North British Railway Study
Group Journal Number 120-139
Key to all Issue Numbers
Class D34 'Glen' No 9266 Glen Falloch at Dunbar in LNER days. front
See also page 16 et seq
The Leven & East of Fife Railway: a recent book reviewed
by Mike Smith. 3
Authors: Andrew Hajducki, Mike Jodeluk and Alan Simpson. Published
by Oakwood Press. "remarkably comprehensive piece of work"..
G9 0-4-4T No. 9355 at Leuchars on 4 September 1935. 3.
Alan Simpson. Kirkcaldy Harbour branch and its traffic
Part 1. 4-13.
Very steeply graded branch line: the Author had inspected its solum
following closure in the early 1980s in 1988. Earlier writings on the branch
A.R. Miller Journal 19
A.F. Nisbet Journal 27
A. Simpson Journal 48
Ravenswood Journal 66
A. Simpson. Journal 113
nbsp;Part 2 in Journal 121
Victoria Maltings sidings (originally operated by Curor Brothers,
later br Robert Hutchison & Co and by late 1950s solely for Guinnress
and ceased in mid-1970s; Victoria Cabinet Works siding (timber from West
Africa in form of logs; output as domestic furniture and for liner cabins);
Whitebank siding (oldest siding for Whitebank Engine Works owned Key &
Son (special boiler wagon see Issue 44 and A.G.
Rogers Issue 88) Key & Co. failed in 1884,
but was taken over by John Scott & Co.; the Victoria Stone Dressing Co.;
Kirkcaldy Electric Power Station siding from 1902 until 1945/6. The closure
of the electric tramway system in 1931 had reduced the demand for coal; East
Bridge Flour Mill siding (Robert Hutchison & Co. Ltd. from late 1890s
until about 1960; Harbour Maltings siding (precluded from British Railways
loomotives, latterly a Unimog used, and John Lawson's siding for building
Illustrations: Kirkcaldy Harbour signal box with A3 Sir Visto passing with
train of non-corridor stock in early 1960s (P. Westwater); Dunniker Road
rail bridge in October 2011; Kirkcaldy Harbour c1900; Leith General Warehousing
wagon No. 120; bridge at foot of incline in October 2011; also several maps
and plans
Brian Farish. Wartime at Junction Bridge. 14-15.
WW2 Luuml;ftwaffe raid on Leith on evening of Monday 7 April 1941,
lone Heinkel 111 nbsp;dropped two large aerial parachute mines , the first
exploding over Leith Town Hall and the David Kilpatrick school annex whilst
the second exploded in Largo Place directly opposite the platform at Junction
Bridge station on the North Leith branch causing damage to the station as
depicted in the three photographs..
Euan Cameron. The 'Glen' class 4-4-0s. 16-21
Reid modern inside cylinder 4-4-0 with superheater and large diameter
oiston valves. Worked on West Highland lin until displaced by more powerful
designs introduced by LNER. Used on other secondary routes. No. 356 Glen
Douglas is preserved and the main depratures from original state are
Nos 9221 Glen Orchy and 9110 Glen Dochart at Crianlarich on
27 July 1926 with train to Glasgow. Page 16
No 307 Glen Nevis in later NBR livery with control number on tender.
(Euan Cameron coloured drawing) Page 17 upper
No 9405 Glen Spean in LNER lined black livery. (Euan Cameron coloured
drawing) Page 17 lower
No 258 Glen Roy at Eastfield shed in NBR livery, date unknown but
assumed to be between September 1913 when the locomotive was built and May
1925 when re-painted by the LNER Page 18
No 62483 Glen Garry with tender lettered BRITISH RAILWAYS at St Margarets
shed nbsp;on 6 August 1949.
Donald Cattanach and Allan Rodgers. Waverley
Station #150; a history. Part 2: The early years 1846 1860.
Part 1 see page XX. The working of the station was complicated by
the development of servicess other than the original Berwick destination
(including the Waverley Route to the Borders and the arrival of the Edinburgh
& Glasgow Railway and Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee (although the latter
was really only a link to the ports on the Forth).
Atmospheric photograph, probably taken in the late 1850s, showing Leith Wynd
descending towards Low Calton. The foremost bridge is a wooden structure
built c1856 to link the east and west coal yards, behind which can be seen
the unusual signal cabin, with its arrangement of semaphore arms, believed
to have been built c1853. To the left of the signal cabin there is a view
of the eastern end of the large goods shed erected c1849. Page 22
Trinity College Church with NBR wagons in front in 1848. Page 23
View of east side of Waverley looking north towards Shakespeare Square and
the Regent Bridge, probably taken soon after the relaying of the goods lines
in 1858. In the foreground is part of the vegetable market area with the
railway arch over the Canal Street extension on the right. The 1849 goods
shed is clearly shown, with the two storey goods office building (built c1852)
behind it to the left and, in front of this building, is the goods loading
bank and water tank. Note the repositioned engine turntable on the right
of the image, together with its adjacent water column, just above the Canal
Street railway arch. The two operating hand wheels are clearly visible. The
carriages on the left include an NBR parcels van (number 68?) and an early
first class carriage, partly obscured, to its right. The first class vehicle
(No. 79) to the left of the parcels van does not appear to be North British
#150; the door crest suggests it could be Caledonian. There is an interesting
variety of early NBR goods vehicles in the goods yard and, sitting just in
front of the west end of the goods shed, is a rake of three E&GR mineral
wagons. Page 25
View, probably taken in the mid-1850s, from the North Bridge showing the
E&GR goods sheds with the then southernmost arch of the Waverley Bridge
in the background; the roof of the Joint Station shed, showing the arrangement
of roof lights and ventilators, with the station building fronting Waverley
Bridge in the background #150; note the pitched roof of the overbridge between
the station building and the train shed. Lying on the north side of Canal
Street are the EP&DR station buildings. The engine house, with its truncated
chimney, is seen nearest the camera; to the right of the station buildings
can be seen the raised walkway giving access to Princes Street via a split
stairway, and in the background is the wooden paling fronting Waverley Bridge
which gave rise to many complaints; the top of the Scotland Street tunnel
portal can just be seen above the raised walkway. Page 28
View from the North Bridge looking west over the E&GR goods yard, recorded
as taken about 1854, but could be later. On the right is the roof of the
Joint Station train shed and, in the foreground, running at right angles
to the train shed, is the roof of the E&GR#146;s carriage shed. The
E&GR goods sheds are in the centre of the picture and on the south side,
bordering Market Street, can be seen the remaining wall of what is thought
to have been the short lived E&GR nbsp;warehouse. Page 29
Taken c1854, the viewpoint is unusual and appears to be from the building
adjoining the south east corner of the North Bridge. In the foreground are
the original two goods sheds built on the south side of the main line c.1846.
To the east, the signal cabin is visible, with the grain shed behind it.
To the left of the photograph is the 1849 goods shed with a coal yard in
front. Page 30
View taken c1856 showing Joint Station from vicinity of the Bank of Scotland
looking eastwards towards the North Bridge. In the foreground is the junction
of Market Street and Waverley Bridge with the E&GR goods yard immediately
beyond. The Joint Station train shed is shown to good effect and, in the
north east corner of the train shed, the narrow roof covering the platform
of the NBR#146;s short trains is seen extending under the North Bridge. To
the north of the Joint Station train shed is the NBR#146;s goods shed built
c. 1852 (originally intended to be a passenger shed), located on the railway
track running under the New Buildings on the North Bridge. Looking down Market
Street, at the east end of the E&GR goods yard, there appears to be a
short section of what was the company#146;s short lived warehouse building
still standing. Note the line of horse cabs awaiting passengers on the access
roadway from Market Street. Page 31
View is an enlargement from a photograph by Begbie and can be dated to May
1858, as the timberwork for the construction of the fourth arch on Waverley
Bridge can just be seen through the arch of the North Bridge visible on the
left; (the new arch was built between May and September 1858). In the centre
foreground is the signal cabin and the approach trackwork to the Joint Station
train shed, to the right of which can be seen the converted carriage shed
now in use as a platform for the NBR#146;s #147;short trains#148;. Page 32
North Bridge looking west from Calton Hill with good view of North British
side of Waverley, probably c.1860. Under the north-most main arch of the
bridge is the Joint Station train shed with a narrow platform extension and
canopy on the south side for arriving NBR trains, whilst on the other side
of the same arch is the short train platform. It appears that a goods van
has come off the turntable (centre foreground). Page 32 lower
View from vicinity of Scott Monument looking across to the Old Town and enlarged
to show the Waverley Bridge with the new fourth arch completed; and so, probably
taken towards the end of 1858 or early in 1859. It shows quite clearly the
additional arches installed under the main arch of the bridge to reinforce
it. It is also interesting to note the variety of carriage stock in the picture
and the fact that there is a composite carriage in process of being turned
on one of the turntables adjacent to the bridge. Note also the signal post
in front of this carriage which is understood to have controlled movements
to/from the EP&DR and the E&GR. In the background, demolition work
for the building of Cockburn Street is taking place. Page 33
Model portraying the area around Shakespeare Square and the North British
goods yard at Waverley, probably built in connection with the NBR#146;s 1847
or 1848 Parliamentary Bills. Page 35
Andrew Hajducki. The Suffragette attack at Leuchars
Junction. 37-9.
East Fife was the constituency of Asquith, the Prime Minister and
buildings were targetted including those of a laboratory at the University
of St. Andrews and the station at Leuchars Junction: the latter during the
eatrly hours of Monday 30 June 1913 when it was set on fire. Damage was
considerable but the station remained open although the Board considered
relocating it to enable through trains to run to St. Andrews from the south.
Photographs show the fire damage and work on restoration.
Douglas Yuill. Coal in East and Midlothian - Part 17. 40-6.
Line No. 13: Niddrie North, South and Wanton Walls Junctions to
Duddingston and Haymarket West and Central Junctions (Continued): Newcraighall
village and its railways
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law part 4. 47-51.
Powers of deviation; including in the case of engineering work: the
Board of Trade could permit a tunnel in place of a cutting or a viaduct in
place of an embankment; the extent to which deposited plans were binding
on the company; corrections of errors and omissions in plans; contracts for
the construction of the line; provisions against delay in executing the works;
Interference with roads crossing public roads by means of bridges; maintenance
and repair of bridges: gates at level crossings; Board of Trade may require
a bridge to be substituted for a level crossing; interference with streets
in construction of underground railways; accommodation works; obligation
to fence is between the company and adjacent owners and occupiers.
Letters. 51
Jim Summers writes:
Anent my remarks in the Journal 119 (page 9) where I speculated about
what happened at night to convey the same message as the white circles on
bufferbeams conveyed by day. The answer is of course to be found in the Rule
Book, and that for the Scottish Central Railway of 1852 states that the fireman
of an Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway train must at #147;night, BEFORE
reaching the South end of the Tunnel, wave his White Light from side to side
ACROSS his body, and he will continue to do so until the Engine is clear
of the Junction#148;.
[Bell formerly at Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway station at Constitution
Street, Leith].
Kenneth Williamson photograph
No. 121 (March 2014)
An Index to the Journals. David King. 3
Based on spreadsheet
Alan Simpson. Kirkcaldy Harbour branch and its traffic
- part 2. 4-14
Designed by Largo-born civil engineer, James Leslie. nbsp;Very steeply
graded. There may have been a passenger service. Illustrations: Victoria
Road Viaduct in October 2011 (colour); views up and down branch taken on
30 April 1987. Exports included coal. Imports included flax from Archangel
and grain; Fife Coast (Coast Lines) vessel in Kirkcaldy Harbour in
1950s;; Hunslet diesel locomotives D2438 and D2442 in harbour area.
See also Journal 134 page 43..
Euan Cameron. The 633 and 729 Class 4-4-0s.
Largest class of NBR 4-4-0 with a total of 48 #151; all with 6ft 6in
coupled wheels. The 574 classnbsp;was described
and illlustrated in Journal No. 109. The other two classes: the 633 of
1890-5 and 729 of 1896-8 are described and illustrated herein. There are
four coloured side elevations which feature original Holmes designs, and
the Reid rebuilds in NBR livery and as LNER D31 in green livery.Photographs
of No. nbsp;633 on Perth shed in 1896; No. 738 nbsp;at Carlisle Citadel
John McGregor. Abbotsfords on the West Highland. 25-9.
Rebuilt Drummond Abbotsford 4-4-0s were used as a stop gap measure
during the mid-1900s. Before this the NBR Board and its officers were uneasy
about the West Highland Line: its steep gradients; its severe curvature and
in places its inadequate structures (notably culverts) and unconsolidated
No. 479 Abbotsford at Criamlarich inspring 1906 (painting reproduced in colour).
C. Hamilton Ellis. page 25
Rebuilt Drummond Abbotsford 4-4-0 No. 473 in Fort William station. photograph.
page 26
Rebuilt Drummond Abbotsford 4-4-0 No. 473 at Spean Bridge in August 1906
photograph. page 28
John S Wilson. nbsp;Observations from Portobello,
1963. 30-4.
Observtions made en route to school by trains from Eskbank or Musselburgh.
Noted the delays to trains on the Waverley route caused by snow with trains
terminating at Hawick and the effect of the loss of the Edinburgh Suburban
service. See also Andrew Boyd Issue 124 p. 44.
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law part 5. Company infrastruture
and operation. 35-9.
Leases of railway lines required Parliamentary sanction and this is
illustrated by the lease of the London, Tilbury & Southend Railway to
Messrs Peto, Brassey and Betts; and by the Sevenoaks, Maidstone and Tunbridge
Railway where constructional difficulties led to partial abandonment and
an attempt to lease the company to lease the line in perpetuity to the London
Chatham & Dover Railway, but perpetual leases are not permitted under
English law. Running powers and joint stations were a ccause of disputes,
especially where the Caledonian and Great North of Scotland Railway owned
a joint station which the North British accessed via running powers. An Appendix
records the sometimes contentious running powers enjoyed by the North Eastern
Railway between Berwick and Edinburgh since 1869 but were disputed in
Douglas Yuill. Coal Industry in East and Midlothian - Part 18. 40
The Pinkie Railway to Fisherrow. Olive Bank Colliery.
Donald Cattanach. Waverley Station names. 46-9
Plain Edinburgh; plain Waverley and Edinburgh Waverley and for a time
the General Station
Book reviews. 50
The West Highland Railway, The West Highland Extension. both by John
McGregor reviewed by Mike Smith. 50
Books published by Amberley.
Letters. 51
Journal 109 cover. Mike
Smith. 51
Queries location
Journal 109 cover. Ian
Terrell. 51
Suggests north and west of Glasgow
The Tay Bridge Memorial journal Team 52
No. 122 (July 2014)
Ian Nimmo White. The death toll of the Tay Bridge disaster. 3.
59, not 75, died. With the exception of William Benyon, a photographer
from Cheltenham, travelling to Dundee on business all the passengers had
connections with Dundee, The driver, David Mitchell is buried in an unmarked
grave at Leslie. Memorial at Wormit.
Andrew Hajducki. Seton Mains Halt. 4-5.
Between Prestonpans and Longniddry on main line opened 1 May 1914
closed 20 September 1930
Edwin A Pratt. The North British Railway in the First World War.
Re-printed from British
Railways and the Great War #151; organisation, efforts, difficulties and
achievements (Volume II). published 1921.
Holmes 0-6-0s on ROD service. 11
No. 666 with ROD 5666 on its tender and No. 661 with ROD 6661 on its
tender: ROD = Railway Operating Department
Armoured trains fpr the defence of the East
Coast. 12
States reproduced from the
Locomotive Mag., 1919, 25, 49-50, but the illustrations
are different: herein fitted with a cowcatcher on gun truck and has a wire
fence in foreground and lacks buildings behind
Euan Cameron. The 351 class 2-4-0s. 13-23.
The design emerged during the brief tenure of William Steele Brown
and Cameron considers that the design owes much to Archibald Sturrock's large
(for the time) 2-4-0 locomotives built for the Great Northern Railway Drummond
No. 146s rebuildings of 351, 352 and 354 of 1882 (sometimes incorrectly
attributed to Holmes). Holmes rebuilding of 353, 355-6 and 349-50 and Wheatley
No. 146s: No.147; rebuilds No. 148; of 37 and 38 in 351 Class style.
North British Railway No. 355 as rebuilt by Holmes, with later batch tender, at Perth | 13 |
GNR 223 Class, designed Archibald Sturrock and built R. & W. Hawthorn. J. Bourne, Recent improvements in the steam-engine (London, 1876) | 14 |
GNR No. 268, designed Archibald Sturrock and built by Yorkshire Engine Company. From Railway World V (1895) | 14 |
E&GR No. 101 as first built, engine and tender, in (highly speculative) original green livery: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 15 |
NBR No. 354 as rebuilt by Drummond in Drummond livery: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 15 |
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway 2-4-0 No. 101 photographed in No. 145 shop grey No. 146; while still under construction. | 16 |
No. 351as rebuilt by Drummond but in Holmes livery, at Dundee shed | 17 |
No. 353 as rebuilt by Holmes, first livery after rebuilding, at Cowlairs | 17 |
No. 354 as rebuilt by Drummond, with low boiler and unusual cab, at Dundee sidings c.1890 | 18 |
NBR No. 356 as rebuilt by Holmes in early Holmes livery: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 19 |
NBR No. 38 in Wheatley condition as shortly before rebuilding in Drummond livery: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 19 |
No 350 as rebuilt by Holmes, with later batch tender | 20 |
No. 38 as rebuilt by Holmes in 1893 condition: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 21 |
No. 351 as rebuilt by Holmes, with earlier batch tender, at Haymarket shed | 22 |
C.E.S. Littlejohn. The Dundee and Arbroath Railway.
Reproduced from the September 1909 issue of Railway Magazine.
Old Trades Lane station in Dundee (old print) page 24
Broughty Ferry station in 1840s page 25
0-4-2T No. 65 Scottish North Eastern 25
timetable 1845 page 26
former railway reack near Arbroath page 27
old station at Arbroath page 27
See also contribution from Jim Page about the article
and its author
The closure of the Silloth branch: the recollections
of two railwaymen in the 50th anniversary year. 34-43.
In October 2013 an enquiry was received from Peter Ostle of the Holme
St Cuthbert History Group in Cumbria. The Group was seeking information about
the Silloth line for an intended exhibition to mark the fifieth anniversary
of its closure on 7 September 1964. We were able to assist and, in return,
Peter provided transcripts of his interviews with the driver and guard on
the last train Jimmy Lister and Archie Brand together with
the accompanying photographs. Sadly, Archie Brand died at the end of May.
We are grateful to Peter, to Jimmy and to Archie's wife, Mrs Win Brand, for
permission to reproduce the material. The exhibition moved to Carlisle Library.
See also letters from Alasdair Lauder and
John Wilson in Issue 123 page 50
Page 34: last passenger train at Silloth hauled by Ivatt Class 4 2-6-0
Page 35 upper: demonstrators block line at Silloth
Page 36 lower: Crowd at Silloth await last train
Page 36: Jimmy Lister
Page 36: map of Silloth branch: see
letter from Alasdair Lauder on "Abbeyholme"
Page 37: A4 No. 4498 with Jimmy Lister at Long Preston
Page 37: map of Carlisle Canal portion of branch
Page 38: station staff & cleaners at Corstorphine station in 1937
Page 39: Archie Brand with son Ian
Page 39: Archie Brand with A4 No. 60009 at Forth Bridge Centenary
Page 40: Silloth Green Day on 25 May 2014 with Jimmy Lister
Page 41: Class D51 4-4-0T No. 10471 at Port Carlisle on 17 August 1926
Page 41: 0-6-0T No. 22 at Carlisle Canal shed with Foreman David Wilson ('Old
Page 41: 0-6-0T No. 22 at Port Carlisle with Guard Isaac Hickson who nbsp;had
drivver of the dandy and Driver John Harkness on 6 April 1914
Page 42: Silloth station
Page 42: Silloth station & goods yard
Page 42: Silloth station in 1953
Page 42: Silloth goods yard, harbour and LNER 0-6-0 976
Page 43: Drumburgh nbsp;signal box
Page 43: Abbey Town station
Page 43: Burgh station
Page 43: Black Dyke Halt in 1953
Douglas Yuill. The North British Railway and the coal industry in
Midlothian and East Lothian. Part 19. 44-50
Line No. 20. Millerhill Junction to Glencorse. Gilmerton Colliery;
mining at Straiton (limestone and oil shale) and Old Pentland (oil
Letters. 51
Bill Lynn writes:: in reply to Mike Smith's letter
which appeared in the current Group Journal
The back cover. 51 and rear cover
Map of Hawick station in 1857 from Ordnance Survet town plan
Alan Simpson. The Burntisland Railway Accident of April 1914. 4-11
On 14 April 1914 the 03.55 Edinburgh to Aberdeen express withb through
coaches from King's cross collided with a Carlisle to Dundee freight which
ws being backed into sidings. The enginemen on Atlantic No. 872 Auld Reekie
were killed: they were Driver John Dickson and Fireman William McDonald,
both from Aberdeen (their funerals are described). Four passengers were seriously
injured. The locomotive fell on top of the footplate crew. The accident was
investigated by Major Pringle and the cause was signalman error: in this
case he was Thomas Watt
Euan Cameron. The 239 Class 0-4-4 tanks.
Reid class introduced in 1909 and supplied by the North British Locomotive
Company. The LNER classification was G9. Last withdrawn in November 1940.
NBR No. 239, in what appears to be a works photograph described as being
at Queens Park. Page 12
No. 475 photographed at Eastfield in NBR livery with garter coat of arms
on side tanks. Page 13 upper
No. 355 at Dundee, showing later NBR style with control number on side tanks.
Page 13 lower
No. 475 with control number on side tanks: Euan Cameron coloured drawing.
Page 14
LNER No. 9334 at Craigentinny Carriage Sidings, in lined black livery and
with safety valves on the firebox. Page 15
Donald Cattenach and Allan Rodgers. Waverley
Station a history Part 3. 16-33
Negotiations between the company and the city concerning the
East end of Waverley station taken around 1875/76 by the Edinburgh photographer
Alexander Inglis. The station is shown in a state of transformation from
the original cramped layout of the Joint station to a more commodious one
facilitated by the 1860s company amalgamations, the opening of the new line
to Granton (via Abbeyhill) and the agreement with the Town Council which
allowed the re-location of the various markets. At the south end of the North
Bridge, the arches are being rebuilt to accommodate the extension of Market
Street eastwards and the demolition of old buildings is already in progress
prior to the construction of Jeffrey Street. Page 16
This view of Waverley taken from the Castle by G.W. Wilson, probably in 1869,
shows the original Joint Station in its final form. The old EP&DR station
platform area and tunnel entrance has been demolished and the new open Waverley
Market space and Waverley Steps have just been built. Work on widening the
North Bridge has not yet started. The original Waverley Bridge still exists
and a number of goods vans are sitting on the curve through the northernmost
arch which originally connected with the EP&DR station, the line probably
still connecting with the old EP&DR goods shed. The EP&DR station
booking hall and associated buildings still exist at this date. Page 17
A second G.W.Wilson photograph, also taken from the Castle, shortly after
the North Bridge had been widened, but before work started on the south train
shed roof. The new north train shed roof and the roof over the station entrance
at the bottom of the Canal Street ramp are clearly visible. Waverley Market
is not yet roofed over. This image was probably taken in 1875ki which
is around the same time as the Inglis¡¦ view taken from the Calton
Hill. Page 19
In this final image by G.W. Wilson, probably taken in early 1878 we see that
the new south train shed roof has been built, although still open at its
west end. The south part of the original Joint Station booking hall has now
been removed, just leaving the north side still standing adjacent to the
new train shed roof for use as a parcel office. Work has started to erect
platform canopies west of Waverley Bridge and the Waverley Market has now
been roofed over. Page 21
In this Inglis photograph close-up, we see the platforms at the north east
corner of the North Bridge. Quite a busy scene with most platforms occupied
with an interesting variety of both old and new carriage stock. The station
bookstall can just be seen positioned against the north face of the bridge
arch. Page 22
A view looking through the arches of the North Bridge extracted from the
Inglis photograph. There are three locomotives in this view, all of North
Eastern origin, not an NB engine in sight! The recent widening work on the
North Bridge can be clearly seen and underneath the right hand arch the original
wall of the old Joint station train shed still stands. Looking through the
left hand arch there is an interesting view of the goods yard note
the horse drawn furniture van on a flat truck at the loading bank. Page 23
A view of the goods sheds at the south side of the station showing a variety
of merchandise wagons, plus a Wheatley brake van at the left of the photo.
