Railway
1923-1947. David Wragg. Haynes Publishing, 2010, 248pp, Reviewed
by Graham Bird. [54]
Originally reviewed in the July 2004
Journal, this volume has now been re-issued by a different
publisher. It is a well-balanced account of its subject, with 18 chapters
covering topics such as electrification, marketing, accidents, air, shipping
and (rather briefly) road services, ending with nationalisation and 'What
might have been'. There is also useful coverage of the Southern's London
termini, its coastal destinations, and its managers. One perhaps debatable
assertion is that the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway acted as a feeder
to the SR; given the substantial holiday traffic which the latter brought
to this part of Kent, the opposite seems more likely.
Locomotive development occupies nine pages and the various classes are also
listed in two Appendices, but these should be treated with caution. There
are several errors for example, the numbering of the Q, UI and W classes
and omissions, such as the USA 0-6-0Ts; the lists of locomotive names
at first appear complete but do not include all pre-grouping types. The eight
pages of (steam) headcodes might have been more usefully devoted to tabulated
summaries of locomotive dimensions and technical data, and of traffic and
revenue statistics. Overall the book is attractively produced. An index and
bibliography (secondary sources only) are included.
LNER Handbook: the London & North Eastern
Railway 1923-1947. David Wragg. Haynes Publishing, 2011, 256pp,
Reviewed by Philip Scowcroft. [54-5]
This is basically a readable reference book, one of four, each covering
one of the Big Four, created by the Grouping of 1923. The LNER, the second
largest, was the poorest funded and circumstances did not help as it was
dependent on goods traffic more than the other three and, especially in the
1920s, labour relations and growing road competition conspired against the
LNER particularly. Yet it achieved much. This book is divided into 22 themed
chapters, which inevitably produces some overlapping but does not affect
readability. We start with the LNER constituents, subsidiaries, joint ventures
and immediate neighbours, then London terminals and provincial centres. Chapters
follow on the company's setting-up and its leading managers, mechanical and
administrative (the names Gresley, Wedgwood and Whitelaw show how fortunate
the LNER was in its leading servants). Four chapters are devoted to locomotives;
electrics and diesels having one to themselves. These lead to a longish and
interesting chapter on named trains, almost thirty of them and others on
goods traffic (it should have been longer) and passenger business, with shorter
sub-studies on publicity and record-breaking runs. Shipping was important
as was road transport, the latter more summarily dealt with, as are accidents
three important ones from 1947 (Doncaster, Gidea Park and Goswick)
could have been mentioned. Longer chapters discuss infrastructure (stations,
goods depots, workshops) and, divided into two, wartime experience. The two
final chapters deal with the years 1945-7 and the onset of nationalisation
and pose the question whether the latter could or should have been avoided
(on the whole the answer is in the negative). Five appendices variously list
LNER locomotives, a bibliography is short yet surprisingly detailed, and
there is an index. A very recommendable book, both for the student and general
reader, and comprehensive, though maybe there should have been a chapter
employees' welfare, cultural and sporting activities, perhaps covering the
company's own labour relations. The photographs, variable in quality
we must remember they are up to 60 years old illustrate the text
LMS Handbook: The London Midland & Scottish
Railway 1923-1947. David Wragg. Haynes Publishing, 2010, 256pp.
Reviewed by William Featherstone. [55]
The dictionary [used by reviewer] defines a handbook as a 'manual,
a handy compendium of a large subject', and such a volume on the largest
of the 1923 Grouping companies would fill a gap on the bookshelf and be very
welcome. At first sight this large handsome volume, with a series of thematic
chapters including ancestor companies, managers, locomotives, freight,
passenger services, named expresses, publicity, records, Ireland, ships and
ports, road services, air services, accidents, WWII and nationalisation
together with five appendices and a very short if dated bibliography, might
meet both need and definition. It fails at the most basic level; a reference
work needs to be accessible, and an index that in most cases refers the reader
the wrong page and has entries relating to non-existent text (the de Havilland
Dove aircraft for instance but then the LMS did not use this plane anyway)
is fundamentally flawed. There are many other problems and is poorly proof
read; for example, Leeds finds itself 99.1 miles from London, Wolverhampton
the site of the company's carriage works, and the LMS handing seven billion
tons of freight in a year. It is inaccurate with the chapter on air services
missing the significant factors such as mail and parcels services and more
aircraft errors. The Micheline, no doubt because it had rubber tyres, becomes
a road/rail vehicle, and major accidents are the fault of infrastructure
even though the preceding chapter makes clear most were human error. It is
unbalanced four pages on Euston, one paragraph on Broad Street; the
war ends in 1942 for the LMS. It is also repetitious, with frequent accusations
that the company was too large, should not have taken over the LT &SR,
and did not electrify enough (and so was nationalised!).
The book is not redeemed by its illustrations; maps too few and too small,
timetables too many and it has an unexciting selection of photographs (a
third three- quarter locomotive pictures). Given major revision and correction
this could be a handsome and useful work but as it stands it cannot be
Lost Railways of South Wales. Mike Hall. Countryside Books, 2009, 176pp,
Lost Railways of Durham & Teesside. Robin Jones. Countryside
Books. 2010. 160pp. Reviewed by Tim Edmonds. 62.
"This book disappoints". No bibliography, no references, no index,
"maps completely inadequate".
Vintner's railway gazetteer: a guide to Britain's old railways that
you can walk or cycle. Jeff Vintner. History Press. 2011. 168pp.
Reviewed by Brian Slater. 62.
Excludes short (less than two miles) routes and roads. "Very good
Black Country canals. Paul Collins. History Press. 2011. 128pp.
Reviewed by Peter Brown. 62
Claims to be a revised edition of a book published by Sutton in 2001,
but only adds two photographs. The reproduction of the illustrations was
clearer in the earlier edition.