Lots of men standing around another busy day on the NB Look
closely at the main shed in the picture your eyes are not deceiving
you it really is curved. The Physic Gardens roadway runs along behind
the sheds with an interesting variety of buildings on its south side. The
tenement at the west end of the block would shortly be demolished to make
way for Jeffrey Street and the remaining buildings would go in a few years
time to allow further expansion of the NBR goods facilities. Page 24
An interesting departure scene at the east end of Waverley as a train is
made ready to leave, with the lamp men busy on the carriage roofs. There
are a number of old carriages, some dating from the 1840ies, visible in the
background. Page 28
An interesting view of the east end of Waverley from the North Bridge, about
1869. The large goods shed in the foreground was built c.1865 and transferred
for use elsewhere c. 1869. This is the only image known to the authors which
shows the 1850s signal cabin now re-built adjacent to the grain shed around
1868/9. It probably remained in this position until the building of the signal
bridge and signal box shown in the 1878 re-signalling plan accompanying this
article. Page 31
Douglas Yuill. Coal industry in East and Midlothian
Part 20. 34-40
Line No. 20. Millerhill Junction to Glencorse, continued
Trevor Jones. Railways and the law - Part 6 41-7
The railway as a carrier of goods and passengers; the concept of the
common carrier. The carriage of dangerous goods, the carriage of animals.
Passengers' luggage. The period for which a railway was liable.
Book Review. 48
The North British Railway: a history by David Ross. Reviewed by Andrew Boyd.
Written from what Ross describes in the foreword as the first continuous
chronological account of the company. This approach has the advantage of
helping to place the development and operation of the railway in the context
of the financing of the company's capital and the direction and management
of its corporate, financial and business affairs. It also serves as a useful
reminder that ultimately railways (at least in this country) were largely
built by investors seeking a return on their capital although in the case
of the NBR there do seem to have been occasions on which the ordinary
share-holders were not persuaded that the board had the share-holders' immediate
interests in the forefront of their mind. One disadvantage is that the narrative
often jumps abruptly from one topic to another and so the reader has to jump
from, say, boardroom machinations and share issues to traffic and operations.
This can sometimes be disconcerting. In taking this approach the present
author has tackled his subject in a different way from that of John Thomas,
the last author to write a history of the company, which was published in
two volumes, but provides a more readable story and a more selective account
but the present author provides much greater detail and analysis especially
of financial affairs. .
The Dundee & Arbroath Railway. Jim
Page 49
Charles Littlejohn originated from a well-known local family in Broughty
Ferry. In 1910 he wrote a two-part article on the Dundee & Newtyle Railway
for the Railway Magazine. He knew both E.L. Ahrons and J.F. McEwan and was
a friend of C.G.L. Phillips, a Dundee watercolourist. He was an accomplished
organist and held the post of organist and choirmaster at St. Paul's
Knightsbridge. He fied in 1959 aged 80. Notes that the rare engraving of
Broughty Ferry station was probably by Gershom Cumming.
The closure of the Silloth Branch follow-up.
Alasdair Lauder
Corrected map: Abbey Junctioln: not Abbeyholme: source of error
Pre-Grouping atlas and
gazetteer. Ian
John Wilson.
Cites website for Silloth branch: questions whether the camping coaches
had an infuence on closure date as asserted by Jimmy Lister
Craigentinny Carriage Sidings. 51; rear cover
Questions whether "centenary" claimed for 1 October 2014 using
cartographic evidence from Ordnance Survey maps surveyed in 1912
The Forth Bridge: 125th anniversary. front cover;
colour photograph of bridge viewed from Fife. cover
looking through girders. page 3
commemorative plaque page 3
brochure for guests includes menu, toast list and futurist through train
for USA page 4
Harry Knox. A very near miss at East Fortune.
1 November 1906: trains involved were 19.40 Glasgow Sighthill to London
King's Cross fully-fitted express freight worked by NBR 4-4-0 as far as
Tweedsmouth. One of the vans owned by the NER became derailed and the train
divided. Once the driver had established what had happened he uncoupled his
locomotive, instructed his firemen to carry a red lamp on the front of the
locomotive and spounded his nbsp;whistle in an attempt to halt the 14.20
ex-King's Cross driven by a North nbsp;Eastern Railway driver who managed
to stop his train just short of the obstruction. Major J.W. Pringle investigated
and commended all the footplate crews for their diligence especially fireman
McCaig. The career of NER Driver Alexander (Sandy) Davidson is described
in dtail.
Alan Simpson. Accidents at the #145;White Gates#146;
level crossing in Dysart. 10-17.
On A955 brach line to Francis Colliery (known locally as the Dubbie).
See also Issue 48 page 3. Branch line opened in
February 1880. Pit was sunk in 1850 and was owned by the St. Clair family
(Earls of Rosslyn). On 29 January 1912 there was a runaway of ten loaded
coal wagons. On 9 February 1963 a bubble car collided with the closed crossing
gates and the driver was prosecuted for dangeerous driving. On 4 March 1965
a car crashed through the gates in a snowstorm and into a steam-hauled coal
train and led to two fatalities in the car: this led to greatly improved
lighting (electric replacing oil lamps).
Illustrations: White Gates p. 10; Ornance Survey 25 inch map of crossing
vicinity page 11; ground frame at level crossing (two views) page 12; Stevens
& Sons distant signal at Dysart in October 1984 page 13; ex-NBR signal
adjacent to crossing in 1974 page 15
Euan Cameron. The Drummond 474 nbsp;class 2-2-2s.
Very similar to Stroudley's 2-2-2 Grosvenor built for the LBSCR.
There were two locomotives in the class Nos. 474 and 475 Berwick.
They were only slightly modified and remained on light express duties until
withdrawn in about 1910.
From our photographic archive. 25
Belses station (between St. Boswells and Hawick) with slotted signal:
stationmaster Hugh Harvey; porter-signalman Archie Hendry.
See also rear cover
LNER (ex-NBR) six-wheel passenger brake van No. 3252 at Meadows Yard (Diagram
Douglas Yuill. The North British Railway and the coal industry in Midlothian and East Lothian #150; Part 21. Line No. nbsp;20 Millerhill Junction to Glencorse, continued. 28-37.
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law. 38-43,
North British Railway Rates and Charges Act, Part 1 #150; Goods and minerals.
Andrew Boyd. Portobello station: further
reminiscences. 44
With a pal travelled first class on 22.42 from Edinburgh to Portobello
in a Gloucester DMU on 5 September 1964 (actual ticket illustrated)
Tom Moffatt. The North British Railway's carriage cleaning arrangemnts.
Reprint of article from Railway Magazine 1911 (September) wich
described the then new installation at Craigentinny. The Scottish Vacuum
Cleaner Co. machine is illustrated: this was driven by an electric motor
with power supplied by Edinburgh Corporation. A lesser installation at Bridgeton
Cross, Glasgow, is also mentioned; and the portable machines in use at Perth
and in Fife.
Disappearance of the oldest signal cabin in Scotand. 47
From Railway Magazine, 1911 (September): photograph of then
since demolished structure near Cowlairs station
Steam in Scotland #151; the railway photographs of
R.J. (Ron) Buckley; compiled by Brian J. Dickson. History Press,
2015. Reviewed by Ian Terrell. 50
Notes some minor errors and the excellence of the captions
Can you help? 51
Photograph submitted by Stuart R.K. Gray of locomotive No. 35 Glen
Gloy with possibly his uncle Driver William (Bill) Roberson in group photograph.
When working West Highland train he would sound the whistle between Drumchapel
and Drumry stations. He retired to Dunbar where he died c1960 when in his
The back cover. 51; rear cover
Belses station. Ordnance Survey 1859 (Roxburgh). See
also page 25 upper
The Borders Railway. 3-5
Illustrations: Holmes 4-4-0 No. 231 at Galashiels; Newtongrange station
looking north; Heriot station and level crossing; Gorebridge station looking
south; Foutainhall Junction looking north and looking south; Galashiels station
looking south.
Euan Cameron. The Holmes 18" 0-6-0s. 6-23.
The most numerous class of locomo- tives on the North British Railway was
also one of the most straightforward. The Holmes 18" 0-6-0s represented the
definitive simple, medium-sized inside- cylinder six-coupled goods engine.
They embodied principles developed by Drummond and made more practical by
Holmes's modifications. After rebuilding with larger boilers they became
the ideal locomotive for short trip and branch line goods operations. They
spent an exceptionally long time in service: significant numbers of the class
exceeded 60 years in traffic, far more than any other NBR goods locomotive
of the period. No steam engine designed in the superheater era could really
supplant them, as the Thompson BI class displaced the N. B. passenger 4-4-0s.
Nearly half the class lasted until the 1960s, when they were finally overtaken
by dieselisation just as much of the branch and mixed goods work for which
they were built was disappearing. It is a great source of gratitude that
one of the class, the celebrated Moude, is still intact and awaiting an overhaul
to bring it back into working order. As with the 0-6-2Ts discussed in an
earlier article, a huge amount of data, on such things as the successive
numbers of the boilers fitted to the class, is to be found in the Study Group
archive. In the space available for this article only a few highlights can
be presented.
Origins of the design
Drummond's 'Big Goods' (see issue number 103) adapted Stroudley's C class
goods for the L. B. & S. C. R. by reversing the latter's wheelbase to
7-ft 6-in + 7-ft 9-in and placing a large, long boiler on the frames,
with the grate sloping upwards above the trailing axle. For his subsequent
goods locomotives Drummond built the smaller 17-inch type (see issue number
108) with the same wheelbase but a shorter boiler of a slightly smaller diameter
and much shorter firebox, as also used on the 474 Class 2-2-2s (see last
issue) and the 0-4-2Ts (see issue number 117). When Holmes took over Drummond's
role he adapted the 17-inch goods by extending the wheelbase to 7-ft 6-in
+ 8-ft 0-in and flattened the grate. In 1887 Holmes ceased building 17-inch
goods engines and decided to build a larger class that would have equal pulling
power to the Big Drummonds.
Holmes chose to leave the wheelbase at 7-ft 6-in + 8-ft 0-in, the same as
on the 17-inch goods. There was no standard large boiler at that time that
would fit frames of this size: so Holmes designed a boiler of 4-ft 6¼-in
maximum diameter with the barrel 10-ft 2 ¼-in. long, 1¼-in longer
than the 17-inch goods boiler barrel but also 1¼-in shorter than the
barrel of Holmes's 18-inch passenger engines, in effect splitting the difference.
The firebox remained the same length as on the 17- goods at 5-ft 5-in long.
The extra barrel length was compensated for by shortening the smokebox slightly.
The cylinders and Stephenson's valve gear were essentially the same as those
on the Drummond 18-inch goods engines, with double sets of ports for each
cylinder and an exhaust passage running from the lower ports around the outside
of the cylinder bore. This extremely standard set of kit powered most of
the saturated steam locomotives of the period with cylinders of 18-inch diameter
or so. The mainframes were also somewhat similar to those of the Big Drummonds,
except that, as with the Holmes 17-inch goods (the later J33 Class) the rearward
section of the mainframes was deep and slotted, more like Wheatley's work
than Drummond's. The slots provided easy access to the plugs for draining
the water from the boiler around the foundation ring of the firebox during
washing out.
The only slight oddity about the design lay at the rear end of the locomotive.
The round-topped cab was the same height as on the later series of 17-inch
goods, and the upper section was the same length, with a top sheet 2-ft 8-in
long from the front to the centre of the rear beading. However, whereas the
rear overhang on the 17-inch engines had been a modest 3-ft 3-in, for the
18-inch engines Holmes extended it to 4-ft 0-in without any corresponding
increase in the upper section.
According to a 1907 weight diagram the unrebuilt engines weighed 13 tons
4 cwt on the leading axle, 15 tons 10 cwt on the drivers, and 11 tons 10
cwt on the trailing axle, yielding an overall locomotive weight of 40 tons
4 cwt.
The tender was Holrnes's standard 2,500 gallon variety with angle-irons at
the footplate edge supporting the steps. The tenders of the early series
of 0-6-0s, like the Seven-footer and 633 Class 4-4-0s, had no coal rails
as first built. These were added to the later series at building, and the
earlier examples were altered to match. In L. N. E. R. days the tenders were
altered by the replacement of the spring hangers and axleboxes but were otherwise
Holmes built the first six of the class in 1888, a further dozen in 1889
and again in 1890, then another 24 in 1891. This was a substantial building
programme for a medium-sized railway such as the North British: it shows
that the class was doing everything required of it. It also marks an achievement
by Cowlairs works in turning out standard locomotives in bulk. Nevertheless,
the demands of freight traffic were such that Holmes persuaded the board
to order a further 30 engines from contractors in Springburn, 15 from Neilsons
in 1891 and 15 from Sharp, Stewart in 1892.
Thereafter Holmes and the Board seemed content with Cowlairs Works' impressive
output. 12 engines were built in 1892-3, all taking the numbers of older
locomotives and therefore charged to revenue. In 1896 the goods- engine-building
programme resumed with 12 new locomotives in each of the years 1896, 1897,
1898, 1899 and a final two dozen in 1900, all charged to capital and increasing
the company's stock of engines. (Around the same time Cowlairs was also producing
the last of the 633 Class 4-4-0s, the 'West Highland Bogies' and the 729
Class large 4-4-0s.) The resulting class comprised 168 0-6-0 locomotives.
Holmes was apparently so satisfied with the performance of the 18-inchers
that, even while locomotives such as the 729 Class 4-4-0 and the 795 Class
0-6-0T were being built with combination injectors on the firebox backhead,
new 18-inch goods continued to appear with the same non-lifting injectors
feeding clack valves on the side of the boiler, just as first designed.
The 18" goods were, given the large number in the class, a very consistent
design with few significant differences between the various examples. The
most obvious difference concerned the brakes. The first batches were intended
for unfitted goods trains and had steam brake on the locomotive only and
the handbrake on the tender. As the class multiplied and their usefulness
as mixed traffic engines became evident, the later batches of the 18-inchers
(from 717 of 1897 onwards) were turned out with Westinghouse brake from new.
The air brake system operated on the locomotive wheels in the same way as
the steam brake, through a large central brake cylinder located in the drag-box
below the cab. Another variant on later batches was that the boilers were
officially rated at 150 Ibs. pressure rather than 140. Subsequently many
but by no means all of the class were vacuum-fitted; most Westinghouse-fitted
locomotives had the apparatus removed in the 1940s. The contractor-built
engines showed some slight variations when compared with the Cowlairs versions.
The Neilson locomotives had mainframes without slots, more in the Drummond
than Holmes manner; also, the tender frame slots were differently curved
from any other Holmes tender. (These differences can be seen to this day
on Maude, a Neilson engine retaining its original frames and tender chassis.)
It is unclear why Neilsons chose to alter the design in this way. It was
hardly convenient, since it required extra holes to be drilled in the mainframes
to give access to the blowdown valve and foundation ring washout plugs.
Nevertheless, it did not affect the locomotives' function in any way and
no subsequent alterations were made to the Neilsons on this account. The
Sharp, Stew art engines were built more precisely to the Cowlairs drawings.
However, the Sharps had an oddity of their own. Since the Sharp, Stewart
works plate was significantly larger than either the Cowlairs or Neilson
equivalents, when the engines were first delivered Sharps created more space
on the splashers by painting the lining nearer to the edge of the splashers
and the cab than was normal (as the drawing accompanying this article indicates).
For some reason they also painted the initials 'N. B. R.' closer together
on the tender than was usual.
The New Century Engine Company patent
In 1905 a concern called the New Century Engine Company caused quite a stir
in the engineering press. It promised to produce an apparatus that would
save money and improve efficiency in steam locomotive operation by supplying
combined reheated steam and hot compressed air to the cylinders. Some
publications referred to this as a 'superheater' system, a slight misnomer.
In August 1905 a shareholders' meeting was informed that trials of the company's
apparatus on a North British locomo- tive were ongoing and were expected
to prove the success and commercial viability of the apparatus. The equipment
involved a vertical pump behind the front clack valve on the sides of the
boiler, and an extended smoke box as well as additional equipment in front
of the cylinders. Despite the promotion of the project by the company's Chairman,
William Beardmore, the experiment was declared inconclusive and not pursued
further on the 18-inch goods. Beardmore was able by vigorous lobbying to
have the apparatus briefly attached to Reid Atlantic No. 874 Dunedin during
the summer of 1907. For the rest of their long existence the 18-inchers remained
saturated engines and were never superheated.
The only mystery about this experi- ment regards the running number of the
locomotive involved in the trials. One account says that it was 686, which
was a Sharp, Stewart engine: yet the photograph of the affected engine (with
the number inexplicably obscured) shows a Cowlairs works plate. Some accounts
say 655, others 656. The drawing of the apparatus in the Oxford Publishing
Company's microcard collection at the NRM, card No. 12757, is entitled 'G.A.
of 0-6-0 goods engine No. 656 with patent smokebox NBR'. The argument that
the locomotive involved was 656 must therefore be convincing.
The Reid rebuildings
In 1911 W. P. Reid began the structural rebuilding of Holrnes's locomotives.
beginning with the 574 Class 4-4-0s and the Seven-footers (see issues Nos.
104 and 113). He also supervised the reboilering of Holrnes's 17" goods engines
around the same time. For the rebuilding of the 18" goods a comprehensive
new general arrangement drawing was prepared, No. 4314 in the Cowlairs drawing
sequence. Rebuilding of the 18-inchers to this design began with No. 672
in August 1913, followed by a further ten feeding clack valves
on the side of the boiler, just as first designed.
The 18" goods were, given the large number in the class, a very consistent
design with few significant differences between the various examples. The
most obvious difference concerned the brakes. The first batches were intended
for unfitted goods trains and had steam brake on the locomotive only and
the handbrake on the tender. As the class multiplied and their usefulness
as mixed traffic engines became evident, the later batches of the 18-inchers
(from 717 of 1897 onwards) were turned out with Westinghouse brake from new.
The air brake system operated on the locomotive wheels in the same way as
the steam brake, through a large central brake cylinder located in the drag-box
below the cab. Another variant on later batches was that the boilers were
officially rated at 150 Ibs. pressure rather than 140. Subsequently many
but by no means all of the class were vacuum-fitted; most Westinghouse-fitted
locomotives had the apparatus removed in the 1940s. The contractor-built
engines showed some slight variations when compared with the Cowlairs versions.
The Neilson locomotives had mainframes without slots, more in the Drummond
than Holmes manner; also, the tender frame slots were differently curved
from any other Holmes tender. (These differences can be seen to this day
on Maude, a Neilson engine retaining its original frames and tender
chassis.) It is unclear why Neilsons chose to alter the design in this way.
It was hardly convenient, since it required extra holes to be drilled in
the mainframes to give access to the blowdown valve and foundation ring washout
plugs. Nevertheless, it did not affect the locomotives' function in any way
and no subsequent alterations were made to the Neilsons on this account.
The Sharp, Stew art engines were built more precisely to the Cowlairs drawings.
However, the Sharps had an oddity of their own. Since the Sharp, Stewart
works plate was significantly larger than either the Cowlairs or Neilson
equivalents, when the engines were first delivered Sharps created more space
on the splashers by painting the lining nearer to the edge of the splashers
and the cab than was normal (as the drawing accompanying this article indicates).
For some reason they also painted the initials 'N. B. R.' closer together
on the tender than was usual.
The New Century Engine Company patent
In 1905 a concern called the New Century Engine Company caused quite a stir
in the engineering press. It promised to produce an apparatus that would
save money and improve efficiency in steam locomotive operation by supplying
combined reheated steam and hot compressed air to the cylinders. Some
publications referred to this as a 'superheater' system, a slight misnomer.
In August 1905 a shareholders' meeting was informed that trials of the company's
apparatus on a North British locomo- tive were ongoing and were expected
to prove the success and commercial viability of the apparatus. The equipment
involved a vertical pump behind the front clack valve on the sides of the
boiler, and an extended smoke box as well as additional equipment in front
of the cylinders. Despite the promotion of the project by the company's Chairman,
William Beardmore, the experiment was declared inconclusive and not pursued
further on the 18-inch goods. Beardmore was able by vigorous lobbying to
have the apparatus briefly attached to Reid Atlantic No. 874 Dunedin
during the summer of 1907. For the rest of their long existence the 18-inchers
remained saturated engines and were never superheated.
The only mystery about this experi- ment regards the running number of the
locomotive involved in the trials. One account says that it was 686, which
was a Sharp, Stewart engine: yet the photograph of the affected engine (with
the number inexplicably obscured) shows a Cowlairs works plate. Some accounts
say 655, others 656. The drawing of the apparatus in the Oxford Publishing
Company's microcard collection at the NRM, card No. 12757, is entitled 'G.A.
of 0-6-0 goods engine No. 656 with patent smokebox NBR'. The argument that
the locomotive involved was 656 must therefore be convincing.
The Reid rebuildings
In 1911 W. P. Reid began the structural rebuilding of Holrness locomotives.
beginning with the 574 Class 4-4-0s and the Seven-footers (see issues Nos.
104 and 113). He also supervised the reboilering of Holrnes's 17" goods engines
around the same time. For the rebuilding of the 18" goods a comprehensive
new general arrangement drawing was prepared, No. 4314 in the Cowlairs drawing
sequence. Rebuilding of the 18-inchers to this design began with No. 672
in August 1913, followed by a further ten locomotives in October and November
of that year. 13 engines were rebuilt in 1914, 20 in 1915, 23 in 1916, 7
in 1917, 12 in 1915, 19 in 1919, then only 3 in 1920, making 10S engines
rebuilt by the end of 1920. Waiter Chalmers continued the rebuilding programme
and completed the rest of the class between 1921 and 1923, the last few rebuilds
being carried out under L. N. E. R. ownership. Reid's rebuilds created the
classic profile of the 'J36' goods engine known to all those who follow the
N. B. The mainframes, cylinders and valve gear were basically unaltered;
the cylinders remained IS" bore x 26" stroke. The springs, though retaining
the Holmes arrangement of plate, plate, coil, were modernized with fewer
plates of tougher steel.
A significantly larger boiler was fitted, as already produced for the first
batches of 0-6-2Ts (see issue No. Ill) and the Reid 0-4-4Ts [see issue No.
123] and saturated 4-4-2Ts. This boiler had basically the same lengthwise
dimensions as the originals, except that the front tubeplate was Ye" rather
than %" thick. The boiler barrel remained 10' 2Y" long, and the extra Ye"
was taken off the nominal length of the firebox which became 5' 4Ys" long.
The barrel had a maximum diameter of 4' SYe". This boiler, diagram SI in
the L. N. E. R. list, ultimately applied to 315 of the ex-N. B. locomotive
stock, though minor variations obtained, both between the boilers as first
built, and between the original N. B. versions and the later L. N. E. R.
replacements. None of the rebuilt IS" goods (for instance) had boilers with
safety valves on the top of the dome: all had their safety valves above the
firebox crown. All had combination injectors on the backhead and no clack
valves on the boiler barrel. The 0-6-0s typically worked at 160 Ibs pressure
rather than the 175 Ibs of some other classes. The L. N. E. R. would build
replacement boilers with Ross pop safety valves rather than lock-ups, and
different patterns of decorative casings over the safety valves. On the 0-6-0s
the boiler was pitched at 7' 4W' from rail level. The rebuilds had a
single-window cab in the Reid manner. Neither the cab nor the new 'chimney
was particularly tall. The chimney was 2' 6 11/16" high, giving the locomotive
an overall height of 12' 7'/," - well within gauge. As mentioned elsewhere
in this series, these chimneys were of the exact same height as those fitted
to the Chalmers rebuilds of the Holmes 4-4-0s. This reduction in height gave
the rebuilds more pleasing proportions than might have been expected for
the design of such a workaday, functional engine.
Waiter Chalmers continued the Reid rebuilding with two significant and
characteristic differences. First, his chimneys were more parallel-sided
than Reid's, which tapered distinctly towards the top. Secondly, Chalmers
used coil springs on all the locomotive axles, as with his 4-4-0 rebuilds.
The latter arrangement was subsequently abandoned, either because it gave
too unsteady a ride or because the axleboxes required for this layout were
non-standard. While it lasted the L. N. E. R. did issue separate part
designations for the class as j36/1 and j3612, as had been done with the
031 4-4-0s and for the same reason.
War service
As the First World War turned into a bitter, exhausting and deadly war of
attrition in the trenches, the logistical demands of supplying munitions
and all manner of supplies to the front required the requisitioning of existing
locomotives of British railway companies, besides the building of new locomotives
for the Railway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers (based on the Robinson
2-S-0s of the Great Central Railway).
According to the Minutes of the Board Locomotive and Stores Committee, on
4th August 1917 The Railway Executive requisitioned 25 six-coupled goods
engines with ISW' cylinders for war work. Taken literally that requirement
would have implied sending members of the Reid 'B' class (later j35) goods
engines. Somehow the N. B. got away with sending 25 of the rebuilt 18-inchers
instead. It was clearly an excellent decision, as by all accounts these simple,
robust and strong locomotives were some of the best sent to this theatre.
It was reported that, not only were the engines tough and reliable, but their
massive brake- blocks took longer to wear out than those on more delicately
built locomo- tives - which proved an advantage in the difficult conditions
of wartime. According to some accounts the N. B. engines worked around
Verquigneul in the Pas-de-Calais and were based at Arras and Valenciennes.
A photograph survives of No. 176 working a goods train near Berguette in
the Pas-de-Calais. The engines which served on the Western Front are listed
in the table on the next page.
It must be presumed that the ROD only renumbered those locomotives that would
otherwise have duplicated a number already carried by one of their other
engines. Several photographs exist of N. B. R. locomotives as returned from
war service: the engines were painted an all-over drab which may have been
khaki or dark grey, though khaki would have been the easiest colour to apply
over the N. B. livery of the time. The initials "R O D"¦ were painted
in huge 20 inches high white initials on the tenders, followed
by numbers of the same size. This livery could be seen at Didcot Railway
Centre between 2008 and 2012 when the Great Western Society'¦s
Churchward Mogul No. 5322, built for the ROD in 1917, was painted in ROD
livery in this style.
All the N. B. engines returned safely from their war service. Afterwards
they were named after Allied commanders (including those who, like Allenby
and Maude, commanded in other theatres) battlefields of the Western Front,
and in one case (Ole Bill¦) a character invented by the wartime
cartoonist Bruce Bairnsfather. The names were perpetuated throughout the
engines' existence, though from time to time they would be painted over in
the works and temporarily forgotten until they were restored. After the original
9650/9226 Haig had been withdrawn, Haymarket unofficially named No.
65311 Haig¦ in 1953, and the name was perpetuated when the engine
was next overhauled at Inverurie works. As No. 753 this engine
had never served in France, and had indeed only been rebuilt from Holmes
condition in 1921.
Gartverrie Siding revisited
n earlier articles in this series on the J33 and J31 Class goods engines,
there has already been discussion of the curious working to the short goods
branch serving the Gartverrie Fireclay Company¦s works north of Coatbridge
and just east of Glenboig village. This siding diverged towards the west
from the Caledonian line north of Gartsherrie, then turned around and ducked
underneath the main line that it had just left, through a narrow overbridge
with a loading gauge of approximately 11-feet. From 1921 to 1938 the fireclay
siding was operated by Wheatley J31 0-6-0s and Holmes J33
0-6-0s with cut down chimneys and reduced domes.
By 11936 these old engines were wearing out, and the LNER decided to carry
out a more radical rebuild on two J36 Class 0-6-0s, Nos. 9714 and 9716
A series of part drawings were produced for this transformation in late 1936,
including sequential numbers 18670B, 18711B and 18717B, besides possibly
others now lost. Stumpy short stovepipe chimneys replaced the originals;
the dome covers became short and nearly flat; the cab was cut down, such
that angled spectacle windows of the J 37 type replaced the original
round windows, and the cab was widened to fit. 9714 was reported
rebuilt to this pattern in February and 9716 in April of 1937 when they relieved
Wheatley No. 10206 and Holmes No. 9249. They then continued to work
the branch (with occasional excursions elsewhere) until withdrawal in 1963.
Copies of the works drawings for this rebuilding arrived too late to be included
in the drawings herewith, but I hope to submit a drawing as an addendum at
a later date.
Before 1915 the North British did not use a separate goods locomotive livery.
Matthew Holmes was scrupulous in ensuring that even antiquated 1860s goods
engines rebuilt into the contemporary image were decorated in the fully-lined-out
style used for the company¦s new locomotives. The drawings accompanying
this article show an as nearly accurate livery for around 1890 as possible
(I recognize that some may disagree).
At the end of the Holmes era the red paint on the valances and tender frames
gave way to body colour, and this remained the standard for most of the Reid
period. Several 18-iinch goods engines were rebuilt from 1913 onwards,
before the goods black livery with straw-yellow lines was introduced in 1915.
Photographs of the engines in this state are rare but do exist: there is
even a photograph of No. 647 at West Craigs, unnamed and therefore pre-1917
in lined olive livery with the large control number on the tender.
Locomotives which returned from war service and were named in 1919 received
the current goods livery of black with yellow lining, and the names were
painted in shaded and highlighted style on the centre splashers. Engines
with this livery can be identified on monochrome photographs because the
lining of the front splasher and sandbox is treated as a single area, without
the marking-out of the separate wheelcover and sandbox areas that had been
traditional since Drummond¡¦s time. Locomotives in lined black
received the smaller size of initials "N. B." on the tender. Towards the
Grouping some locomotives appeared in unlined black, and in those cases the
initials were usually of the larger size. No. 749 had its numberplate replaced
by large control numbers on the cab side. Fortunately this hideous scheme
was not more widely adopted. Naming the former war-service engines created
an issue with works plates. As first built the engines had carried the works
plates of either Cowlairs works or the contract builders (Sharp, Stewart
used a particularly large and ostentatious design) on the driving splashers.
When the engines were rebuilt these worksplates were discarded and replaced
with a Cowlairs plate reading simply "Rebuilt / [date] / Cowlairs". However,
the painting of names on the small splashers of goods locomotives left no
room if the works plate was not to overlap the lining. So on many of the
war service engines the rebuilding worksplate was moved to the front
In the L. N. E. R. period the Cowlairs works plates were discarded (again)
and replaced by 9-inch by 5-inch cast elliptical numberplates with building
or rebuilding date (sometimes one and sometimes the other!) mounted on the
middle of the cab sides where the original brass numberplates had been. When
the transfer numbers were moved from the tender sides to the cab in the late
1920s / 1930s, the numberplate was moved to the middle of the central splasher.
The names were painted round the edge of the splasher, which was now unlined.
The names were then painted in the shaded style favoured by the L. N. E.
R.; later they became unshaded Gill Sans.
The J36s remained in unlined black for most of the rest of their existence,
although a few (e.g. 9613, 9681) received red lining for a time. Generally,
when the engines were renumbered in 1946 the L. N. E. R. used the same deeply
shaded numeral transfers as before. Later in 1946, the authorities in the
L. N. E. R. decreed that every single locomotive was to be painted lined
grass green. The Scottish works set about this task with more enthusiasm
than most. Inverurie works painted two J36s green, 5211 (shown here)
and 5330, which received oldstyle transfer numerals. The colour scheme was
not quite complete, insofar as the old double-lined panel around the tender
sides and rear was not replicated. 5330 carried its green livery as
BR No. 65330 until 1951. Examples of the class carried all three British
Railways emblems, the Gill Sans tender lettering and the two emblems known
facetiously as the "cycling lion" and the "red ferret and dartboard". The
cabside numbers were Gill Sans, though when first applied the numerals were
not quite the same as the later standard: the number "6"¦ in particular
was represented differently in earlier compared with later applications,
and the numerals were overall slightly thicker.
Allocations, Work and withdrawal
Given the numbers in the class, the Holmes 18-inch goods engines were found
all over the N. B. system and slightly beyond it: one was regularly based
at Gateshead and subsequently at Blaydon shed after 1900. They worked the
long-haul goods traffic until Reid's larger 0-6-0s (the complex and
varied class later known as J35) began to appear from 1906
onwards. When relegated from the heaviest and longest goods trains,
the eighteeen-inchers worked on all sorts of branch and short trip goods
work. Those fitted with automatic brakes were often used on local passenger
trains and special trains. During the First World War at least three of the
class were loaned to the Highland Railway for the heavy traffic running north
towards Scapa Flow. J36 engines also worked regularly on the West Highland
line: they were used for freight trains, passenger trains if suitably fitted,
and for snow plough work. As all passenger trains on the West Highland carried
express passenger headlamp codes, the eighteeen- inchers were probably unusual
among goods engines in being seen with a headlamp above each buffer.
After Reid rebuilt locomotive No. [9]786j was tried out
on the G. N. S. R. section in 1923-5 to general acclaim, the G. N. S. R.
reportedly expressed interest in bringing more of the class north, but this
never became a permanent allocation. However, as Inverurie works regularly
overhauled Southern Scottish Area locomotives, often a J36 might accidentally
spend a few weeks longer than necessary North-West of Aberdeen. One of the
oddest of such workings occurred when on 31 August 1951 No. 6
5285, one of the two Gartverrie pilots usually based at Kipps, was observed
in steam at Keith shed next to 4-4-0 No. 62241 and ex-Caledonian
0-6-0 No. 57634. In later years the class tended to congregate at the larger
sheds serving mining areas such as Thornton (for East Fife), Dunfermline
(for West Fife) and Bathgate (for the Lothians coalfields). At the end the
last six were distributed four at Bathgate and one each in Dunfermline and
St Margarets.
The class was withdrawn over a period of more than forty years. The first
to go was the elusive, seldom-photographed 676 Reims, scrapped following
an accident in 1926. Routine withdrawals began in 1931, by which time most
of the only slightly older J33 0-6-0 s were already withdrawn.
Withdrawals were halted during the Second World War and 123 of the 168 survived
to enter BR stock in 1948. A trickle of withdrawals followed in the 1950s.
many survived until the modernization / dieselisation programme took hold
from 1960 onwards. At the beginning of 1960 82 locomotives nearly
half the class were still in BR stock. Withdrawals proceeded fairly
quickly thereafter, with 7 in 1960, 9 in 1961; 34 in 1962, 21 in 1963,
2 in 1964, 1 in 1965, 5 in 1966, and the last three in 1967. As probably
every reader of this journal is aware, 65288 ex 717 and 63545
ex 793 were not only the last N. B. locomotives, but the last steam locomotives
of any kind working in British Railways service in Scotland when they were
withdrawn in June. 65234, immobilized at St Margaret's as a stationary
boiler for some years, continued in this role until July.
No. 65243 Maude had been a celebrity in its last years of BR
service. Based at Haymarket for the South Queensferry goods working, it was
stabled among the East Coast express locomotives and even, latterly, among
the Deltic diesels. Around May 1964 it was moved to Bathgate, where a number
of the remaining J36s were based. The Scottish Railway Preservation
Society, which had at one time been considering preserving a N15 tank, decided
to preserve 65243instead when it was withdrawn in 1966. Fortunately
the appeal was successful, despite the many obstacles placed in the way of
locomotive preservation at that time. The locomotive moved to the society's
then base at Falkirk by 1967. My first memory of the fully restored locomotive
was a glimpse from the windows of a SRPS Railtour to Fort William in 1978
(I think) as the train passed No. 673 in steam on a track parallel
to the main line at Manuel / Bo'ness Junction. At that stage 673 had recently
been restored to NBR black lined straw yellow, with control numbers and large
initials on the tender. One might have quibbled about details of the lettering
and numbering, but it was a delight to see it restored and working.
In preservation but not before Maude acquired vacuum
brake, obtained from sister engine 65345i when the latter was withdrawn.
Maude also acquired a mechanical lubricator ahead of the driving splasher
on the right hand side, which was certainly not original. The tender tank
was basically new, but the chassis was original: one can still see the small
holes in the rear bufferbeam where side chains were attached during its time
in France. In this form the locomotive travelled under its own steam to the
Rainhill celebrations in the summer of 1980. En route it was the only locomotive
allowed to run in steam without a pilot, as a temporary steam ban was instituted
due to fire risk at the time! In the 1980s the locomotive worked many railtours
around Edinburgh and once, not entirely successfully, on the West Highland
Railway. Once the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway opened Maude became
a stalwart of the passenger trains there. My understanding is that boiler
work and valve-setting in the late 1980s - early 1990s further improved a
fine locomotive, and it ran for much of the 1990s latterly in BR livery with
the mid-1950s emblem. It has been out of ticket for over ten years now and
is awaiting overhaul including significant work on the cylinders.
All the numberplates and works plates associated with Maude are modern
The 18-inch goods were simply outstandingly successful engines not
because they were spectacularly innovative, or large or powerful; rather,
because they were soundly and consistently engineered, and very well adapted
to the work they were called on to perform. They represented the best in
the Drummond-Holmes tradition and must have earned their building costs many
times over in their long working lives.
The following table appears on page 10, but has been reduced by
removing the precise dates in 1917 and 1919 that the locomotives entered
and left R OD service.
Locomotive | ROD Number* | 'tribute' name |
176 | 176 |
French |
605 | 6605 |
St Quentin |
608 | 6608 |
Foch |
611 | 611 |
Allenby |
612 | 612 |
Ypres |
615 | 615 |
Verdun |
620 | 620 |
Rawfinson |
621 | 621 |
Monro |
627 | 627 |
Petain |
628 | 628 |
Byng |
631 | 631 |
Aisne |
643 | 643 |
Arras |
646 | 646 |
Somme |
647 | 647 |
Albert |
648 | 648 |
Mons |
650 | 650 |
Haig |
657 | 6657 |
Plumer |
659 | 6659 |
Gough |
660 | 6660 |
Home |
661 | 6661 |
Ole Bill |
662 | 6662 |
Birdwood |
666 | 5666 |
Mame |
673 | 5673 |
Maude |
676 | 5676 |
Reims |
682 |
6682 |
Joffre |
Works photograph of No 690, built by Sharp Stewart & Co. in 1892, at Atlas Works. Note lining closer than usual to edges of splashers and cab. | 6 |
NBR No 673, one of the locomotives built by Neilson & Co. Euan Cameron coloured side elevation drawing | 7 |
Locomotive, number obscured, fitted with with New Century Engine Company apparatus and extended smokebox, at Cowlairs shed in 1906i. | 8 |
No 741 at Fort William shed on 1 September 1923, after rebuilding by Chalmers with coil springs on front axle. The pull-rods above the splashers for the front sanding gear appeared first on the Chalmers rebuilds, and were eventually applied to the whole class. Compare No. 682 on pp. 10 and 11. | 9 |
ROD No 6682, NBR No 682, at Cowlairs in 1919 after returning from France | 10 |
No 682 at Cowlairs in NBR lined black, named Joffre after return fom France. Note livery and lettering, including red coupling rods; also Chalmers style works plate on the front sandbox, replacing one fitted at rebuilding and reading "Cowlairs 1915 Works" | 11 |
BR No 65285 (the former 714 / 9714 / 5285) at Kipps shed, March 1959 showing modifications for use on Gartverrie branch. Note heavy fluted coupling rods of the type designed for the 0-6-2Ts, fitted to some but not all J36 locomotives some years after rebuilding. (W. Potter) | 11 |
No 687 Built by Sharp Stewart & Co in 1892: Euan Cameron coloured side elevation drawing | 12 |
No 5211 in post-war LNER green, with Gill Sans lettering and numbering Euan Cameron coloured side elevation drawing | 12 |
No 779 at Canal shed, Carlisle in pre-WW1 livery without control numbers on tender. This locomotive was fitted with Westinghouse brake. | 13 |
No 145 at Ladybank in NBR livery. (James F McEwan) | 13 |
No. 65243 Maude on 22 August 2000 in BR livery and, correctly for the period, without a name | 14 |
No 65340 in early British Railways livery, at Hawick shed on 9 July 1949 showing weatherboard fitted to tender. Note earlier form of Gill Sans number 6 on cab side. (J.L. Stevenson) | 16 |
No 65300 late in its career, at Fort William shed in July 1959. Note backing plate to coal rails rising above top of the rails, a feature of locomotives overhauled at Inverurie. (K.R. Pirt colour) | 16 |
Alan Simpson. Randolph Colliery and its rail traffic. 24-8
On the section of the East Coast Main Line (ECML) between Inverkeithing
and the River Tay there were five collieries served by private sidings (some
quite lengthy) from the main line. From south to north these pits were:
Seafield Colliery between Kinghorn and Kirkcaldy. This was a modern pit dating
from the mid 1950s.
The remaining four dated from NBR days and were:
Dunnikier Colliery also known as the Panny / Pannie pit, near Sinclairtown
Frances Colliery at Dysart;
Randolph Colliery between Dysart and Thornton Junction;
Balgonie Colliery just north of Thornton Junction.
The Randolph pit (generally known locally as the Randy) dated from about
1850 it was first operated by the Earl of Rosslyn's Collieries then from
1923 by the Fife Coal Co. Ltd , before finally passing to the National Coal
Board as from January 1947. The pit closed in April 1968 and since then the
site has been landscaped and there is now no trace of it.
The pit lay north of Kirkcaldy, about half a mile from Boreland village and
to the west of the first bend on the A915 Standing Stane Road (adjacent
to Cowdenlaws Farm) leading towards Windygates and Leven and on the east
side of the ECML. It was served by a private railway siding around 1¼
miles south of Thornton; this siding opened for traffic in May 1871.
A signal box, called Randolph Siding , was located on the western side of
the main line; this controlled access to the Siding. It was quite a small
box and closed from 22 December 1968
Illustration: A private owner wagon Earl of Rosslyns Collieries,
Dysart. (Historical Model Railway Society)
Randolph Pit in 1894. (Extracted from Ordnance Survey sheet Fifeshire 2814,
publication date 1895. Original scale 25 inches to 1 mile)
Randolph Pit in 1913. Extracted from Ordnance Survey sheet Fifeshire 2813,
publication date 1914. Original scale 25 inches to 1 mile)
New Passenger Rolling Stock on the NBR. 29
Railway Magazine July 1921: Pickering 3rd class
non-corridor coach with steel underframe
Douglas Yuill. Coal Industry in East and Midlothian Part 22 .30-8.
Line No 16 Hardengreen Junction to Rosewell and Hawthornden.
This line was constructed as the Edinburgh & Peebles Railway and its
history is comprehensively covered in Peter
Marshall's book Peebles Railways (Oakwood Press, 2005) ,
and this account simply supplements Peter's history as regards the coal mining
which took place along part of the route. However, here is just a brief
chronology of the line in its early days.
Authorised by an Act of 8 July 1853, the line opened between Hardengreen
and Peebles on 4 July 1855 with the Peebles Railway operating its own
four locomotives and conducting its own affairs on its own line until 11
July 1861 when the NBR formally leased the line, having operated it from
1 February of that year. Another fifteen years were to elapse until the NBR
obtained an Act to absorb the Peebles Railway, which it did on 1 August 1876.
The line passes through the southwestern part of the Midlothian coalfield
where coal has been mined since the mid part of the 18th century. In 1815
there were four collieries listed in the district, viz: Elden [sic], Skiltiemuir
(Dalhousie), Whitehill and Barleydean - all worked by Robert Wardlaw Ramsay,
who was one of the founding directors of the Peebles Railway. In 1838
Whitehill was producing 22400 tons of coal per annum and Barleydean,
southeast of Rosewell, 10700 tons per annum. The family name of Wardlaw Ramsay
of Whitehill is synonymous with coal mining in the area after they acquired
the estate. Robert Balfour Wardlaw Ramsay was still carrying on work at Rosewell
and Barleydean collieries in 1840-41 when the Parliamentary Commissioners
visited the Lothians to find that the management had already made sweeping
changes in stopping females and very young children from being employed in
their mines some four years earlier, so anticipating the 1842 Act, and this
made the colliery a model one of its time. Old maps show that a tram road
existed between Barleydean Colliery (NT 292 608) and a landsale depot
on the Rosewell to Howgate road at NT 282 612.
Archibald Hood, Mining Entrepreneur
Archibald Hood, the son of a colliery oversman at one of the Duke of Portland's
collieries at Kilmarnock in Ayrshire, came east in 1840 after masterminding
a large area of coal and ironstone mining in South Ayrshire to take up the
lease of Whitehill Colliery at Rosewell from R B Wardlaw Ramsay. The main
area of operations at Whitehill extended southwards to the old Barleydean
pit but Hood also sunk small pits at Gorton (NT 284 629) and Dalhousie
(Poltonhall) (NT 301 641) where he had acquired a separate lease, and later
he sub-leased the mineral fields of Carrington from Wardlaw Ramsay who was
the principal lessee of Lord Roseberry, the owner of the coal.
Illustrations: all photographs except HMRS Rae Montgomery
8-ton dumb-buffered wagon: Lothian Coal Coy. Ltd. designated for Whitehill and Polton Collieries.(Historical Model Railway Society) |
30 |
Railway and colliery locations. Extracted from Ordnance Survey sheets NT26 and NT36, publication date 1955. Original scale 1:25000. |
31 |
Polton Colliery. Extracted from Ordnance Survey sheet Edinburghshire VIII.14, publication date 1914. Original scale 1:25000. |
31 |
Hawthornden Junction signal box, opened 1881 and closed on 29 November 1969. Note prefab housing to rear! |
33 |
Looking south west from Hawthornden Junction. Whitehill Colliery exchange sidings on left, line to Peebles in middle, and branch to Penicuik on right. Tower to right of Penicuik branch marks site of Gorton Pit. |
33 |
Penicuik Goods (E52), which conveyed empties to and lifted fulls from Whitehill Colliery, approaching Esk Valley Junction on 19 October 1960. Train engine enveloped in steam, is Class J38 No 65520 |
34 |
Banking engine is Hardengreen Pilot, an unidentified Class J36 |
34 |
Lifting the rail connection into Polton No 2 Colliery, Bonnyrigg from Peebles branch, 19 October 1960. |
35 |
Polton No 2 signal box, also known as Bonnyrigg Level Crossing, looking towards Bonnyrigg Station: box opened 1881; closed on 14 March 1965i. |
36 |
Whitehill Colliery. Extracted from Ordnance Survey sheet Edinburghshire XIV.01 publication date 1907. Original scale 1:25000. |
37 |
NBR signals. 39
Lower quadrant signals at unidentified location. flap-type shunt signal
on the bracket of signal closer to photographer.
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law Part 7. 40-5.
Legal responsibilities of railway companies towards owners of freight
carried; towards passengers (and injuries if incurred during transit); towards
their staff; visitors to railway premises and trespassers.
From our photograph archive [trespass signs]. 46
Cast iron NBR sign at Torrance Station, 30 May 1954; enamel Dundee
& Arbroath Joint Railway sign at Carmyllie Station, 29 May 1955; enamel
NBR sign at an unknown location; enamel Dumbarton & Balloch Joint Line
sign at Dumbarton Station, October 1955.
Book Review. 47
The Railway Infrastructure of Scotland . Brian J. Dickson. Kestrel
Books. ;reviewed by Ian Terrell. 47
When looking at the many publications that are aimed at the railway
enthusiast market, it will be seen that the majority are about the trains
or the locomotives that hauled them. So often, any railway infrastructure
only receives a passing mention within a description of the location or if
they should happen to appear in the photograph background.
This book attempts to correct this balance by focusing on the buildings,
be it the railway stations and its associated platform paraphernalia,
signalboxes, locomotive sheds and more. The author acknowledges that this
book does not set out to record and illustrate all the stations and associated
buildings...but does try to show the wide variation of building styles which
could be seen.¡¦. Specifically excluded are the large city stations
and so we are treated to scenes of the once common town or village station.
Each chapter is dedicated to a former pre-grouping railway, beginning with
a very brief history of the railway company. The illustrations are grouped
where possible, into those to be found along a particular route with an
accompanying paragraph describing the line and area served. The layout of
the pages tries to maximise the space available for the photographs and is
accompanied by an informative description. We are fortunate that there were
photographers who pointed their viewfinders onto the buildings and framed
them as the main subject and it is from a variety of collections that the
author has had access to. Only a couple of the prints have been enlarged
and cropped from a larger image and so nearly all are sharp and in focus.
The only colour photographs included are on the front and back cover, all
the rest being black and white. Most of the images have been taken in the
1960s to early 70s and show a scene long taken for granted in its apparent
permanence, little changed from the previous le plus years. A
few photographs are from the 1930s, 50s and 60s with one of Stirling from
2000, though even that is now eleven years ago! <<<following decades
would see most of these buildings swept aside, whether due to line closures
or rationalisation of facilities when stations became unmanned, neglected
and the structures replaced by the ubiquitous bus shelter - if you were
What becomes evident to the reader, was the wide variety of architecture
and construction that was to be found, even within the same pre-grouping
company area and the individual character of each station. When comparing
it with the current scene and the uniformity of designs used throughout the
network, one cannot help thinking we have lost the individualism of different
geographical regions, though no doubt maintenance is considerably easier
and cheaper.
As for the book, those who favour only the one pre-grouping company or region
will be left feeling disappointed with the brief coverage of their preferred
railway. Modellers would have been wishing that there were accompanying scale
drawings or references to known paint schemes. However, this is not who the
book is intended for as that enthusiast market would probably not be large
enough to support such a specialist publication and is better served by the
relevant society journals, though the recent releases of books dedicated
to locomotives, carriages and wagons by railway company is encouraging. Instead,
we have a book that is trying to appeal to the largest market possible by
having something that would interest everyone.
Publisher: Kestrel Railway Books PO Box 269, Southampton, SO30 4XR Softback:
120 pages with over 226 photographs Feedback The Closure of the Silloth
Branch Bill Lynn, 48
The Closure of the Silloth Branch. Alasdair Lauder
Musselburgh Station, OS maps from 1853 and 1893 Journal
Team 50
See also letter from John S, Wilson (Issue 127 p. 50)
A memorial to Jeff Hurst. 3-4.
Unveiled at Shawfair station on the Borders Railway on Sunday 25 October
2015 by his widow Margaret.
Andrew Boyd. 4M65: on the goods to Carlisle. 4-9.
Party of railway enthusiasts trtavelled in brake vans at front of
fitted freight hauled by Type 40 No. D261 Enlgish Electric diesel locomotive
from Millerhill yard over the Waverley route to Carlisle on 13 December
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law Part 8 10
Trade unions
Donald Cattenach and Allan Rodgers.nbsp;Waverley
Station: a history Part 4. Descent into chaos and plans for the future,
1880-1891. 18-31
From the early 1880s Waverley was at least partially lit by electricity:
from June 1882 by the Scottish Brush Electric Light & Power Co. Ltd and
when it went into liquidation the NBR bought the plant from the
In July 1890, the NBR suffered the humiliation of being told how to conduct
its business by its English partners: "Board 10/7/90 Waverley Station. A
memorandum from the East Coast and Midland Companies on the subject of the
accommodation at Waverley Station was perused and carefully examined and
it was referred to the General Manager to give early effect to the suggestions
made therein so far as these may be found practicable.
By chance, a transcription of it has come to light. It was signed by Matthew
William Thompson, Chairman of the Midland Railway, and by Lord Colville of
Culross, Chairman of the Great Northern Railway, and handed by Colville to
Walker in London on 9 July. The following suggestions are submitted for the
consideration of the Board of the North British Railway Company.
Mr Cockshott and Mr Ingliston, the Superintendents of the Great Northern
and Midland Railway Companies have visited Edinburgh for the purpose of
considering what steps could be taken to avoid the delay now occurring to
the through East Coast and Midland trains at the Waverley Station.
Having regard to the considerable difficulties resulting from the want of
platform and siding accommodation at the Station it is suggested that the
working may be improved by utilizing a portion of the goods yard, particularly
the two sidings next to, and outside the south wall of the Passenger Station
for the purpose of shunting or standing carriages and by running some of
the through down trains to the new platform so as to admit of an additional
down train being admitted when the main platform is occupied and they suggest
further that as far as possible excursion and local or suburban trains be
dealt with at one or other of the North British Company's Edinburgh Stations
instead of Waverley and that an Engine Turntable be put down at Waverley
at once to save the necessity for empty engines going through either of the
tunnels east or west of the Station to turn.
The above appear to the Superintendents to be essentially necessary at the
present moment but it may be advisable also to divide some of the important
trains at points at or near the Portobello Junction on the south or the
Corstorphine Junction on the north so that the Aberdeen and Perth trains
may be run by the Suburban line, avoiding Waverley, and if this be determined
on, any sidings necessary at either place should be put down at once.
The delays to the through trains are so serious and affect so detrimentally
the passenger traffic of the East Coast and Midland routes, that the chairmen
of the Companies concerned send this Memorandum to the North British Board
in the hope that they will give their earnest and immediate attention not
only to the limited and temporary improvements suggested by the Superintendents
but also to the consideration of the more important question of the permanent
enlargement of the Station and its approaches.
The two Superintendents had not announced their presence in Edinburgh, far
less consulted, prior to making their report. Secretary G B Wieland wrote
immediately after the Board meeting to assure the NBR#161;#166;s partners
that instructions were given for the immediate carrying out of such of the
suggestions as appeared to the Board to be practicable#166;. Walker, detained
in London, wired Engineer-in-Chief Carswell to go ahead with the proposed
turntable immediately, but McLaren advised Chairman Lord Tweeddale that its
construction would disrupt the traffic, and it would be no good for west
end engines. Order, counter-order, and disorder! It was never built.
The North British Railway (Waverley Station etc) Act 1891 received the Royal
Assent on 5i August 1891. Most urgent was the provision of the additional
running lines to the west. On 10 September, the NBR Works Committee placed
the contract for widening the line between Corstorphine and Haymarket with
James Young & Sons, Edinburgh. Work was to be completed by nbsp;31 March
1892. On 24 December 1891, the Board decided not to construct a station at
Lothian Road. Perhaps, as with the Gas Works, the Waverley Market, and the
goods depot at Leith Central, it never had intended to! As we shall see,
work on Waverley Station began in the autumn of 1894 and was finally signed
off by the Board of Trade in 1901. Photographs:
Waverley taken from the roof of the City Chambers in 1885 soon after the suburban platforms were opened to passengers on 1 December 1884 |
p. 13 |
Lord High Commissioner#146;s procession in 1884 crossing North Bridge (showing Post Office hydraulic lift) |
p. 20 |
west end of Waverley station from the Scott Monument, probably taken in the late 1880s |
p. 21 |
roof of Waverley Market & gable end of old North British Station Hotel in mid-1880s |
p. 22 |
east end of Waverley, probably taken around 1887-90* |
p. 23 |
Ordnance Survey map 1895 |
p. 26 |
Plan of 1890 for developments at east eend of Waverley (not implemented) |
p. 27 |
Maps (plans) of proposals made by Caledonian and North British Railways for railways in Edinburgh and in Leith 1890 |
p. 29 |
Beyer Peacock former Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway 0-4-2 No. 319 at west end of Waverley: umbrella roofs to platforms late 1880s |
p. 30 |
view from above The Mound towards Calton Hill and North Bridge with Waverley in between |
p. 32 |
Drummond 0-6-0T No. 297 at east end with Regent Arch behind |
p. 33 |
* showing a very busy scene with most of the east end platforms full;
dominating the bottom right of the image is the goods shed roof and beyond
the end of the platforms can be seen the signal bridge with its signal cabin
straddling the tracks; immediately to the right of the signal bridge is the
hydraulic engine house and to the right of that is a pretty full goods yard.
Above the railway can be seen the Calton Jail, pictured after the original
Robert Adam debtor's jail of 1791 (known as the Bridewell) had been demolished
and rebuilt during the period 1884-7 in a style which appears to imitate
that of a square towered medieval castle.
Euan Cameron. Locomotives for the Gartverrie
Branch. 32-5
Glenboig fireclay and firebrick industry included the Gartverrie Fire
Clay Company which was served by a branch line which descended nbsp;beneath
the Caledonian main line and led to a severe height restriction and the need
for special cabs and nbsp;boiler mountings. Branch served from Kipps shed.
Concentrates on modifications to Class J36 0-6-0 type. No. 65285 is depicted
in one of author's beautiful coloured side elevations: J33 No. 9021 is also
depicted. Refers to Issue 115 for modifications to earlier locomotives
Douglas Yuill. Coal industry in East and Midlothian Part 23.
A large amount of tabulated data on merchants' names and addresses
and wagon ownership including depots served by the Caledonian Railway. Extensive
bibliography. Photographs of wagons: #141; 8 ton dumb-buffered wagon owned
by Tranent Colleries; A. Stewart, Gorgie station; Waldie of Leith; dumb-buffered
wagon owned Leith Provident Co-opersative Society
Feedback Additional information on various points Journal Readers 50
Millerhill Station and Junction, OS map from 1894 Journal Team 51
Galashiels station in 1930s. front cover
See information (Issue 128 page 32)
from John Minnis of Lens of Sutton Association stating
that taken by Professor C.E.J. Fordyce in 1930s.
Jim Hay. Signalling on the NBR. 3-18.
Author emphsises that not a detailed history, but rather a set of
coloured drawings to show representative signals, largely the products of
Stevens & Sons and the Railway Signal Co. Sigmal cabins are neither
illustrated nor described. Very early types of signal are included.
Euan Cameron. The four-wheeled tender locomotives of the North British
Railway. 19-33
Notes that with the exception of the Wheatley 0-4-0 Nos. 357 and 358
(which lasted into LNER ownership as class Y10), most of the type were inherited
from earler companies and that archival sources for dimensions are sometimes
contradictory. The Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway owned three Bury bar-frame
0-4-0s: Playfair, LaPlace and Leslie (later numbered
18-20): they did not enter NBR stock (illustrated by similar London &
Birmingham locomotive) . Both R. & W. Hawthorn of Newcastle and Hawthorns
& Co. of Leith supplied four-wheelednbsp;tender locomotives which eventually
became a part of North British Railway stock, but there is a lack of knowledge
about them. Ex-Monklands Railway Nos. 268 and 269..
Douglas Yuill. The North British Railway and the coal industry in
East and Midlothian. 34-43.
Trevor Jones. Railways and the Law Part 9. 44-9.
Nationalisation; Transport Acts of 1953 and 1962; legislation in Northern
Ireland and Irish Free State. Conclusion and extensive bibliography.
Feedback Comments and corrections Journal readers 50
Musselburgh. (Journal 125 page 50). John
S Wilson:
Comments that Musselburgh station as shown on the map was opened on
14 July 1846. That was not correct, as the map showed the terminus station
at the end of the branch line beside the River Esk and he date should have
been 14 July 1847. The station on the main line, which was initially called
Musselburgh, opened on 27 June 1846 but was renamed Inveresk when the station
illustrated in the article was opened
The back cover #151; Galashiels. 51 and rear
Galashiels station with NBR 4-4-0T No. 79 (p. 51 upper), Galashiels
station with searchlight colour light signal (p. 51 lower) OS map from the
1890s (rear cover). See also further information from John
Euan Cameron. 0-4-2 and 0-4-2T locomotives of the
North British Railway. 3-16.
The first 26 locomotives ordered by the NBR were engines designed
and built by R. & W. Hawthorn of Newcastle. The locomotives were not
all identical and some may have been originally intended for other buyers.
In general, these were Robert Stephenson #145; Patentee #146; type locomotves,
with heavy outside sandwich frames and outside cranks on the driving wheels.
Hawthorns of Leith was entirely independent of its Newcastle namesake though
named after a temporary venture by the latter, built a number of 0-4-2 versions
of its successful 0-4-0 outside cylinder tender locomotive. Two worked for
the Peebles Railway and another may have been acquired by the N. B. by another
route. Neilsons of Glasgow built large numbers of goods locomotives with
outside cylinders and the 0-4-2 wheel arrangement, usually with low boilers,
large domes over the firebox and bent-over weatherboards. The type was chiefly
associated with the Caledonian, but the N. B. acquired numbers of these via
the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway and the Monkland Railways. They mostly
did not last long; some that did were rebuilt as outside-cylinder small-wheeled
0-6-0s. In the mid-1850s the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, faced with the
imminent disintegration of much of its early locomotive stock, began to acquire
some fine new locomotives from the recently founded Beyer, Peacock &
Co. These orders began with some splendid mixed-framed 2-2-2 in 1856; then
in 1859-62 the company supplied four 2-4-0s, two more 2-2-2s and twelve 0-4-2s.
Beautifully designed and well-engineered, these engines passed to the N.B.
and after rebuilding served the company for many years. The tenders were
four-wheels, outside bearings and originally clasp brakes.
William Hurst's tank engines. Between 1857 and 1864 William Hurst, locomotive
superintendent of the North British Railway, built some tank locomotives
at St Margaret's Works in Edinburgh. These inside-cylindered, inside framed
well-tank/ back tank engines with 12 x 18 inch cylinders were relatively
light and flimsy, but they gave reliable service on branch line passenger
services until the Drummond era. Drummond may even have considered rebuilding
them, though this did not happen. The Hurst tanks worked mainly to the south
of Edinburgh including those nbsp;to Selkirk and Dolphinton.
In 1864 Cowlairs manaufactured some 0-4-2 tender locomotives with 5ft coupled
wheels. It is possible that William Stroudley had some input into this design
which included a side window cab.
Finally No. 262 (0-4-2ST) appears to have been assembled from remnants and
was larger: "a substantial engine with15" x 22" cylinders" with a lot of
Hawthorn material within its anatomy.
Hurst 0-4-2T No. 97 at Selkirk (photograph) page 3
R. & W. Hawthorn 0-4-2 at eastern endv of Edinburgh Waverley c1870
(photograph) page 4
Hurst 0-4-2T at St. Margarets Works (photograph) page 4
Hurst 0-4-2T No. 87 built at Cowlairs (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page
0-4-2T No. 107 possibly at Leadburn c1878 (photograph) page 5
0-4-2 No. 318 as built (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page 6
0-4-2 No. 324 as rebuilt (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page 6
No. 317 rebuilt by Wheatley with new boiler and cab: Waverley West end c1890
(photograph) page 7
No. 317 rebuilt by Holmes: Waverley West end c1900 (photograph)
page 7: see also comment from Robin Boog Issue 129
page 49
Cowlairs built 0-4-2 (possible No. 331) at unknown location (photograph)
page 9
0-4-2 No. 330 as built (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page 10
0-4-2 No. 330 as rebuilt (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page 10
Cowlairs built 0-4-2 (possibly No. 333) at unknown location (photograph)
page 11
No. 1031 with suburban headboard (photograph) page 11
Beyer Peacock No. 322 as rebuilt by Drummond at Cowlairs (photograph) page
No. 334 as rebuilt by Holmes at Bathgate Lower (photograph) page 13
No. 262 (0-4-2ST) (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page 14
No. 262 (0-4-2ST) after rebuilding (Euan Cameron coloured drawing). page
No. 262 (0-4-2ST) before rebuilding at Kilsyth nbsp;(photograph). page 15
No. 262 (0-4-2ST) after rebuilding (photograph). page 15
Alan Simpson. Along Den Road [Kirkcaldy]. 17-30.
Ungated crossings over Den Road to Dunnikier Felt Mill owned by Nairn
and to the Saturation Plant of Nairn's Congoleum works and over Smeaton Road.
to Dunnikier Sawmills nbsp;owned by Ferguson: previously the Panny Pit of
the Fife Coal Co.
Den Road [Kirkcaldy] photographs by P. Wesstwater. 31-2
BR Standard class 4 2-6-0 No. 76111 on stopping train
J39 No. 64790
J37 No. 64582
V2 No. 60840 on fast freight
A2/2 No. 60519 Honeyway
B1 No. 61172 on excursion
WD 2-8-0 No. 90117 reversing into Seafield Pit yard
Photograph information Journal 127. John
Minnis. 32
John Minnis of Lens of Sutton Association stating photograph on
front cover taken by Professor C.E.J. Fordyce in 1930s;
and photographs on page 51 is from A.G. Ellis collection
(upper) and from R.K. Blencowe collection (lower)
Tom Moffat. The "Control"; system on the North British
Railway. 33-6
Reprinted froom the Railway Magazine 1914 January. Instigated
at Portobello marshalling yard and handling traffic from Lothian coalfield
through to ports of Leith and Granton. Locomotives in District given large
numbers. Extensive us of telephone. Map of area covered.. Special headcodes
on locomotives to indicate train destinations.
John McGregor. Lechavuie Platform the landed interest and the
West Highland Railway. 37-41
Private platform between Glenfinnan and Lochailort on the West Highland
Extension used to convey shooting parties hosted by Chritian Cameron-Head
aznd her family. During WW2 used in cconnection with military
Jim Summers. A couple of four wheel tender locomotives. 42-4
Model locomotives: 0-4-0 tender based on Nos. 484 and 358.
Graham Crawford. Dunbar Station in 1938 - a station
of passing interest. 45-51; rear cover
See also further information in Issue 129 page 46:
Dunbar West signal box (photograph page 49) is a point
of interest being a flat-roofed air raid precautions (ARP) structure
Saughton Station. front cover
1920 view of a station that seems to have been rarely photographed,
See also page 51 and rear cover and
apologies in Journal 130 for this image which had been
manipulated into something which never existed
Ronald W. Sinclair. The Forth Bridge #150; bearing renewal 1946.
Photographs made available to the Group by Brian Sinclair, with the
assistance of NBRSG Graham Meacher, scanned the original photographs which
record the replacement of bearings on the approaches to the Forth Bridge
in 1946, and associated work. The collection was passed down from
Brian#161;#166;s father, Ronald W. Sinclair, who was Site Agent for Sir William
Arrol. Arrols had been involved in the construction of the bridge from 1882-90.
The collection contains a set of professional images taken by W. Ralston
Ltd, Glasgow, and a set of smaller photographs taken by Ronald Sinclair himself
(who is identified in images on page 3. The actual bearings are visible on
page 9 .
Frederic Staton. Running powers and working arrangements #151; North
British Railway. 16-21
Reprinted from the Railway Magazine of December 1909.
Donald Cattanach. Three temporary Edinburgh stations. 22-7
Craiglockhart station built for the International Exhibition of Electrical
Engineering, General Inventions and Industry held on Meggetland from 1 May
to 1 November 1890, and was opened by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.
The Exhibition site straddled the NBR's Suburban line (which was temporarily
bridged over) in the area between the Union Canal and the Caledonian main
line from Princes Street Station to Slateford, with the main entrance in
Polwarth Terrace. The site was served both by the Caledonian, who constructed
a temporary station in the exhibition grounds on a loop off the main line,
just west of where it crossed over the NBR's Suburban line, and by the North
British, which constructed a temporary Exhibition station at Craiglockhart.
It was situated about #141;200 yards north of the existing Craiglockhart
station (opened on 1 June 1887), immediately to the north of the tunnel under
Colinton Road and the Union Canal.
The Highland and Agricultural Society's Show took place from 4 to 7 July
1899 in the grounds of Prestonfield, north of Peffermill Road and east of
Dalkeith Road. Although the Show ran for only four days, the North British
Railway undertook to construct a platform nearby at Cameron Toll, on its
Suburban line, as well as to carry out signalling and other alterations elsewhere
on the line. Access to the station was from Lady Road, between the overhead
railway bridge and the Pow Burn, close to Dalkeith Road.
The Scottish National Exhibition was held in what became Saughton Park, Balgreen
Road, from 1 May to 31 October1908#141; The plans provided for platforms
on either side of the Corstorphine branch, close to where it joined the main
line at Haymarket West, with another platform on the Up Fife line, immediately
west of the junction, to serve trains from the west and Fife. Major Pringle
inspected the works on 6 July. Balgreen Halt, on the Corstorphine branch,
was opened by the LNER at the same location on 29 January 1934. It closed
with effect from Monday 1 January 1968. It is now the site of the Balgreen
tram stop.
Harry Knox. Railway accidents at or near Linlithgow
on the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway. 28-33
Accident on 4 October 1894 in which a freight train divided and the
locomotive and one wagon ran for nbsp;13 miles passing 8 signal cabins, meanwhile
the rear portion with the guards van was run into by a following freight
train which woke the guard #151; Major Marindin noted the lack of fog men
and the long hours worked. On 6 November 1903 a collision occurred at Lochmill
Sidings between a between a Caledonian express passenger train, and a NBR
special goods train during an evening with heavy and drifting fog. Major
Pringle investigated and found the basic cause to be lax signalling due to
the presence of several unauthorised visitors in the signal box. "The
Investigating Officer was Major J.W. Pringle RE, a martinet if ever there
was one, (KPJ added bold) and from the outset, it was Signalman Francis
of Lochmill who was to be damned in Pringle#161;#166;s eyes. On the evening
in question there were at least six other persons in the signal box at Lochmill.
It further transpired that this was not at all unusual and Lochmill signal
box was used as a place of general resort and amusement by other railwaymen,
a sort of Lochmill Working Men#166;s Club where numbers of persons, mainly
active and serving railwaymen, foregathered of an evening to converse and
play games for their own amusement. Pringle was less than amused! On the
evening in question there was a game of indoor quoits in process. The mind
boggles! Indoor quoits in a small signal box containing a mere
AElig;Igrave;#141;h lever frame. Francis stated that he did not take part
in the social activities, but was merely an observer."
On 19 December 1925 the 03.26 mail and newspaper express train from Edinburgh
to Glasgow hauled by a right-hand drive D11/2 ran into a freight train being
shunted across the line at Linlithgow. The freight train included a loaded
gunpowder van, but fortunately this was not damaged. Colonel Mount found
that Driver Franks of the express failed to observe signals due to excessive
speed and the fireman (Redpath) was criticised for failing to give sufficient
assistance. The signalman was also criticised for permitting the movement
of the freight. [NB "freight" is always used in preference to "goods" as
the latter is a difficult search term],
Alan Simpson. Sinclairtown Station. 34-44
Station was relocated in 1909 to replace the original 1847 station:
the "new" station closed in 1969 due to its relative proximity to Kirkcaldy
station. Photographs show the neat entrance to the new station and its platform
on a modest curve and the sharply curved location of the original
Railway Servants at St. Andrews. 45
Group photograh of large station stafff on St. Andrews station platform
in about 1910.
Andrew Boyd. nbsp;Dunbar re-visited. 46-8
See Issue 128 page 45: note on
the flat roof on Dunbar West signal box and note how an afternoon Edinburgh
to Berwick all-stations service was held at Dunbar to enable the up Corornation
service to overtake it. Illustrations: page from extract from the main timetable
pages, showing the Monday to Saturday timings of the Coronation#166; and
3.45 p.m. Edinburgh to Berwick. and blue text on silver paper publicity material
for LNER streamlind trains
Robin Boog. A new product for modellers. 49
Lining for locomotives
Feedback on Issue No. 128
Saughton Station. 51; rear cover
Saughton Station in nbsp;1920, a view of a station that seems to have
been rarely photographed. The rear cover is based on Ordnance nbsp;Survey
An apology from the Journal Team Journal Team.
It has come to our attention that the cover photograph on Journal
129 purporting to be Saughton Station had been digitally manipulated from
a 1972 original by Bill Jamieson, taken from the Railscot website without
their permission. Several members contacted us to point out discrepancies,
with the platform and station buildings partly extending over and beyond
North Saughton Road, the presence of flat bottom rail, platforms rather higher
than expected, an LNER/BR era Permanent Speed Restriction sign, alignment
faults with the added south yard and empty north carriage sidings being commented
on, all taken from an elevated viewpoint, a footbridge which did not get
built for another two decades. It has been suggested that the station island
platform buildings resemble those at Portobello and that a photograph of
that station may have been the source, but that cannot be confirmed.
Neil Dickson. Signal boxes at Saughton. 4
Cites Neil Mackay's History of North Eastern Railway's signalling
(NERA) may explain why the North, West and East boxes had a relatively short
life as outer home signals allowed acceptance boxes to be closed, and saved
staff costs. There was a change in Board of Trade regulations in 1905.
Allan Rodgers. Early carriages of the North British Railway: third
class vehicles built c.1846 for the opening of the line.nbsp;6-19
Results of recent research into the earliest North British Railway
passenger vehicles, in particular the third class carriages built around
the time of the opening of the Edinburgh-Berwick line on 18 June 1846. No
builders drawings survive from that time; and so, the details described in
the article are derived from such photographic and other evidence as can
be identified, together with information documented by past researchers.
The first part of the article looks at the legislative framework which would
have influenced NBR thinking in the mid-1840s and compares the third class
carriage designs from other companies which were supposedly meeting the
requirement to improve the lot of the third class traveller. This is followed
by a summary of the procurement process undertaken by the NBR and a review
of the available evidence helping to identify what the NBR vehicles would
have looked like. Finally, the NBR thirds of the mid-1840s are described
in some detail. However, in the absence of builder's drawings of these early
vehicles, it is inevitable that assumptions have to be made where photographic
and other evidence is not clear. The drawings produced to illustrate this
article represent my view of what the early thirds probably looked like,
after careful consideration of available evidence. The dimensions I quote
in this article are derived from measurement estimates based on analysis
of photographs and must be taken as approximate. Where features were not
identifiable from a study of known photographs, he resorted to using those
typical of carriage building practice at the time, or seen on similar period
vehicles, in order to complete the colour illustrations. There are coloured
diagrams (elevations and plans) of North British Railway vehicles (all of
which were four-wheelers and one with a brake-man sitting on roof). An appendix
gives diagrams taken from a Parliamentary Report of 27 June 1845 which shows
seventeen similar vehicle on other railways, all of which were four-wheeled
except for two six-wheeled on the Yarmouth & Norwich and Eastern Counties
Alan Simpson, Dysart Station. 20-7
Opened in September 1847; closed in October 1969. Few physical remains
as railway is extant. Main passenger traffic was Dockyard Train which ran
to Rosyth for civilian employees,
Euan Cameron. The Reid saturated 4-4-2Ts. 28
By 1911 the NBR had made considerable purchases at great expense from
the North British Locomotive Company of Springburn (the loco builder was
of course entirely unconnected with the N. B. R.). One suspects that the
railway was becoming a little suspicious of the costs of its largest supplier,
because around 1911 two significant orders went to non-Glasgow builders.
Six Atlantic 4-4-#141;2s were ordered from Robert Stephenson & Co. In
March 1911 thirty 4-4-2T passenger tank locomotives were ordered from the
Yorkshire Engine Company which had tendered for 30 locomotives at a lower
price (#163;2600 per locomotive) as compared to the NBL'#166;s bid of #163;2700
per locomotive. The contract specified delivery in three batches over an
eighteen-month period. Fundamentally, the power plant of the new locomotives
was essentially that of their 0-4-4T predecessors, the later G9#166; class.
The working dimensions of the boiler, cylinders, motion, valve gear and driving
wheels were all identical, and components such as the hornblocks and weighshaft,
heavier and more solid than Holmes equivalents, were carried forward from
the 0-4-4Ts. The cylinders were 18 x 26in and the slide valves were actuated
by the traditional Drummond-style Stephenson valve gear. The Craigendoran
to Arrochar & Tarbert service was converted to push & pull operation
in 1940 using the standard LNER system (the firsat class accommodation and
toilet were probably unique for British steam P&P, however: KPJ)
All illustrations with one noted exception are of Reid 4-4-2T: a surprisinly
large number are in that transient livery of lined black with BRITISH RAILWAYS
in full on side tanks
No. 67452 livery: lined black BRITISH RAILWAYS on side tanks outside Thornton engine shed in 1949 | front cover |
No. 9134 at Duns on a passenger train | 28 |
No. 309 in brown livery: colour (Euan Cameron drawing) | 29 |
No, 67458 lined black BRITISH RAILWAYS on side tanks (Euan Cameron drawing) | 29 |
No. 1 at west end of Edinburgh Waverley | 30 |
No. 355 0-4-4T (later LNER G9 class) | 30 |
No. 25 on Haymarket shed | 30 |
No. 9015 on Eastfield shed | 31 |
No. 9102 at Charing Cross | 31 |
No. 4 without wing plates | 32 |
No. 9155 at Fort William on 14 June 1927 (H.C. Casserley) | 32 |
No. 9006 at Eastfield on 3 August 1937 (L. Hanson) | 33 |
No. 7456 (LNER post-renumbering) | 33 |
No. 67472 lined black BRITISH RAILWAYS on side tanks at Craigentinny | 34 |
No. 67452 on passenger train at Wemyss Castle (W.J.V. Anderson) | 34 |
No. 67475 lined black BRITISH RAILWAYS on side tanks: push & pull fitted at Craigendoran | 35 |
No. 67460 with push & pull train at Craigendoran on 16 April 1955 | 36 |
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs Commentary. 38-42
Reprinted from The Locomotive,
1942, 48, 3-4 and
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway #150; 175th Anniversary. 43
February 2017 was the 175th anniversary of the opening of the Edinburgh
and Glasgow Railway from Haymarket to Glasgow Queen Street. The track in
the tunnel from Queen Street High Level to Cowlairs has been replaced with
new slab track during a complete closure between March and August
2017Igrave;#141;j and much of the overhead line equipment has been installed
for the forthcoming electrification, both in the station itself and on the
line towards Edinburgh. The next stage will be to take down the extension
to the Millennium Hotel (formerly the Copthorne) to permit the construction
of a new concourse nearer to George Street, and allow the platforms to be
lengthened ready for the new, longer, electric trains.
Glasgow Queen Street Station. 44-51; rear cover
Entrance from North Queen Street during NBR period | 44 |
Concourse during LNER period, but pre-WW2 | 44 |
Signal gantry, signal box and tunnel entrance early 1920s? | 45 |
Dundas Street entrance in 1930s | 45 |
View from corner of George Street and Dundas Street | 46 |
View of entrance off George Square in LNER period | 46 |
View through station acoss taxi rank towards tunnel in 1950s | 47 |
View from West George Street showing Wardlaw Kirk | 47 |
Queen Street Station from corner of George Street and Dundas Street showing Wardlaw Kirk and Glasgow Electrics signnbsp; | 48 |
Two K2 class at front of Fort Willliam Sunday excursion at Queen Street Low Level on 18 June 1950 | 48 |
NBR 0-6-2T No. 862: banker at High Level station | 49 |
NBR 0-4-2ST No. 1080 in Queen Street High Level | 49 |
Queen Street Low Level East End signal box | 50 |
Queen Street Low Level West End signal box | 50 |
Map of station area 1850s | 51 |
Map of station area 1893 | rear cover |
The tunnelling shield in position in West Princes Street Gardens in the early summer of 1893, ready to bore the northern single line tunnel through the Mound. The man in the photograph may be George Talbot, whom the NBR engaged to supervise the project (coloured photograph). front cover
Glasgow Queen Street. Allan P McLean. 3
Colour photograph of B1 Class 4-6-0 No. 61350 backing out/banking
out with its train c1963 (caption states arriving). See
also apology from Editor incorporating notes from Rae Montgomery who no doubt
had experienced joys of exit from Queen Street in the days of steam: the
ascent was comparable with a transit of Woodhead Tunnel
Alan Simpson. Kirkcaldy Station. 4-18
Town used to have three stations: Sinclairtown and Dysart (both closed
in 1969). It was, and is, a major stopping point on the East Coast Route
(and a source of ridiculous mispronumciation for all points south of Berwick).
It has excellent local services to Edinburgh and Dundee; some trains to Perth,
but virtually no service to Glasgow. Linoleum used to be the key
Platforms c1900 (postcard?) | 4 |
Entrance in 1962 | 4 |
Ordnance Survey Map 6 inch to mile scale 1855 showing station | 5 |
Ordnance Survey Map 25 inch to mile scale 1894 showing station | 6 |
Platforms in 1950s | 7 |
Ordnance Survey Map 25 inch to mile scale 1913 showing station | 8 |
Signal box February 1980 (colour) | 9 |
Ordnance Survey Map 25 inch to mile scale 1936 showing station | 10 |
Barry's S & D Freighter (tiller-steered light commercial vehicle) | 11 |
Up line buildings (various sheds and clutter) 1960s | 12 |
Goods shed early 1960s | 12 |
Down platform in mid-1960s | 13 |
Tickets | 17 |
Ballast train headed by diesel electric locommotive (colour) | 18 |
Donald Cattanach and Allan Rodgers. Waverley
Station #150; a history. Part 5: A station built to last #150; at last! (1891
#150; 1901). 19-43.
This Part describes and illustrates the very extensive heavy civil
engineering work required to bring the station up to twentieth century standards.
Part 4 recorded that As we saw in Part ?, the North British
Railway (Waverley Station &c) Act 1891 received the Royal Assent
on 5 August 1891. In addition to the rebuilding of Waverley Station, it
authorised the quadrupling of the running lines between Saughton Junction
and Abbeyhill Junction, including new double-line tunnels at Haymarket and
Calton Hill, and two single-line tunnels under the Mound.
To the east of Waverley station, on the north side, the Low Calton and North
Back of Canongate (later Calton Road) would be realigned; to the south, East
Market Street would be extended eastwards, both streets forming junctions
with New Street; within these bounds, all the properties would be cleared,
and Macdowall Street, Gilmore Street and part of Cranston Street stopped
up. The Low Calton connected Leith Street to the former Leith Wynd (now Cranston
Street) #150; the ancient route across the valley to the Canongate and
Edinburgh#146;s Old Town. It was now so extensively bridged by the railway
as to be almost a tunnel. It too was to be stopped up and, in its place,
the NBR was required to #145;construct and#133; maintain and light a subway
for foot passengers lined in the sides and roof with glazed white
bricks#133;#146;. Waverley Bridge would be rebuilt (its third incarnation
since the Little Mound was removed in 1845), with two access roads into the
station to replace the stump end of Canal Street. The Commons Select Committee
had expressed the strong opinion that the Corporation and the Company should
come to an agreement for the rebuilding of North Bridge, which they duly
did. The 1891 Act also authorised the Leith Central branch; a branch to
Corstorphine, authorised in August 1898, effectively became part of the project.
Last, but not least, plans for the NBR#146;s landmark new hotel on the south
side of Princes Street, between the Waverley Steps and North Bridge Street,
were being finalised. The co-ordination of the works of station, hotel and
bridges would tax the ingenuity of engineers and contractors, likewise that
of the Superintendent of the Line and his staff in keeping the railway traffic
moving. For the remainder of the decade, the City would have to put up with
considerable disruption, particularly at the East End, with many hundreds
of men and hundreds of horses employed on the various contracts, notwithstanding
a shortage of labour and a number of strikes for increased wages.
Several of the North British team were new to their roles. General Manager
John Walker had died suddenly in April 1891 and so it fell to his talented
successor, John Conacher, who came from the Scottish Central, via the Cambrian
Railways, to take up post on 2 November 1891, to see the project through
almost to completion. He left the NBR in 1899 #150; along with the Chairman,
Deputy Chairman and several Board members #150; a victim of a cabal of three
Directors, Wieland, Grierson and Randolph Erskine Wemyss. David Deuchars,
a rising star brought by Conacher from his post as District Goods Manager,
Dundee, to be his Outdoor Assistant, became Superintendent of the Line on
the death of the hugely experienced General Superintendent James McLaren
on 30 October 1893. G B Wieland retired as Secretary on 17 March 1892 and
was appointed a Director; he was replaced by John Cathles, Conacher#146;s
Indoor Assistant. Law Agent William White Millar, who had steered through
the 1891Act and much of the Company's Parliamentary and legal business since
1881, retired at the end of 1891 and was succeeded by James Watson from the
Aberdeen law firm that handled the business of the Great North of Scotland
Railway. The Engineer-in-Chief at the beginning of the project was James
Carswell, in post since 1 November 1879. He died on 20 January 1897 and was
succeeded by his Assistant, James Bell (Junior), who followed his father
in that role.
Messrs Cunningham, Blyth & Westland CE had accepted appointment in September
1891 as Consulting Engineers to the Company in respect of new works. In March
1892 the NBR Board decided that the works of the tunnels, the widening of
the lines, and the alteration of the lines and platforms within the Waverley
Station should be carried out under the supervision of Mr Carswell, and that
the works of the new station itself should be engineered by Messrs Cunningham,
Blyth & Westland. In the event, the Abbeyhill Extension through the new
Calton Tunnel was added to their brief; Carswell's responsibilities included
Haymarket Station and Shed.
The other major player was the Town Council the Corporation of the
City of Edinburgh guardians of the town's heritage and amenity, and
its influential Lord Provost's Committee. The Council's Parliamentary defeat
over the amount of land to be sacrificed to the railway, particularly in
East Princes Street Gardens, had been taken badly, and resentment lingered
in some quarters for several years to come. The feeling was that the NBR
had once again got the better of the Council, particularly when the compensation
for the land taken in the East and West Gardens was fixed at #163;26.5k against
#163;150k claimed. Nevertheless, Council and Company compromised, and the
great scheme was completed in 1901 to the benefit of the City and the travelling
public alike, Waverley becoming one of the finest stations, as well as the
largest, in the kingdom...
In the east the dwellings nbsp;of some 2000 inhabitants were demolished.
In 1896 new housing was built at Pl.easance and St. John's Hill
View of east end of Waverley station taken from old North Bridge in summer 1894 | 19 |
View from south end of old North Bridge from junction of Jeffrey Street and East Market Street looking west | 20 |
Benjamin Hall Blyth (portrait) | 21 |
Ordnance Survey 6 inch/miles scale map Edinburghshire c1896 with new works from Corstorphine to Abbeyhill | 22 |
View from Old Calton Cemetry showing old North Bridge during demolition and service road in front | 22 |
Ordnance Survey 25 inch scale map quadrupling works in Princes Street Gardens | 23 |
Close up of demolition work on old North Bridge showing railway in use and service road | 23 |
Service road rising to East Market Steet nbsp;and Marshall & Aitken shop prior to demolition | 24 |
North end of old North Bridge showing Cranston & Elliot department store prior to demolition (also NER coaches) nbsp; | 24 |
Laying Foundation Stone for New North Bridge by Lord Provost Andrew McDonald on 25 May 1896 | 25 |
Map draw by Allan Rodgers of Waverley station based on Ordnance Survey 25 inch scale map Edinburghshire 1914 | 26-7 |
New North Bridge elevation from the Engineer 18 January 1895 | 26-7 |
East side during construction of new North Bridge: NBR 0-6-0ST and NER 4-4-0 with extended water tank | 28 |
Closer view of south east corner of new North Bridge during construction in 1896 | 29 |
Steel tunnelling shield adjacent to position to bore the northern single line tunnel through the Mound in 1893 | 30 |
Eastern portal of new northern single line tunnel through the Mound being finished with new masonry | 31 |
Map of land acquired to east of original station for station expansion and construction of Hotel | 34 |
Undrerground storage nbsp;beneath goods shed and grain warehouse in East Market Street | 34 |
Completed North Bridge viewed from east with work on new roof for eastern part of station late 1898/early 1899 | 35 |
Booking hall with timber booking office and former magnificent mosaic floor (colour) | 36 |
Statue created by Birnie Rhind of John Walker when in place on west wall of booking hall | 37 |
West end of completed station showing extension to Platform 13: probably post WW1 | 38 |
West concourse with John Menzies' bookstall | 40 |
View from Scotsman walkway of completed roof and Market Street entrance | 41 |
Looking north from down main platform towards central block | 42 |
Eastern platforms looking towards centre of station; later converted to car park; in 1017 being reinstated | 42 |
Euan Cameron. The Wheatley 420 class. 44-9
See also earlier contibution in Issue
54. C. Hamilton Ellis painted a sketch of the class as
first built, which was printed in his
The North British Railway (Ian Allan) p.84: Ellis likens the austere
appearance of the upper part of the locomotive and the extensively cut-away
look of the splashers to a "governess in frillies"" (p. 69). Certainly the
cutaways gave some visual interest, and the overall proportions of the engine
created an impression of speed.
No. 423 banking passenger train onto Forth Bridge from Inverkeithing | 44 |
No. 423 prior to rebuilding on Haymarket Shed | 45 |
No. 423 near Dunfermline Upper | 45 |
No. 420 in original condition (Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 46 |
No. 420 after rebuilding by Holmes in 1887 (Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 47 |
No. 423 after rebuilding by Holmes in final condition with Reid modifications (Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 48 |
No. 423 drawing/engraving from brochure to celebrate opening of North BBritish Station Hotel in 1902 | 49 |
From the family album Roderick Craig Low. 50-1
Robert Low was grandfatheer of person who submitted photographs. Based
mainly at St. Margerets as cleaner, firemen and driver with a brief idyll
at North Berwick. Died in 1941
Group of shed staff at St. Margaret's on C class 0-6-0 No. 612 | 50 |
Rebuilt C class No. 678 (WW1?) | 50 |
No. 84 | 51 |
No. 64618 at Thornton on 28 July 1966 (grandson!) | 51 |
0-6-2T No. 450 | 51 |
North Berwick Station. 52
1:2500 Ordnance Survey map/plan 1894
Keith Fairweather 1947-2017. Robin Boog. 3
Obituary with colour portrait. Active member with a useful legal
Euan Cameron. The Beyer Peacock 2-2-2 Locomotives
of the E. & G. R. 4-17
Class of eight of which first six delivered in 1856 and remainder
in 1861. The original drawings survive. No. 23 was photographed by James
Mudd, the Beyer Peacock photographer.
CitesDaniel Kinnear Clark and Zerah Colburn's
Recent progress in the locomotive engine which in the treasure
house of Edinburgh Public Library (KPJ actually seen thereat) for wood engraving
of this type. The design was similar to the Jenny Lind type and was designed
for coke burning. The carrying wheels were carried on deep and solid outside
frames. There was an earlier study by Euan Cameron
in Journal 41
E. & G. R. No. 23 (photograph) | front cover |
No. 57 (photograph) | 4 |
NBR No. 212 at Waverley West in early 1870s from greatly enlarged portion of George Washington Wilson photograph | 5 |
No. 57 in original condition in Edinburgh & Glasgow green livery (Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 6 |
NBR No. 212, mainly in original condition, but with Wheatley modifications c1879s (Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 7 |
NBR No. 213 as rebuilt by Wheatley in 1875 in Drummond liverynbsp;(Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 8 |
NBR No. 213 before fitting brakes on locomotive at Cowlairs photograph | 9 |
NBR No. 211 Haymarket as rebuilt by Drummond nbsp;(Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 10 |
NBR No. 216 Dullatur in Wheatley condition at Haymarket probably in late 1870s (photograph) | 11 |
NBR No. 218 as rebuilt by Drummond running in Holmes period nbsp;(Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 12 |
NBR No. 216 as rebuilt by Holmes in late 1880s liverynbsp;(Euan Cameron coloured drawing) | 13 |
NBR No. 1003 in Ediburgh Waverley c1908 nbsp;(photograph) | 14 |
NBR No. 1001 on Haynarket shed nbsp;(photograph) | 14 |
NBR No. 1016 leaving Hexham westbound passenger train c1900s nbsp;(photograph) | 15 |
NBR No. 805 at Newcastle Central with a passenger trainnbsp;(photograph) | 15 |
Dom Luiz on preserved train on South Eastern Railway in Portugal (photograph) | 17 |
Peter Bunce. One wagon that got away and some others. 19-21
4mm scale model railway floor coth wagon of 1878 with diagram (elevation
and plan); also weighing machine adjustment van
Alan Simpson. Markinch Co-op Coal Siding.
Co-operative Society founded in 1869. Grew to own 33 shops, a major
coal delivery business and a small hotel. Arranged with LNER between 1926
and 1928 to install a siding at Markinch. Photographs of siding being served
by train. See also letter and photographs from W. Robertson in
Journal 133. page 47 .
Andrew Boyd. Northern District Services before the fall of the Tay Bridge. 26-30
Dalmeny station. 31.
Two photographs: one of staff assembled on original station of 1866;
and the other opened in 1890 and briefly known as Forth Bridge station
Bruce Murray. Kirkforthar aqueducts. 32-3.
Located near site of former Falkland Road station on Edinburgh to
Dundee main line. See also letter from W. Walker in Journal
133. page 47 ..
Charles Niven. Lyes of the land, the mines and the railways. 34-40
The derivation of the terms: lye, siding and wharf on early tramroads
and railways: lye is associated with the transhipment of goods. Lye also
had a specific meaning in coal mining where it indicated a level stretch
upon which hutches withour brakes could be left in safety. A lye existed
on the Kilmarnock & Troon Railway and is indicated on the 1857 Ordnance
Survey map and is recorded in the Ordnance Survey Name Book. There were
sixty-nine lyes on the Glasgow & South Western Railway. The Caledonian
Railway did not use the term, but the North British Railway gradually acquired
some. Suggests creating a lye database. Pease Lye, Smithy Lye and Long Lyes
are extant usage. Milton Lye is shown on Ordnance Surve 6-inch map of Ayrshire
(Kilmaurs) surveyed in 1857 and published in 1860 (First Edition)
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs commentary
(reprinted from The
Locomotive'). 41-3
The competition between the Caledonian and the Edinburgh and Glasgow
had, as was only to be expected, repercussions#183;on the locomotive department
at Cowlairs. The Edinburgh and Glasgow, upon whose track the world's first
electric locomotive had run in 1842 - if locomotive Davidson's machine can
be called - was still receptive to new ideas.
In 1847 Mr. Samuel of the Eastern Counties Railway had introduced the steam
rail-car, and this had developed into the 'Light express', consisting of
a very small tank engine and three or four four-wheeled carriages. The intention
was to run a frequent service with these cheap units to supplement the ordinary
trains, thus gaining the advantage which the motor coach has exploited in
recent years of departure times to suit everyone. The Edinburgh and Glasgow
decided that 'light expresses' were the answer to the competitive Caledonian
Messrs. George England of London were builders who specialised in small tank
engines, and from them the Cowlairs people hired a 2-2-2 well tank with outside
frames only, the 9 in. by 12 in. cylinders being mounted inside the frames
but behind the smokebox, and driving 4 ft. 6 in. diameter wheels. This engine,
which was named England, had a wheelbase of 15 ft., a very long boiler of
small diameter, and a haystack firebox. Before long it had broken its crank
axle, and it cannot be said to have been an unqualified success. It is
interesting in that it was the first locomotive to be built with a raised
front or capuchon to the chimney to prevent a back draught. Ahrons commented
on the unsuitability of this on a tank engine, designed to travel bunker
first on branch lines, but in justification of George England's good sense
it must be pointed out that this was a main line engine, which would normally
be turned round at the end of each run.
Possibly as a result of criticisms of this engine, Messrs. England modified
the design considerably in later engines, reducing the wheelbase to 12 ft.
8 in. and fitting flangeless driving wheels. The modified design incorporated
a boiler of more normal proportions with a round- topped firebox.
Before long we find the Edinburgh and Glasgow operating an England 'light
express tank' named Wee Scotland, and it is open to the reader to surmise
whether this was England renamed, or whether the latter was returned to the
owners as unsatisfactory, and was replaced by the makers with one of the
later and even smaller locomotives; appropriately enough given the new name.
Whether or no England and Wee Scotland were the same engine, an England tank
bearing the latter name, which had been on hire to the Edinburgh and Glasgow,
was bought by the railway in 1856 and was shortly afterwards withdrawn.
To work with England on the 'light expresses' the Edinburgh and Glasgow bought
from Messrs. Neilson in 1850 another design of lightweight 2-2-2 well tank.
This was designed by W. Bridges Adams, and was derived from the 2-2-0
type#183;built under Mr. Samuel's patents for such lines as the Londonderry
and Enniskillen and the Morayshire. It was named Atalanta. The 10
in. by 14 in. cylinders were placed outside, but behind the smokebox, and
drove 5 ft. wheels. Inside plate frames were used, with slots cut in them
above the carrying axleboxes for the springs. A dome of prodigious height
and slenderness was placed just behind the chimney, and from this outside
steam- pipes led to the cylinders. There was no weatherboard. A minor but
interesting point in all the Adam-designed light tanks was the use of nine
spokes for the carrying wheels.
A photograph of Atalanta, taken at Cowlairs Junction in 1856, shows
the engine in its original condition. It was then numbered 88, but the Edinburgh
and Glasgow company followed a confusing policy of renumbering the locomotive
stock from time to time. A sister engine of Atalanta was built at
the same time for the Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction company, and
ultimately came into the possession of the Edinburgh and Glasgow. The latter
engine at some time in its career had a weatherboard added to it, mounted
on a peculiar false casing well above the rear half of the firebox, and also
had been graced by sandboxes added to the front of the driving splashers.
This was the engine which became 'The Cab' on the North British, when it
was numbered successively 312, 879 and 1079. Taken all in all the 'light
expresses' were not a success, and after they had been ordered, but before
they became an accepted part of main line operation, the fares war with the
Caledonian came to an end. In consequence there was no reason to perpetuate
such locomotives as the England and Neilson tanks, which drifted out of main
line work, and were found to be unsuitable for the lesser traffic. The Edinburgh
and Glasgow had disposed of their own examples of the type by the end of
1864, and only that from the Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction
Paton now turned his attention to improving some of the original 13 in. passenger
engines. The 'Burys' were quite unsuitable for main line traffic by this
time owing to their lack of power and to the unsteadiness of four-wheeled
engines at speed. Thanks to the competition with the Caledonian expenditure
was an important matter with the Edinburgh and Glasgow, and he therefore
set about rebuilding the 2-2-0 machines as cheaply as possible. The design
of Bury's bar frames more or less determined the continued use of the D-shaped
haystack firebox, and precluded the fitting of a larger boiler if the locomotive
were converted into a 2-2-2 by extending the frames to the rear. Paton
consequently lengthened the frames by 3 ft. in front and added a small pair
of carrying wheels, converting the engine into a 4-2-0, thus, presumably,
infringing Stephenson's 'Long boiler' patent. The cylinders were enlarged
to 14 in. by 18 in., and were placed 3 ft. further forward, but the original
connecting rods were used, necessitating very long piston rods and slides.
Stephenson gear replaced the original gab motion, and a boiler of increased
length was fitted, with, however, a small Bury-type of fire box. The resulting
engine was peculiar in appearance and not very satisfactory in service, as
it was still unsteady at speed. Only one or two conversions were made.
At this point Daniel Kinnear Clark comes into the story. A railway engineer,
he found himself out of a job as a result of the slump in railway work following
the Railway Mania, and he decided to make use of his time by writing an
authoritative work on railway locomotives, rolling stock and equipment. To
that end he got permis- sion from Paton of the Edinburgh and Glasgow and
from Sinclair, by then general manager of the Caledonian, to conduct lengthy
experiments on the engines of those two lines, in order to determine, as
he hoped, once and for all the relative merits of locomotives with outside
and with inside cylinders. Largely on data collected in 1850 and 1851 in
these experiments he wrote
Railway Machinery.
Clark carried out his work on several Caledonian engines of the
outside-cylindered 2-2-2, 2-4-0, 0-4-2 and 0-6-0 types, on an ex-Glasgow,
Paisley and Greenock Sharp 2-2-2 with inside cylinders, and on the following
Edinburgh and Glasgow machines: the Cowlairs singles Orion and
Sirius, the 16 in. Hawthorn singles Nile and America, the 13 in. Hawthorn
single Euclid, the 'Sharpies' Hebe and Jupiter, the Neilson
single Pallas, the England 2-2-2WT England and the Paton 4-2-0
rebuild of the Bury 2-2-0 Brindey. He also turned his attention to
Paten's latest experiment, Edinburgh and Glasgow No. 61
A special occasion? 43
Photograph of outside-frame 0-6-0ST No.1073 as decorated, but when,
why and where?
lan Lamb. Shunting with a J36. 44-7
No. 65423 Maude
Book review. 48
Drem to Edinburgh: including Gullane, Haddington, Tranent, Musselburgh
and Fisherrow Branches (Scottish Main Lines). Roger Darsley and Dennis
Lovett. Middleton Press. 2017, 96pp. Reviewed by Scott Bruce.
Includes 120 pages of black & white photographs and 42 maps, many
dating to 1897. There is a map of the tramway on Fidra Island which linked
the lighthouse with the jetty.
An apology from the Editor. 48
Photograph by Allan P. McLean of B1 backing a train out of Queen Street.
Notes by Rae Montgomery observing the signals in picture; lamp on centre
bracket of locomotive and steam and smoke wafting backwards
NBR locomotives: a design survey.
NBR coaches: a design review.
NBR wagons: some desin aspects. all by G.W.M. Sewell and published by the
NBRSG. reviewed by Peter Bunce. 49
All are spiral bound and are designed to lay flat to enable the drawings
to be used by model makers. Omissions are noted, especially floor cloth
Hyndland Station. 50-1; rear cover
Terminus on Glasgow City & Distriict Railway; closed on 5 November
1960 and replaced by a new through station: photographs of station frontage
in LNER period; platforms with Gresley 2-6-2T and St. Bride's Episcopal Church
behind in April 1954; looking towards buffer stops; C15 4-4-2T No. 9025 with
Airdrie destination board; and on rear cover map of station area based on
1 to 500 Ordnance Survey of 1894.
LNER Class J88 No. 9844 at Bernard's Sidings, Gorgie, in May 1945 with pitched
roof grain wagons. D. Whammond. front cover
The driver is Tammy Richardson. T & J Bernard's 'Edinburgh Brewery'
was immediately east of the railway at Gorgie with a road entrance from Slateford
Road next to the passenger station. See also Euan Cameron's article.
Tony Dean 1943-2018. Robin Boog. 3. illustration nbsp;
Obituary of a founder member of the Group. Photograph of a Wheatley
longback No. 135 (0-6-0 possibly assembled at St. Margarets from bits of
of old engines) #151; a type which the deceased greatly admired. nbsp;
Donald Cattanach. Howford Private Station, Glenormiston
. 4-5.
William Chambers (1800-1883) was a prosperous Edinburgh printer and
publisher who had been born in Peebles and purchased the Howford Estate between
Cardrona and Innerleithen in 1849. Chambers was a promoter of the Peebles
Railway and probably instigated a private platform for his estate. Records
of excursions to the estate on 4 August 1865 (reported in The Times on following
day) and on 5 August 1911 are noted. See also contribution from Garth Ponsonby
in Journal 134 page 40.
Alan Simpson. Railway traffic from Seafield Colliery and Mines.
Describes two unrelated colliery and railway developments: the highly
productive National Coal Board colliery located at Kinghorn which was developed
from the late 1940s, produced in excess of 30,000 tons of coal per week and
an obscure Fife Coal Co. which was served by a branch off the Kirkcaldy District
Railway, sometimes known as the Auchtertool Branch. The former served the
electricity generating stations at Longannet and Kincardine and was worked
by Austerity 2-8-0s and by Class 20 and 40 and Clayton diesel electric
locomotives. The latter hauled continuously braked hopper wahgons. The modern
pit buried the waste underground and lacked the tradiitional winding gear,
but instead had two concrete and glass towers to serve the pit head (these
are not illustrated, but should be available online). There are photographs
of WD No. 90117 with train at Seafield Colliery and colour photographs of
railway remains (mainly bridge under main line) taken in 2015.
Euan Cameron.The W.P. Reid dock tanks. 14-22
Outside cylinder 0-6-0T designed in 1904 and built in batches put
into service between 1905 and 1919 (the latter deferred due to WW1. There
were nbsp;35 locomotives within the class which followed closely in design
to the Drummond 4-4-0T. They were fitted with dumb buffers. The illustrations
No. 840 at Cowlairs Works: official phototograph January 1905 | 14 |
No. 841: Euan Cameron coloured drawing side elevation | 15 |
No. 130 at Eastfield shed: official phototograph | 16 |
No. 152 at Eastfield shed: official phototograph | 16 |
No. 846 at St. Margarets on 8 July 1923 | 17 |
No. 841 at Leith Docks | 17 |
No. 66: Euan Cameron coloured drawing side elevation | 18 |
No. 841 at South Leith on 8 October 1920 | 19 |
No. 68345 at Eastfield c1956 | 19 |
No. 68341 being raised from Kirkcaldy Harbour on 14 November 1956 | 20 |
No. 68530 at Eastfield | 21 |
No. 68348 at Warriston Junction on 14 May 1956 | 21 |
See also response from Bill Robertson in Journal 134
Harry Knox The year which has gone - the Goswick Accident. 23-7
The 11.15 Ediinburgh to King's Cross on Sunday 26 October 1947 was
scheduled to switch to the relief road at Goswick, but due nbsp;to a failure
to read the notices (and the presence of a illicit passenger on the footplate)
Haymarket Driver Tom Begbie failed to slow for the 15 mile/h turnout and
the lcomotive and most of the train derailed leading to the deaths of 27
passengers and a train attendant. All on the footplate were injured including
the fireman W. Baird and the Royal Navy rating Tom A. Redden. The accident
was investigared by A.C. Trench who hand it over to G.R.S. Wilson due to
illness. Baird was an unreliable witness. Begbie attempted to excuse his
failure to obey signals due to drifting smoke and to the right hand drive
on the locomotive, but the primary cause was the failure to read the notices.
ASLEF at Haymarket sought to alleviate Begbie's bad behaviour and the right-hand
A3 class were exchanged for left-hand drive ones.
Working of the Scotland Street (Edinburgh) Tunnel Incline, &c.: an
extract from the 'Special Regulations' section of the NBR's 1866 Rule Book.
Cable worked and on a steep incline: rules related to the enginemen
mainatining a correct steam pressure on the stationary engine and operating
the controls correctly. Route of tunnel shown in 1 to 10560 scale maps.
Photographs of NBR 0-6-0 No. 1 nbsp;at portal of Heriot Hill Tunnel; Scotland
Street Station with passengers from rail tour
John McGregor West Highland Railway politics. 34-9.
Paper prsented art the Railway Heritage Conference in 2017. In 1882
the "ambitious and blatantly speculative" Glasgow & North Western Railway
proposed a 160 mile railway from Glasgow to Inverness via Loch Lomond, Glen
Coe and the Great Glen. Though defeated it had antagonised relationships
between the North British and the Caledonian, and with the Highland with
both, but had brought the attention of parliament to a disadvantaged region.
In 1884 the Napier Commission had suggested that if private enterprise could
bring a railway to Fort William then government aid might assist in the creation
of a new harbour between Oban and Strome. The Glasgow City & District
Railway finished in 1884 had strengthened the North British posittion on
Clydeside. The Clyde, Ardrishaig & Crinan Railway, another Forman scheme,
authorised in 1887 might have made Crinan a North British Oban. Both the
Caledonian and North British attempted to develop proposals for railways
from Criaanlarich through Glen Falloch to Ardlui to connect with the steamers
on Loch Lomond. The West Highland was projected as a landowners' lline instigated
by Lord Abinger, Cameron of Lochiel. the burgh of Fort nbsp;William and the
Colquhoun Trustees provided that a route via Gairloch and Loch Long was chosen.
The extension to Mallaig (and the call for Government funds) involved the
loss of funding to other potential ports, such as the Garve & Ullapool
Railway. Powers were obtained for a line from Fort William to Ballachullish,
but not taken up, The Invergarry & Fort Augustus Railway was another
Charles Forman venture which ended further railway activity in the Western
Highlands. Illustrations: No. 9258 Glen Roy at Fort William station
with excursion from Edinburgh in June 1927; D34 4-4-0 No, 9496 Glen Moidart
with small snowplough at Crianlarich with southbound passenger train;
Rannoch Viaduct; nbsp;NBR 4-4-0 No. 341 with passenger train at Mallaig;
K2 class Nos. 61786 and 61783 Loch Shiel at Mallaig on 22 June 1951;
NBR 4-4-0 No. 55 at Fort Augustusnbsp;
Stirling Everard Cowlairs commentary (reprinted from 'The
Locomotive'). 40-2.
No. 61 was the most unusual of all Paton's designs. It was a 0-4-0
mineral engine built in 1850, with a coal-burning firebox - this at a time
when coke was the normal fuel for British locomotives. It would seem that
the system adopted was that of M. W. Ivison in which a jet of steam was
introduced into the firebox above the level of the fire, with the intention
that the oxygen from the steam should complete the combustion of the coal.
The firebox itself was 7 ft. long and very shallow; the tubes only 8 ft.
2 in. long. An enormous dome was placed just behind the chimney, and the
steeply inclined cylinders, which measured 15 in. by 22 in., were mounted
on the side of the boiler barrel, between and above the coupled wheels. They
drove the rear wheels, and from the nature of the design, since the rear
axle was immediately under the firebox, it is probable that outside eccentrics
were used. In this connection Paton appears to have been influenced by the
work of T. R. Crampton.
Clark had very little good to say of No. 61, but perhaps his second thoughts
were more favourable, for shortly he brought out a patent coal burning firebox
in which jets of steam were introduced to induce air currents above the fire,
with precisely the intention that was in Paten's mind. Clark's experi- ments
began on the Great North of Scotland Railway when he was locomo- tive
superintendent of that line, but since he had left the Great North in 1856,
before he had perfected the firebox, the first applications of the final
design were on the North London and Eastern Counties Railways in 1858. In
the latter case Robert Sinclair, who had by then left the Caledonian, was
respon- sible for the trial of the device. Two years later the Great North
of Scotland adopted as standard Clark's method, although he was no longer
associated with the company.
Paton, for his part, was also dissatisfied with the results attained by No.
61, and in a very short time its place was taken in the Edinburgh and Glasgow
lists by another, and more orthodox, engine. Clark's final conclusion on
locomotive design was that the outside-cylindered engines of the Allan type
were all in all more satisfactory than those with inside cylinders, and when
he himself was shortly appointed locomotive superintendent of the Great North
of Scotland Railway he adopted a modification of the Crewe design of 2-4-0,
in which he placed the cylinders horizontally and, therefore, below the outside
frame members.
Paton was not converted to Clark's views, but remained faithful to the double
framed engine with inside cylinders in his next purchases. These were two
0-4-2 .goods engines from R. & W. Hawthorn and two from Simpson of Dundee,
delivered in 1853. The former had 16 in. by 24 in. cylinders, the latter
15 in. by 21 in. Both series had 5 ft. coupled wheels. They became in due
course N.B.R. Nos. 249, 250, 247 and 248 respectively, one of the 'Sirnpsons'
replacing the original No. 61 on the Edinburgh and Glasgow. In his next order
Paton decided on inside frames, four further 0-4-2 goods engines being required.
These came from Messrs. Neilson. 5 ft. coupled wheels were employed, with
15 in. by 21 in. cylinders, though the stroke of some of the batch was
subsequently lengthened to 22 in. They became N.B.R. Nos. 251-254.
The firm of Neilson was by now a power in Scotland, well known for its excellent
locomotive designs. Neilson's had followed the lead of Alexander Allan in
developing the 0-4-2 mineral engine with outside cylinders and inside plate
frames. The Neilson engines had 5 Ft. coupled wheels. Paten, despite his
adherence to inside cylinders for passenger work, had, as has been seen,
no such fixed ideas where slow moving traffic was involved. The six-wheeled
engine with outside cylinders had a tendency to unsteadiness, which did not
matter on coal trains. He therefore felt that he could not do better than
adopt the standard Neilson engine for his company's mineral traffic, then
rapidly developing. Six of the engines were delivered in 1855 and six more
in 1856/7. Subsequently they became N.B.R. Nos. 283-294. It is said that
Paton, fearing trouble from the heating of the inside axleboxes of Neilson's
standard design, specified outside bearings for the trailing axles of the
machines for the Edinburgh and Glasgow, and it should be added that on other
lines the Neilson locomotives of this type with inside bearings throughout
proved eminently satisfactory.
On passenger work Paton seems to have been dissatisfied with the Neilson
singles, which he converted to double-framed 0-4-2 goods engines with 5 ft.
coupled wheels. Four lasted till N.B.R. days, and became Nos. 239 and 243-245.
Two more Sharp singles were bought in 1854, doubtless due to the success
of the six earlier machines from the same makers. It should be said that
in the earlier 'Sharpies' the inside frame, unlike that of other contemporary
designs, extended from the smokebox to the rear buffer beam. In the later
'Sharpies' the inside frame extended for the full length of the engine, a
very great improvement, providing a more rigid frame throughout. When the
Edinburgh and Glasgow Sharp singles became North British property they were
renumbered 225-232.
The designer of the Sharp singles was Charles Beyer, and when in 1855 he
left the firm to found his own with Peacock, the late locomotive superintendent
of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire line, the Edtnburgh and Glasgow
company's custom was transferred to the new undertaking.
In 1856 there appeared from the works of Beyer, Peacock six 2-2-2 engines
for the Edinburgh and Glasgow which were, perhaps, the most important engines
which that company ever owned. They were followed in 1861 by two further
engines, the whole series becoming in due course N.B.R. Nos. 211-218. The
design, based on that ofthe 'Sharpies', incorporated the best of the experience
of Paton and Beyer, the latter being responsible for the detail. They were
express engines with 6 ft. 6 in. driving wheels and 16 in. by 20 in. inside
cylinders. Mixed frames were used, the carrying axles having outside bearings,
the drivers inside. Domeless boilers were fitted. The Edinburgh and Glasgow
had experience with domes in all positions, the 'Sharpies ' carrying theirs
just behind the chimney, the 'Hawthorns' and Paten's Hercules and his singles
theirs mid-way along the boiler barrel, the Neilson designs above the firebox.
The domeless boiler was not typical Edinburgh and Glasgow practice, but was
derived, it is said, from some Gooch singles built by Beyer, Peacock for
the Great Western Railway in 1855.
The finish of the engines was very ornamental. with their brass chimney caps,
safety valve casings and beading to the splashers. The design was to be the
inspiration of later Beyer, Peacock engines for other lines, in several of
which, however, the mixed frames were abandoned in favour of inside frames.
It is of interest that, while the express engines of the Edinburgh and Glasgow
were provided with 6 ft. 6 in. driving wheels, the Caledonian had already
adopted 7 ft., and were shortly to introduce driving wheels of 8 ft. 2 in.
diameter, on the grounds not of speed but of economy in operation, as Clark
points out in one of his later works. In this, as in all other matters at
this time, Cowlairs did not see eye to eye with St. Rollox
The coming of Paten's express Singles allowed of the disposal of the Hick
engines (of which details will be given later), and the gradual scrapping
of the early passenger 'Burys' and small 'Hawthorns'. Other engines came
in for modernisation, for example, four of the original Bury engines were
converted to 0-4-2, while the cylinders of some of the remaining early machines
were increased to 14 in. diameter.
Paton turned to Beyer, Peacock for his next engines, four 2-4-0 passenger
machines with 6 ft. coupled wheels and 16 in. by 20 in. cylinders, and twelve
0-4-2 goods engines with 5 ft. coupled wheels and 16 in. by 22 in. cylinders.
Two of the former type and six of the latter came out in 1859, and the balance
in 1861. Both types had mixed frames. In the case of the 0-4-2 design this
was a deviation from Beyer, Peacock's usual practice, for their standard
0-4-2 had inside plate frames only. The outside trailing axleboxes of the
Edinburgh and Glasgow 0-4-2 engines were to Paten's requirements. Both the
2-4-0 and the 0-4-2 types provided the basis for Beyer, Peacock designs for
other railways, for example the 2-4-0 of 1862 for the West Midland Railway
and the 0-4-2 for the Smyrna and Cassaba company.
Messrs. Beyer, Peacock and Co have kindly supplied prints of these designs,
which had domes over the firebox. Subsequently, during S.W Johnson's time,
domeless examples to the same general design were added to the stock, and
these will be mentioned later. Of the Beyer, Peacock machines the 2-4-0s
became N.B.R. 237, 238, 233 and 234; the 0-4-2s 317-328.
Illustrations (drawings): E & G R Beyer Peacock 2-2-2, 1856-1861 (later
NBR 211 Class); E & G R Beyer Peacock 2-4-0, 1859 (later NBR 333 Class);
E & G R Beyer Peacock 0-4-2, 1859-1861 (later NBR 317 Class)
From our archives ... 42
A sister locomotive of No 89, shown in the drawing above, possibly
in the 1880s. This photograph shows NBR 0-4-2 locomotive No. 326, oiginally
E & G R No. 98, as rebuilt by Wheatley in 1871. It was named
Renton by Drummond in 1880 and was subsequently rebuilt again by
David King. Cowlairs Tunnel vent shafts. 43-6
During the closure of the tunnel to replace ths slab track and install
overhead electrification some of the original smoke vent shafts were reopened
to assist pouring liquid concrete into the works. The sites are identified
on maps.
Markinch Co-op Coal Siding and Kirkforthar Aqueducts.
Tom Walker.. 47-8
Notes by Tom Walker. incorrectly attributed to "Tom Watson
(see Editorial apology in Journal 134) Walker noted
nbsp;location of road bridge not north of station and that Co-op supplied
a chemist. For Markinch see Journal 132 page 22
(photographs by W. Robertson show siding activity in 1975 and in 1985).
The reference to Kirkforthar Aqueducts in Bruce Murrray
article refers largely to the boggy nature of the land in the vicinity
Whiteinch Victoria Park Station. 49-51; rear
Opened 14 December 1896; closed 2 April 1051: subject to competition
from adjacent Caledonian Railway station and Glasgow Corporation trams. There
were only eight terminating services in 1922. Map on rear cover; photogrphs
of station with V1 or V3 and another with C16 No. 67487.
See also communication from Andrew Hemming in Journal 134
Don Matthews. The Kincardine branch #151; Part 1 .
Started from a junction on the Stirling and Dunfermline Railway between
Alloa and Clackmannan and ran past Clackmannan, Kennet and Kilbagie to Kincardine
and terminated at a shipping pier on the Forth. Local landowners included
the Kennet Estate owned by Lord Balfour: he petitioned against the railway
as there would be loss of traffic from his harbour at Kennetpans. The Tulliallan
Estate was owned by Lady Elphinstone and her harbours, piers and ferry were
sole to the NBR. James Alexander Weir owned the Forth Paper Mills at Kilbagie
and was a major user of the railway. Duncan Wright, of Wight & Pears,
worstead manufacturers of Kincardine was an influential businessman, There
were waggonways or tramways in existence to serve the Clackmannanshire coalfield
prior to the railways. The 1889 Parliamentary progress of the North British
Railway Bill covering the new line is considered in detail and note is made
that at that time Parliament only represented the privileged few.
Part 2.nbsp;
Euan Cameron. The Duuml;bs-built 'Ballochney Pug'
0-6-0 saddle tanks, No. 209, 210 and 282. 16-23.
First ordered in 1865 and delivered in late 1865 or early 1866 for
very steeply graded lines. Illustrations: Dubs official photograph of WN
58 and RN 335; coloured side elevation of No. 282 of 1865; coloured side
elevation of No. 1073 as rebuilt by Holmes in bronze livery; No. 209 as modified
by Wheatley with stovepipe chimney and by Drummond with round cab but not
yet rebuilt; No. 1073 decorated for some event; No. 1073 within Kipps shed;
No. 1069 (caption hypothesises that may have been photographed prior to being
Scott Willis. The model. 24-7
S scale model of No. 210. Photographs show as complete, but unpainted
and after painting by Trevor Nunn
Arthur A. Waugh. The Edinburgh Suburban and Southside Junction Railway.
Reprinted from Railway Magazine article of November 1909. Text
and illustrations reproduced without modification. Introductory paragraph
notes that written before Raid 4-4-2Ts introduced and when 0-4-2 tender
locomotives were main motive power and that Leith Central had only recently
opened. Illustrations: 0-4-2 No. 1032 which caption stated "that with No.
1031 worked most of Suburban trains", map, island platform at Waverley (KPJ:
still known as Suburban platform in 1940s), Haymarket station, junction of
goods and passenger lines outside Haymarket station, Craiglockhart station,
Morningside Road station, Duddingston station, 32 upper
Portobello station see letter from Andrew A. Boyd
in Issue 135, Leith Central station interior, also (not in Railway
Magazine) further photographhs of NBR 0-4-2 lomotives: No. 331 at Hawick
in 1882 and No. 330 at Haymarket
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs Commentary. nbsp;34-6
Reprinted from The Locomotive
15 Sepember 1942. Drawings (side elevations show Edinburgh & Glasgow
Railway W. Steel Brown 2-4-0 and Benjamin Hick & Sons 2-2-2 of 1846 and
Monkland Railways Hawthorn 0-6-0 of 1850, subsequently NBR 376 class.
Alan Simpson The Fettykil Mills branch at Leslie. 37-9
Branch off the Markinch to Leslie branch to serve paper mill of Smith,
Anderson & Co. Ltd. which specialised in brown paper for packaging. Opened
19 December 1890.. Closed 1967.
Garth Ponsonby. Howford Private
Station. 40
Writer was railway liability nbsp;manager and attempts to interpret
Ordnance Survey maps of 1878, 1898 and 1908 to indicate presence of private
platform (correct term for private stopping place
Co-op Sidings, Markinch.
nbsp;Editor. 41
Editorial apology for attributing correspondence from Tom Watson to
"Tom Walker"; also longer caption to photograph noting tubular post for home
signal and water tank
Scottish Railways Ambulance Shield . 41
Photograph: hand-written title states Inverness 20 May 1911: shield
is large
Andrew Hemming. Whiteinch Victoria
Park Station. 42
Refers to Cobb's The railways of Great
Britain: a historical atlas to show proximity of Caledonian Railway
Victoria Park, later Scotstoun, later Scotstoun East station
Bill Roberton The WP Reid Dock Tanks,
Kirkcaldy. 43
Refers to Euan nbsp;Cameron's article on Reid dock tanks (LNER J88)
and to1954 incident where one fell into Kirkcaldy Harbour
(described by Alan Simpson in Journal 113 page
43) . Illustartions: British Railways notice to staff (photograph taken
in 1984) on former NBR notice board dated 7/2/08 (1908?) instructing staff
to secure wagons and avoid fly shunting; J88 being nbsp;retieved from dock
by breakdown crane in 1954. Kirkcaldy Harbour branch described
in Journals No. 120 and 121 by Alan
Groham Dick. Northumbrian railway reflections
(in 3 volumes) and The North British Railway in Northumberland
by G.W.M. (Bill) Sewell, 1927-2018 #151; book review and an appreciation.
Bill Sewell died on 26 April 2018 aged 91. He was the authority on
the subject and arrangements have been made to supply his books from the
Heritage Centre in Bellingham
Hamilton Station. front cover; 47-51; rear cover
Photographs include one of the station plaform in snow with possible
presence of Sentinel steam railcar No. 37 Clydesdale (page 47); front
cover shows tank locomotive with train of six?-wheel carriages going to Hyndland.
Most of the material including the rear cover is from Ordnance Survey maps
showing the Auchingramont Road area of Hamilton where the station was located.
There is also a reproduction from the Cobb Atlas
showing the Hamilton branch.
Clydebank East in 1937. front cover
Shows engine shed and turntable (both out-of-use) and Gresley V1 or
V3 2-6-2T
Euan Cameron. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway mixed-frame 2-4-0
locomotives. 3-9,
Built by Beyer, Peacock & Co.; then at Cowlairs, but design should
be credited to Charles Beyer rather than William Paton, as was similar to
type supplied to many other railways. Illustrations: No. 239 at Cowlairs
in 1890s (with exception of cab and brakes on engine was in original condition);
nbsp;No. 40 in original condition & painted in E&GR green (coloured
drawing); No. 239 (built at Cowlairs in 1890s bronze livery (coloured drawings
by Euan Cameron); No. 238 Bathgate in Drummond livery possibly at
Haymarket; No. 234 Kincardine as rebuilt by Drummond in 1881 in bronze
livery (coloured drawing); No, 239 as rebuilt by Holmes in nbsp;1901 in bronze
style of period (coloured drawings by Euan Cameron); No. 237 (former Alexandria)
after 1881 rebuilding and after c1903 at Perth; No. 237 coupled to another
loomotive nbsp;possibly at Queen Street in mid-1890s. Cites article in
Locomotive Mag., 1903, 9,
157 which includes photograph of No. 237 at Perth shed and dimensions
of locomotives supplied by W.P. Reid. A note
innbsp;nbsp;Locomotive Mag.,
1903, 9, 174 records that No. 237 was a regular pilot on the
19.55 from Perth for Edinburgh carrying through coaches for the East Coast
and Waverley routes, Tabulated data for all locomotives.
Don Matthews. The Kincardine Branch - Part 2.
Part 1. From Alloa received Royal
Assent in July 1889, but did not seem eager to start work, nor to improve
the pier at Kincardine. A contract to build the railway was awarded to James
Young & Sons of Edinburgh. The bridges over the Black Devon and another
at Kennet collapsed during construction and the former demanded a structure
with extra strength. A steam navvy was used nbsp;on the earthworks and this
speeded construction. Adrian Ure's pamphlets on
the railway published by Clackmannan County Library are cited. The line opened
on 18 December 1893. Illustrations: Kilbagie station (probably during LNER
period); bridge over Black Devon (diagram); Kincardine station c1900; Kilbagie
paper mill (also enlargement to show locomotive thereeat); Clacknannan station
after closure; NBR 0-6-0T NNo. 151 on passenger train plus many Ordnance
Survey maps to show development of railway.
Allan Rodgers. Early carriages of the Edinburgh &
Glasgow Railway: third class vehiles built c. 1842 for the opening of the
line. 24-34
Roofless carriages either fitted with rudimentary seating or intended
for closely packed standees. The standing version was intended for the faster
trains. Directors Learmouth and Leadbetter with Engineer John Miller
It was remitted to two of the Directors. Messrs Leadbetter and Learmonth.
in conjunction with the Engineer. Mr John Miller. to prepare plans and
specifications and seek estimates for the Board to consider. In respect of
the third class carriages. the drawing for these vehicles was signed by Miller
on 1 March 1841 and two distinct versions were specified: Type No. 1. an
open low sided carriage without roof and provided with seats; type No. 2.
similar to type 1 but without seats The design of these carriages was no
doubt influenced by what the engineer and nominated directors had seen on
their review of existing railways. The Grand Junction Railway and the York
& North Midland. for example. both used open seated thirds at this time.
The rationale lying behind the decision to opt for two types of third class
carriages became clear from the following correspondence some 11 months later
#151; it appears the intention of the company was to provide seated thirds
on slow trains and stand ups on those faster trains that included third class
passengers. This is evident from a letter from Miller to the Board of Trade
dated 12 January 1842 responding to a BoT circular of 1January that year
and it is worth quoting the letter in full as it contains other relevant
details of these vehicles. including design capacities:
Sir. I am instructed by the Directors of this Railway to acknowledge receipt
of your letter of the 1st inst. and to furnish the following answer to your
1 st It is proposed to send third class Passengers with both Passenger Trains
(quick) and Luggage Trains (slow) but the number of Trains by which they
will be sent has not yet been fixed.
2nd The hours of starting the third class Passenger Trains have not yet been
fixed. The quick or Passenger Trains will perform the journey (46 miles)
in 2#188; hours and the slow or Luggage Trains in about 3#189; hours.
3rd The construction of the third class Carriages is as follows:-
1 st They are provided with Bearing springs and leather braces and with Buffer
springs precisely the same as a first class carriage.
2nd They are altogether open above.
3rd The height of framing at the sides and ends of the seated Carriages is
3 feet and the stand up Carriages have an Iron railing standing 13 inches
above the sides. From the floor to the top of the Iron railing is therefore
4 feet 1inch.
4th Each Carriage is divided into four bodies the divisions between the bodies
are the same height as the sides. On the stand up Carriages the divisions
have an Iron railing same height as already described #151;the divisions
stand across the Carriage.
5th Each Carriage is divided into four bodies #151; the seated carriages
are calculated to hold 8 in each body or 32 in each Carriage. In a very throng
train the Carriages will hold easily 40 passengers. that is nbsp;10 in each
body #151; the stand up Carriages are calculated to hold 12 in each body
or in throng Trains 15 #151;that is 48 or 60 passengers to each carriage.
6th In those Carriages intended to be run with the quick or Passenger Trains
there are no seats #151; and in those to be run with slow or Luggage Trains
there are seats and the seats are across the Carriage.
7th As this Line is not yet opened there are no Trains; but in all probability
the third class Carriages run with Luggage Trains will be placed behind-
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obt. Servt.
J Miller
Major General Sir Charles Pasley when inspecting the line showed a droll
sense of humour [KPJ: nbsp;"droll" seems inappropriate in view of the Christmas
Day accident in Sonning cutting when the poor were thrown to their deaths
from similar open wagons]. "The third class carriages are of sufficient height,
and are all provided with buffers, and those for the slow trains, which are
to make the journey in 3#189;. hours, have seats but those for the swift
trains, which are to make the journey in 2#188;. hours, have only standing
room. Persons in vigorous health will prefer the latter."
Fourth class vehicles are mentioned, possibly illustrated, but not
Cites Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway carriages and coaching by A.A. Maclean
(which has still to be traced); Edinburgh
& Glasgow Railway guidebook by Don Martin and A.A. Maclean and
Tuck's Every traveller's guide
page 24: view from Scott monument showing both NBR and E&GR rolling stock
(Thomas Begbie photograph c1860)
page 25 upper: open third class carriage as built c1842 for seated passengers
(Allan Rodgers side & end elevations coloured diagram)
page 25 lower: open third class carriage as built c1842 for standing passengers
(Allan Rodgers side & end elevations coloured diagram)
page 26: seating arrangements (diagram)
page 27: 1842 E&GR open seated third class carriage as rebuilt in the
early 1850s with roof and windows (Allan Rodgers side & end elevations
coloured diagram)
page 28: 1842 E&GR open stand-up third class carriage as rebuilt in the
early 1850s with roof, seats and windows (Allan Rodgers side & end elevations
coloured diagram)
page 29 Major General Sir Charles Pasley (portrait: colour)
page 30: standing arrangements in standee cars
pages 31-: extreme magnification of parts of images to show vehicles described:
their construction & lettering
see also Issue 142 page 38
Alan Simpson. West Fife pits and the NBR: Part I: The Benarty and
Kinnaird Collieries. 35-7.
Pits located north of Kelty. Benarty colliery originally operated
by nbsp;the Lochore and Capledrae Cannel Coal Co. Ltd, but was acquired by
the Fife Coal Co. on 21 September 1900. The Kinnaird Colliery was in
Kinross-shire and had always been a Fife Coal Co. pit. Blairfordel Platform
served Benarty Colliery with miners trains. Benarty had its own signal box
which opened 3nbsp;July 1902 and closed on 14 June 1928. Ordnance Survey
map: 1:25000 whole area and 25-inch of two collieries: Kinnairdnbsp;and Benarty
and junction arrangements for latter
Andrew Boyd. Closure of the Powderhall Branch.
For the last thirty years or so this branch formed the only surviving
part of an extensive network of former NBR lines serving the north side of
Edinburgh, accessed via Abbeyhill and Piershill Junctions. On its closure
all that remains of the NBR system that once lay to the north of the East
Coast Main within the present city boundaries is the quite separate branch
from Portobello to South Leith, which itself currently sees no regular traffic.
The branch to South Leith has a fascinating history of its own but this is
outwith the intended scope of the present article. The Powderhall branch
was created by British Rail in the 1980s by adapting to new use the remaining
stub of the 1868 NBR route to Granton. The rest of the line to Granton was
finally taken out of use in January 1986, following the closure in late 1985
of the SGB siding at Granton on the former CR system, to which the NBR Granton
branch was linked via Granton Square. In the course of 1986 a buffer stop
was erected at the approximate site of the former Bonnington South Junction,
beyond which the track leading towards Granton was lifted. The track as far
as the buffer stop was left in place, a run round loop was installed, and
the remaining stub was named the Powderhall branch. Its sole purpose was
the daily transport of waste in 'bin-liner' container trains from the adjacent
City of Edinburgh Council Waste Management Plant. However the plant suffered
technical problems in late 2016 as a result of which the waste transfer station
became inactive and the daily bin-liner train to the landfill site in the
disused limestone workings near Dunbar ceased to run.
A curiosity of the network of NBR lines in North Edinburgh was the existence
of a number of triangular layouts. Two of these, adjacent to each other and
sharing a common side, lay at the heart of the post-1868 network and came
about through its piece-meal development. The signal boxes which controlled
two of the resultant three way junctions, namely Lochend (South) Junction
and London Road Junction, were the subject of articles in the Journal over
thirty years ago, accompanied by drawings and track and signalling plans,
while subsequent articles or series which have made some reference to the
area include those by Douglas Yuill and by Donald Cattanach and Allan
The recent (2017) taking out of use by Network Rail of the Powderhall branch
provides a suitable occasion for us to re-visit the area. The present article
is intended as a brief. general introduction to the history of the lines
in the immediate vicinity of these two triangular layouts and the intensive
traffic, now largely forgotten, which they once carried, but it is not intended
to be a comprehensive history, for which further research would be required.
At the time of writing, the track on the branch remained in situ but a security
fence had been erected across the single line near the site of the former
Piershill station.
The network of former NBR lines on the north side of the city was created
in three distinct phases and not as part of any grand strategy. What might
be termed the 'first phase' was the construction of the line which started
off life as the Edinburgh, Leith and Newhaven Railway, evolved into the
Edinburgh, Leith and Granton Railway, and in turn merged with the Edinburgh
& Northern to be re-named in due course the Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee
Railway. The route from the station at Canal Street to Granton and North
Leith, with the two arms splitting at Warriston Junction, was opened between
1842 and 1847. Eventually the EP&DR was absorbed by the NBR in 1862 [2].
What might be called the 'second phase' was the construction by the NBR of
a new route towards Granton and North Leith in order to avoid the Scotland
Street incline and tunnel [3]. Within a year of taking over the EP&DR,
the NBR obtained Parliamentary powers in 1863 for the new route.
See also additional material from John Wilson on cable
haulage over a section of the line to a former waste plant.nbsp;
Illustrations: Powderhall Station in 1904, during its period in use as a
passenger station. The prominent building on the right is Chancelot Mill.
Easter Road station; Lochend (South) Junction c1905; Lochend Junction view
from signal box of empty dmu passing on 23 March 1974; maps of Lochend area
in 1853 prior to after railway development in 1885 and as in 1897 and after
1909;; Abbeyhill station looking north in September 1967; detailed annotated
map of railway lines north of London Road Junction; London Road Junction
on 1 September 1969 (colour); Easter Road Junction in 1971; NBR Working Timetable
1 June 1920: working arrangements for Lochend Junction; Easter Road Park
Halt viewed from Class 20-hauled SRPS raiitour on nbsp;23 May 1970.
See also Journal 136 page 45. On page 39 there is an
extract from Colonel Cobb's Artlas.
See also Issue 138 for Leith Walk station.
Book Review - The Peebles Loop review by Graham Dick.
Latest volume in the Middleton Press 'Country Railway Routes' Series
follows the now-familiar Middleton format of a photographic journey along
the lines covered. The informative and sometimes extended captions take the
book beyond a mere 'album' and the reader is also provided with an alphabetic
index of stations.
The Peebles Loop diverged from the North British Railway's main Waverley
Route at Hardengreen Junction, just south of Dalkeith and ran in a generally
south- westerly direction through agricultural and moorland, serving small
villages and minor settlements, as well as a few collieries, now long gone,
at its northern end. At Leadbum, crossing the Edinburgh - Peebles Road, later
designated the A703, was a junction station with the Dolphinton Branch while
the 'main line' continued south to Peebles, an important mill town and civic
centre of Peeblesshire. At Peebles, a link over the River Tweed connected
with the Caledonian's branch from the West Coast Main line at Symington,
then the N.B. line swung east, skirting the grounds of the imposing Peebles
Hydropathic, still a hotel, before following the course of the River Tweed
through the mill towns of Innerleithen and Walkerburn, before re-joining
the Waverley Route at Galashiels.
The work begins with a comprehensive preamble, outlining the geographical
context of all the lines referred to, including wide-area map and gradient
profile, together with historical background to their promotion and construction,
and includes specimen passenger timetables of 1869, 1895 and 1958.
Our photographic 'journey' begins at Galashiels, with a detailed O.S.. map
of the station, plus a dozen photographs spanning early B.R. steam - including
a visit from Caley 123 #151; through the Green and Blue Diesel eras to the
reopened 'Tweed bank' line. The selection concludes with the Loco shed, showing
A4 60026 Miles Beevor 'stored' inside#151;despite the usual finality
of such 'storage', Miles retumed to service for another two years.
We continue via Kilnknowe Junction onto the Peebles Line, proper, then follow
the Tweed by Cloven- fords, Angling Club Halt #151; a request stop #151;
Thornielee, Walkerbum, Innerleithen and into Peebles East, as the NBR Station
was designated. We then take a trip over the Tweed and explore the Caledonian's
Image incursion at Peebles West, before retuming to the North British and
continuing north by Eddleston, Pomathom Halt, Rosslynlee Hospital Halt, Rosewell
& Hawthornden and Bonnyrigg, before re-joining the Waverley at Hardengreen.
A surprising omission from this gazetteer is the remote Loanstone Crossing
on the B7026 between Auchendinny and Leadbum where, somewhat ironically given
the almost total obliteration of other traces of the railway, survives the
crossing keepers hut. This standard NBR timber and slate- roofed square building
appears to have been 'repurposed' #151; to use the currently fashionable
idiom #151; as an entry porch to the adjoining cottage. Each station is
illustrated with a map, based mainly on the O.S.. 25 inch mapping (which
shows track & signal details) and several photographs covering a wide
chronological span from an 1878 shot of a Hurst loco of 1862, right through
to modem Class 158s #151; the latter, sadly, not on the Peebles Line. The
book also covers the NBR's Dolphinton, Penicuik and Polton Branches in a
similar manner, including the various intermediate stations, The Dolphinton
section includes a summary of the NBR and Caley 'stand-off' at Dolphinton,
where there was a 'not quite' end-on connection, a situation of little benefit
to either Company. Public services on the NBR line ceased in 1933, though
there was a brief revival during the Second World War to serve a Royal Navy
munitions depot at Macbie Hill.
The Penicuik Branch, which diverged from the main line at Hawthornden Junction,
includes a shot of the Hawthom Leslie 'pug', the last of four that worked
Valleyfield Paper Mill over the years. The intermediate stations of Eskbridge,
Auchendinny and Rosslyn Castle are also covered, but, while the Gunpowder
Mills near the latter get a mention, the 'tin (corrugated iron) tunnel',
built to protect the works against hot cinders thrown from locomotive chimneys,
does not.
Finally, to the Polton Branch, from its delightful terminus of that name
serving Springfield Paper Mill on the River North Esk, through its intermediate
stations at Lasswade, across the elegant (and surviving, but 'at risk') Lasswade
Viaduct, through Broomieknowe and we rejoin the Peebles Loop at Esk Valley
junction, some half mile from Hardengreen. This well-researched book is a
recommended addition to the Railway Bookshelf, particularly for those with
an interest in the Waverley Route and its branches, and is priced at #163;18.95.
It is in hardback, A5 format with 96 pages, approximately 120 monochrome
photographs and some 50 map extracts, gradient profiles and other in-text
illustrations, and can be purchased from Booksellers and traders at Model
Railway Shows. Harburn Hobbies, Edinburgh, currently have a stock.
Letter to the Editor. 52
Portobello station. Andrew A
Study of the photograph of Portobello station accompanying the article
in the November 1909 Railway Magazine' (journal 134) shows work in
progress on the widening authorised by the North British Railway Act of 1907
referred to in passing in my own article in the present issue of the Journal,
but not noticed by the author of the 1909 article. The works included the
provision of up and down 'fast' lines 'outside' the up and down 'platform'
lines serving the island platform station. Also to be seen in the photograph
is the original Signal box at South Leith Junction which closed on 22 August
1909 concurrently with the opening of the new box there.
Richard Hollingworth. The excess laddie. 53-4.
In 1965 worked as a temporary clerk in the main booking office in
Edinburgh Waverley before going on to university. The booking office is described
in detail and it is noted that in 1965 it was still as it had been c1902.
The former North Eastern Railway office was still identifiable. One of his
duties was to empty the cash from the toilets which required agility. The
cash was taken to the British Linen Bank by taxi and was accompanied by a
policeman. Notes had to be divided by bank (5 Scottish plus Bank of England)
and had to be parcelled. Illustration of booking office with John Walker
statue c1900. Obituary of Author..
Clydebank East Station. 55; rear cover
At end of short branch off the 'main line' from Clydebank West Junction,
near Jordanhill, to Clydebank Central and Dalmuir, where it met the Glasgow
Dumbarton & Helensburgh line from Queen Street High Level to Helensburgh
via Maryhill. However, the Clydebank East line was the original route, built
as the Stobcross Whiteinch & Clydebank Railway, and according to
W.A.C. Smith and Paul Anderson in An
Illustrated History of Glasgow's Railways began as a single line
connecting the Govan Ferry to Clydebank when J & G Thomson's shipyard
relocated from Govan to Clydebank. It was converted to double track in 1896
and the extension to Dalmuir opened in 1897 branching off the Clydebank East
route a little to the east of the station, and climbing to a higher level
to cross Whitecrook Street. That line was electrified in 1960, but Clydebank
East closed to passengers in 1959.
Top: station viewed from line to Clydebank Central and Dalmuir.
Centre: exterior of station, with line to Dalmuir passing over Whitecrook
Bottom: A view of part of the platform and the station building.
Rear cover: map with textual key on previous page
D50 class 4-4-0T at Balloch with train for Stirling c1925 |
![]() |
Number 136 March 2019 |
From our Archives. 3
Ex-NBR 4-4-0 locomotive No. 9882 (LNER Class D32) with ordinary passenger
train formed of mixed stock on East Coast Main Line at Portobello East, at
junction with Waverley Route. The date is possibly early years of the Grouping
judging by locomotive livery style and G & SW and CR wagons in background.
Behind train is the Hope Lane bridge, replaced by a new and longer bridge,
and Portobello East signal box, spanning some of the tracks near the junction.
See akso Feedback.
Euan Cameron. Dugald Drummond's large 4-4-0T
locomotives. 4-11
No official drawing still exists for this 1879 design built at the
Neilson Hyde Park Works: WN 2420-2422. The nearest is an engraving prepared
by John Swain in Engineer, 1879 (23 May), 47, 370-1. With the
exception of the coupled wheel diameter (6-ft) the locomotives were very
similar to their 4-4-0 tender equivalents: see Euan
Cameron Journal No. 50 page 32 et seq. nbsp;The text includes
the original full specification for the livery. Illustrations:
No. 494 Helensburgh (Hyde Park Works official photograph 1879) | 4 |
No. 495 Roseneath (Cameron coloured drawing: side elevation) | 5 |
No.. 494 on Cowlairs shed during Holmes period (photograph) | 6 |
No. 494 at Easfield post 1905 (photograph) | 6 |
No. 1391 post 1920 (Cameron coloured drawing: side elevation) | 7 |
model in National Museum of Scotland (colour photograph) | 8 |
No, 1391 at St. Andrews in 1921 (Stirling Everard photograph) | 8 |
No. 1390 on Fort William shed on 1 September 1923 | 9 |
No. 10391 at Bo'ness on 16 July 1925 | 10 |
Alan Simpson. West Fife pits & the NBR: Part
2: Around Kelty.12-18
With eight coloured maps. Aitken Colliery; Central Power Station
(electricity generation for all pits started in 1905); Blairadam Colliery;
Kelty No. 1 and No. 3; Lassodie Mill Colliery; Lunphinnans No. 16 and No.
12 Colliery. Bibliography
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs commentary. 19-21
Johnson's later work after he had moved to the Midland Railway at
Derby was more distinctively his own, but it is nevertheless possible to
trace a line of continuity from Cowl airs in 1842 to Derby in 1922, and through
Johnson's son James to the Inverurie works of the Great North of Scotland.
In 1866 the Western Division of the North British required additional passenger
Cowlairs was busy on 2-4-0 engines to Johnsori's orders, and, therefore,
a new design was prepared for construction by Messrs. Neilson. The new type
was neither of pure North British nor of pure Edinburgh and Glasgow origin,
It was a 6 ft. 2-4-0 with 16 in, by 20 in, cylinders and mixed frames, resembling
in many ways a series of six 2-4-0s designed by Neilsori's to William Hurst's
requirements for the North British in 1860, and numbered 90-95, The new engines,
however, which were numbered 382-393, were given domeless boilers reminiscent
of Paton's singles, They had polished chimney caps, the Edinburgh and Glasgow
type of polished brass safety valve cover, and plenty of polished beading
to the splashers, no doubt in deference to Cowlairs susceptibilities,
At the same time Messrs, Neilson added two new examples to the already large
total of 0-4-0 mineral engines, These, N.B.R. Nos, 394 and 395, had 5 ft.
wheels and 16 in, by 22 in, cylinders, At this point it is necessary to consider
the complete locomotive stock of the North British Railway at the beginning
of 1867, There were close on four hundred engines, of which a little over
half belonged to classes of six or more approximately similar machines, and
the early history of many of them was scarcely reassuring, The North British
locomotive department had originally been under the charge of Robert Thornton.
In his time the company standardised on Hawthorn designs, the only exception
being one Crampton 4-2-0 of E.B. Wilson manufacture, Thornton's term of office
was somewhat unhappy, The locomotives with the earlier type of double frames
suffered from many broken crank axles, a complaint probably not unconnected
with the appalling state of the North British permanent way, Thornton tried
to remedy this by removing the inside frames, leaving the crank axle with
outside bearings only, This effectively reduced the life of the axles to
a few months, and brought Thornton's career with the North British to a close,
Thornton was succeeded by William Smith, whose term of office was but two
years, during which he attempted by alternative and equally unsuccessful
methods to deal with the frame troubles, Things finally reached such a pass
that the directors reported to the shareholders that "from mistaken notions
of economy, a system of patchwork, in lieu of thorough repairs, has been
the rule adopted from 1848 to 1854", while the Board of Trade saw fit to
remark upon "the general want of system in the manner in which the North
British is worked".
During 1854 Smith was replaced by E.G. Petrie. The directors now "took instant
and energetic measures to place the locomotive department in the most effective
condition", but to do so they found it necessary to hire locomotives to assist
in working the line, and to send many of the existing engines to outside
contractors for overhaul. The restoration of efficiency to the department
was finally made the responsibility of Petrie's successor, William Hurst,
whose energetic measures had, by the end of July, 1855, "in a high degree
restored the public reputation of the company, which had suffered from nothing
more than the inefficiency of their locomotive power", So much for the original
North British, The Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee could show a better picture,
There Robert Nicholson had been the locomotive superintendent, and had at
first maintained a stock of Hawthorn types with considerably more success
than was attained by his neighbours south of the Firth of Forth, The Edinburgh,
Perth and Dundee had in the 'fifties bought additional locomotives from the
firm of Neilson, and under Nicholson's direction several had been built to
his own designs at the company's Burntisland works, From these sources and
from many smaller companies the locomotive stock of the enlarged North British
had come,
Of the passenger machines there were two relatively modern classes of 2-4-0,
both having 6 ft. coupled wheels and 16 in, by 20 in, cylinders, The first
of these consisted of the six engines, Nos, 90-95, built by Neilsons for
the North British to Hursts requirements in 1860, while six somewhat similar
engines, Nos. 341-346, came from Messrs. Dubs in 1865. They had mixed frames,
inside boilers with domes over the firebox. The Dubs engines were provided
with plain stovepipe chimneys. These, with the Edinburgh and Glasgow machines,
were the only coupled express engines that the company owned. Of singles
there were six efficient North Brlitish 6 ft. examples with 16 in. by 18
in. cylinders, which had been built by R. & W. Hawthorn in 1847. They
were very similar to the Edinburgh and Glasgow's 'Large Hawthorns', One had
been rebuilt with inside bearings to the driving axle. This was No. 35. The
remainder, Nos. 33, 34 and 36-38 were more or less in their original condition.
There were also five Hawthorn singles from the Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee,
which had 6 ft. driving wheels and 15 in. by 20 in. cylinders. (N.B.R. Nos.
124-128). These had been rebuilt by Nicholson before the amalgamation, and
he had added an inside framed single of his own design, but of similar
dimensions, N.B.R. No. 147 which was built at Burntisland in 1861. The North
British contribution to the pool included two further machines which are
worthy of notice.
The first of these was the Crampton, No. 55, which was of the mixed frame
type with 7 ft. driving wheels, 16 in. by 20 in. cylinders and outside Gooch
motion. The acceptance of this revolutionary machine by the North British
spurred Messrs. Hawthorn on to further efforts, and they offered the company
a counter attraction in the form of a 7 ft. 2-2-2 of their latest type, the
sister engine of the more famous Flews of the York, Newcastle and
Berwick. In this design the usual double frames were provided, but the steam
chests were outside the cylinders, and the Stephenson motion was between
the driving wheels and the outside frame members. The overhang at the leading
end was far too great for steady running on the North British permanent way
of the period, and neither this locomotive, No. 57 Queen of 1849,
nor the Crampton were very useful assets.
In addition to these were a large number of North British and Edinburgh,
Perth and Dundee Hawthorn machines of 2-4-0, 0-4-2 and 0-6-0 types, subdivided
into many classes. Under Hurst the North British had, moreover, amassed a
large collection of small inside framed 0-6-0 goods engines, mostly with
15#189; in. by 22 in. cylinders and 5 ft. wheels, built by Stephenson, Hawthorn,
Dubs and at St. Margarets works.
Passenger tanks were represented by a series of fourteen 0-4-2 engines, designed
by Hurst and built at St. Margarets. These had inside frames, 4 ft. 9 in.
coupled wheels, 12 in. by 18 in. cylinders and domeless boilers. It is believed
that two early Hawthorn 0-4-2 tender machines had also been converted to
tanks for suburban service.
Of Nicholson's designs there were four capable 0-6-0 tender engines with
inside frames, 16 in. by 24 in. inside cylinders and 5 ft. wheels, N.B.R.
Nos. 145, 150, 159 and 160, built in 1861 and 1862, and also a small 0-4-0
mineral engine, No. 151, of 1860.
These engines and many others went to make up the locomotive stock of the
enlarged North British. They came from innumerable builders in ones and twos,
and provided a veritable Noah's Ark which it would take many articles to
describe, even if details of all of them were still available. Suffice it
to say that the maintenance of only a small proportion of them would have
given a budding locomotive engineer a wealth of experience never to be gained
in the present standardised age.
Don Matthews. The Kincardine Branch Part 3. 22-33
Passrenger and goods services. In 1897 the extension of the railway
from Kincardine to Dunfermline was proposed and this coincided with trial
borings for cooal on the Tulliallan Estate. The contract for the extension
was awarded to McAlpine & Sons in March 1904. Parrt of the new line ran
on an embankment that the public used as a promenade and near Longannet this
was still tolerated nbsp;by the NBR. The formal opening of the new line took
place on 30 June 1906 and for public traffic on 2 July. The passenger service
tended to be operated as two separate services: Alloa to Kincardine and
Kincardine to Dunfermline, Passenger services ceased on 7 July 1930. Coal
traffic to Kincardine nbsp;and Longannet power stations: the latter opened
in 1960 and closed in 2016 kept the whole line busy until it was decided
to deliver coal to Longannet nbsp;via Alloa rather than over the Forth Bridge.
With the closure of Longannet power station the future of the line is once
again under consideration. There are now electric passenger services to
2-4-0 No. 354 (former E&GR No. 104) as rebuilt by Drummond with Holmes safety valves | 23 |
0-6-0 No. 1041 (originally No.188) at Kincardine on passenger train | 24 |
Plan: Kincardine Junction | 25 |
Plan: Kincardine station | 25 |
1913 Ordnance Survey 25-inch map | 27 |
proposed deviation at Kincardine | 28 |
Plan: Kincardine station post extension to Dunfermline | 29 |
New Kincardine station photograph | 30 |
Site of Kincardine station viewed from Kincardine bridge 2019 colour image | 32 |
Kincardine station house 2019 colour image | 32 |
Site of Clackmannan station 2019 colour image | 32 |
View from Kincardine bridge towards Longannet 2019 colour image | 33 |
Hawkhill Farm bridge looking toards Kilbagie 2019 colour image | 33 |
Black Devon bridge 2019 colour image | 33 |
Detail of keystone inscription on Hawkhill Farm bridge 2019 colour image | 33 |
Jim Lindsay. Methil Docks: the engine sheds that
never were. 34-40
The development of Methil as a coal exporting port owed much to
Randolph Wemyss of the Wemyss
Coal Company and its railways: the Wemyss & Buckhavrn Railway and the
Wemyss Private Railway. Plans were drawn up for engine sheds in 1911 and
in 1920, and not implemented: instead the LNER drew up plans in the 1930s
and implemented them in 1933 for a new locomotive depot ar Thornton Junction.
There are maps and plans of the docks and locations for engine sheds at the
port. See also further information
Gordon Mackie. Fettykil, Leslie and Markinch. 41-4.
As a boy lived on a farm/market garden next the main line through
Coaltown of Balgonie in Fife and his teens moved to Glenrothes near Leslie.
He met W.J.V. Verdun Anderson, the famous photographer. Mackie has digitized
his colour slides and aa selection is printed:
B1 No. 61330 on freight from Fettykil Mill to Leslie Yard on 14 April 1966 | 41 |
J38 No. 65920 climbing to Leslie Yard on 8 July 1966 | 41 |
J38 No. 65921 hauling empties out of Fettykil nbsp;yard on 31 October 1966 | 42 |
J38 No. 65914 on Leslie viaduct with Thornton breakdown crane on 2 November 1966 | 42 |
Thornton breakdown crane lifting derailed 21-ton coal wagons in Leslie yard | 43 |
Clayton D8582 on last working out of Leslie on 6 October 1967 | 43 |
View from behind of Clayton D8582 on last working out of Leslie on 6 October 1967 | 44 |
Closure of the Powderhall Branch. 45.
See Journal 135 page 38 et seq.
Photographs: J37 No. 64624 on a Stephenson Locomotive
Society rail tour at Easter Road Station looking west on 31 August 1963;
Easter Road Station looking south east in 1955.
Closure of the Powderhall Branch. Andrew Boyd. 46-7
Photoograph and diagram (side & end elevations and plan) of NBR
gas tank wagon No. 12 lettered Abbeyhill (from Peter Talow: LNER wagons.
Volume 3. LNER Scottish Area; photograph A. Miller & Co. London Road
Foundry coke wagon No. 14 from Hurst Nelson Collection ABN 206.
Andrew Hemming, Clydebank East. 48-9
Photographs: Stuart Sellar: 2-6-2T No. 67644 having arrived with passenger
train on 2 September 1959; exterior from Whitecrook Street on same day; No.
67648 at departure end of platform
Yorkhill station. 50-1; rear cover
Illustrations: photograph of exterior of station probably taken long
after closue from Ferry Road; map based on 1921 data. Staion opened on 15
March 1866 on what had been a freight line that was incorporated in the Glasgow
City & District Railway. It was closed during part of WW1; reopened
afterwards but was cosed on 1 April 1921. The station had served the A. &
J. Inglis shipyard which had turned out the Royal yacht Alexandra in
1908 and later the Maid of the Loch and Waverley (1946).
John Inglis was on the NBR
Board and advocated the Atlantic type.
Taken from Souvenir of the Opening of the North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh, 15th October 1902 titled "North British Station Hotel and Princes Street looking east". |
![]() |
Number 137 July 2019 |
Feedback: March Issue. Bill Lynn.
Photograph of D32 No. 9882 and ordinary passenger train. Photograph
was taken by Henry Leslie Salmon in September 1924. The locomotive was
transferred fom St. Margarets to Berwick then about a month later to Tweedmouth
when Berwick shed closed. The train is the 13.45 Edinburgh Waverley to Berwick,
the usual driver of which was, at that time, Will Gosthart. The wagons in
the background include an Oxenford Colliery vehicle, but that colliery had
closed and its wagons were being used by another company.
Obituary Anent Richard Hollingworth Ian Terrell. 4
Born in 1947; died 7 March 2019. Richard started his railway career
in the summer of 1965 as a temporary clerk with British Railways. His time
at the enquiries office in the now demolished main booking office at Edinburgh
Waverley is recalled in his reminiscences in Journal 135.
It was while in his final year at university and working in Waverley that
he was first met Kathleen, his future wife, who had recently joined the staff
in the station
Promotion saw Richard becoming a Controller at the Burntisland Railway Control
Office located in the former Forth Hotel, again also now demolished. With
the Control running the day to day operations for the area from Bridge of
Earn and Montrose in the north, Causewayhead (Stirling) to the west and
southbound to the Forth Bridge, Richard really learned how railways ticked.
The mid to late 1970s saw the introduction of TOPS to British Rail and Richard
worked on the implementation of the scheme for computerised wagon control
for North England and Scotland. After this, Richard became Area Manager,
Bathgate, followed by Assistant Area Manager, Edinburgh where his
responsibilities included the East Coast Mainline south.
A partnership with Ian Kirk in 1982 saw Richard working on the Ian Kirk range
of plastic kits then being introduced, before he left British Rail to start
his own business in 1983 making plastic injection mouldings mainly for the
electronics industry located in Glenrothes, in particular for Rodime who
specialised in hard discs including the world#146;s first 3.5" hard disc.
Not many knew that a temporary sideline also included producing
It was around then that Richard also started work on his own Parkside range,
eventually including three formerly from the 7mm Ian Kirk stable, NBR prototypes
PS01 #145;Jubilee#146; 8T coal wagon; PS02 8T Goods Van; PS06 4 Plank Open
Goods Wagon. A later addition to the Parkside range were some of the Westykits
4mm range from Pete Westwater. 1986 saw Richard and Andrew Hastie join as
a partnership to combine their separate businesses resulting in the company
now being called Parkside Dundas, which went on to become one of the major
producers of railway wagon kits in 2mm, 4mm and 7mm scales, both standard
and narrow gauge, the latter including locomotives and carriages. He contributed
to the history of the railway in Burntisland in Issue
65 and Issue 66.
Railway train on fire. Dundee Advertiser. 5
The fire occurred on 1 October 1866 and was originally reported in
the Dundee Advertiser and the report was picked up by the Maitland Mercury
and Hunter River General Advertiser on 26 January 1867 and indexed in Trove
(online) and netted by Francis Voisey. The fire took place on a Burntisland
to Tayport train as it ran towards Dairsie and involved a luggage van which
was destroyed. It and the two following first class coaches were left behind
and the passengers taken forward to Cupar in the front vehicles. Dairsie
lacked telegraphic communication . Much was written about the lost
Euan Cameron. The large Wheatley 0-6-0 saddle tanks
(Part 1). 6-16.
5ft 1#190;in wheels. Two-part article (Part 2)
endeavours to unravel and describe in detail the large Wheatley saddletanks,
in both their original and their rebuilt forms. The story is quite complicated.
There were in fact five distinct designs of large 0-6-0ST, although only
four class numbers were allocated. One of those classes (later J84) underwent
conversion from a tender to a tank locomotive, then at a later date was rebuilt
with new boiler fittings. In the hopes of achieving the greatest possible
clarity, this article consists first of an overview of the five designs;
then this Issue will present and draw the two classes with larger 5' 1#190;"
driving wheels, intended at least partly for passenger work; the following
issue will describe in much fuller detail the more numerous smaller-wheeled
goods locomotives, which had cast-iron wheels nominally of 4#146; 2" (later
4#146; 3") diameter. Overview The nearly definitive description of the five
classes as first built may be found in the manuscript document held in the
National Records of Scotland and often described as the #145;1867 list#146;
(NRS reference BR/NBR/5/19). This list, describing all the N.B. locomotives
owned during the superintendency of Thomas Wheatley, appears to have been
compiled in order to keep track of the rebuilding and replacement of the
chaotic stock inherited by Wheatley from 1867 onwards. Each locomotive number
is given a description on a single line; where a locomotive with one number
was scrapped One wonders how Wheatley came to design such unusual locomotives.
There is one obvious parallel: the Ramsbottom #145;Special#146; tanks built
for the London and North Western Railway from 1870 onwards. It is a curious
paradox that Wheatley had worked in the southern division works of the L.N.W.R.
at Wolverton, but his design preferences, not just in this case, show significant
influence from Ramsbottom, who worked in the northern division. In this case
one should note that the Ramsbottom design preceded the N.B. engines by only
a few months
1. Nos. 226, 228. Two locomotives with 5'
1#190;" wheels and 16" x 24" cylinders, and a wheelbase of 7' 3" + 7' 9".
Weight 37 t 3 cwt. These locomotives were completed in September and October
1870. In the N. B. diagram book these engines were listed with the following
class (later J81) but have subsequently come to be assimilated with the
#145;J86#146; class in the literature.
2. Fifteen locomotives with 5' 1#190;" wheels
and 16" x 22" cylinders (except 229) and a wheelbase of 7' 0" + 7' 3". Weight
36 t 6 cwt. The survivor of this class became L.N.E.R. class J81. They were
built as follows: a. Nine locomotives completed between October 1871 and
February 1872, Nos. 229, 230, 149, 221, 39, 256, 51, 405, 406 in order of
building. b. Six locomotives completed between April and July 1873, Nos.
136, 62, 222, 261, 113, 255 in order of building.
3. No. 220. A unique locomotive with 4' 2" wheels and 16" x 24" cylinders,
and a wheelbase of 7' 3" + 7' 9". Weight 37 t 2 cwt. It was completed in
November 1870. This locomotive was described as #145;J86#146; in an annotation
to the N. B. R. locomotive diagram book, but did not in fact reach Grouping.
4. Nine locomotives with 4' 2" wheels and 16" x 24" cylinders, and
a wheelbase of 7' 0" + 7' 0". Weight 36 t 1 cwt. The survivors of this class
became L. N. E. R. class J85. They were built as follows: a. Three locomotives
completed between June and August 1870, Nos. 130, 132, 152 in order of building.
b. Six locomotives completed between January and February 1873, Nos. 258,
8, 263, 13, 44, 260 in order of building.
5. Twenty locomotives listed as having 4' 0" wheels (but visibly 4'
2" like the others) with 16" x 24" cylinders and a wheelbase of 6#146; 9"
+ 7' 9". These locomotives were built as a continuous batch between October
1873 and January 1874. As first built they were tender locomotives with 1,800
gallon tenders and Wheatley#146;s design features of the period. Around 1890
all were converted into saddle tanks by Matthew Holmes, but retaining their
Wheatley boilers and many fittings, including stovepipe chimneys. Some ten
years later they were rebuilt again, with new boilers and Holmes#146;s standard
fittings, but retaining the tanks fitted at their conversion. Hence the new
boilers had domes well forward, following Wheatley#146;s practice rather
than Holmes's. The survivors of this class became L.N.E.R. class J84. Since
the J8x classification
Illustrations (including Euan Cameron magnificent coloured side elevations
abbreviated as ECSE.
No. 226, as built except for addition of a cast iron cap to Wheatley#146;s stovepipe chimney:. early Holmes livery. | 6 |
No. 149 at Waverley East c.1876. This was one of the locomotives in the 229 Series | 7 |
No. 228 as first built, with stovepipe chimney fitted and retained by this example. Livery: early Holmes period, as in photograph of No. 226 above. ECSE | 8 |
No. 228 as rebuilt by Holmes in 1901. New footsteps, replacement boiler and fittings, and balance weights on the wheels. ECSE | 9 |
No. 228B at Cowlairs after rebuilding by Holmes | 10 |
No. 261, of second batch of the 229 series in original condition. Photograph believed to be by A.E. Lockyer in early 1890s. Locomotive in full Holmes livery with lining | 11 |
No. 62, of latter batch of 229 engines, photographed at Cowlairs by A.E. Lockyer: crew standing on raised part of cab in both photographs. | 11 |
No. 222, one of the latter six of the 229 series built in 1873, in original condition and in Drummond era livery from c. 1880. Note the T-section spokes on the driving wheels and the coupling rods linked to a common crankpin on the driving wheels. ECSE | 12 |
No. 39, one of first batch of 229 series, after rebuilding by Holmes in 1895 (rear splasher extending outwards from the lower section of the cab, and retention of the original footsteps; chimneys on this series taller than standard height. Euan Cameron coloured side elevation | 13 |
No. 221 at west end of Edinburgh Waverley (Holmes rebuild from 1895: cab and footstep similar to the drawing of No. 39). | 14 |
No. 495 as rebuilt by Holmes in 1902 (rear splasher flowing into the cab, replacement footsteps, and toolbox in front of the rear spectacle plate). | 14 |
No. 255, rebuilt by Holmes in 1901, photographed in 1902 (KACR Nunn Collection) | 16 |
No. 113, as rebuilt by Holmes.(Robin Boog Collection) | 16 |
Photograph believed to show either 136 or 149 in original condition (149 and 256 had three handrail knobs on each side of the saddle tank rather than more usual four) | 16 |
As observed earlier in these articles, Wheatley was not the most attractive of personalities, but he was an extremely sound engineer, who gave the North British robust, inexpensive and extraordinarily durable locomotives appropriate to the work assigned to them. Not all designers could have foreseen their engines reaching fifty years in service, as some of these examples
Waverley Station a history: index of parts. 17
Part 1 The first passenger station Journal
118 March 2013
Part 2 The early years (1846 1860) Journal
120 November 2013
Part 3 Amalgamation and expansion (1860 1880)
Journal 123 November 2014
Part 4 Descent into chaos and plans for the future
(1880 1891) Journal 126 November 2015
Part 5 A station built to last at last (1891
#150; 1901) Journal 131 July 2017
Part 6 A new century and the final years of the
NBR (1901 1922) Journal 137 July 2019
From our photo files. 17
Atlantic locomotive No. 9876 Waverley (LNER Class C11) and
train at the west end of Edinburgh Waverley Station: date between March 1932
(when Westinghouse brake removed) and May 1937 (C,L Kerr)
Donald Cattanach and Allan Rodgers. Waverley
Station a history. Part 6. A new century and the final years of the
NBR (1901 #150; 1922).nbsp;18-41
From the coaching era, the buildings at Nos 1 to 9 Princes Street,
where the North British Station Hotel would stand, were home to hotels, lodging
houses, coach offices and taverns. In 1844 when the NBR was incorporated,
the Turf Hotel was at No. 3 and MacQueen's Hotel was at No. 8. By the 1850s,
three hotels occupied most of the upper floors of Nos. 1 to 8: the Bridge
Hotel, on the corner with North Bridge Street, had its entrance at 67 New
Buildings, North Bridge; the Turf Hotel (later Gladstone#146;s Temperance
Hotel) was at No. 3; and No. 8 was occupied by the establishment known at
various times as Barry#146;s, Gibson#146;s, MacQueen#146;s, Graham#146;s,
Kennedy#146;s and McKay#146;s North British Station Hotels; the final tenant
was McTavish. The North British bought Kennedy#146;s Hotel in October 1865
for £12,000 and leased it back to Kennedy along with the top floors
of No. 9. The front shop of No. 9, adjacent to the Waverley Steps, formerly
the offices of the Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Company, was renovated
and leased to Hugh Paton, Carver and Gilder to the Queen, and the printer
of North British timetables. From 1873 it became the offices of the Midland
and the East Coast Companies. Thomas Cook's tourist office took over the
building at the rear at about the same period. In 1869, and again in 1870,
proposals were made by independent operators to build and run a new hotel
for the North British, but these came to naught, and Kennedy#146;s lease
was renewed.
In 1883, the North British Station Hotel#146; was so dilapidated that it
to be a hotel to be and was occupied by offices for the Engineer#146;s and
Police Superintendent#146;s departments.
The Waverley Station Hotel and Offices Committee (usually referred to as
the #145;Hotel etc. Committee#146;) was appointed on 25 April 1895 to oversee
construction. It consisted initially of ten of the fifteen Directors and,
even then, #145;any important alteration in the plans which the Committee
may consider necessary or desirable should be subject to the approval of
the Board#146;; the quorum was five. The hotel business was uncharted territory
and the Board intended to proceed cautiously. Director Henry Grierson of
Craigend Park, Liberton, was to be the Convener #151; living locally made
him a convenient choice #151;and former Secretary (now Director) G B Wieland
was a member. These two were to be the mainstays of the Committee. Before
any plans were finalised, Grierson led his Committee on two tours #151; in
1895 and 1896 #151; to visit the best hotels in Europe. The first was in
November 1895 to Brussels, Amsterdam and Paris by Messrs Grierson, Carlow
and Jordan, together with Hamilton Beattie and General Manager John Conacher.
In Brussels, the Grand Hotel (180 rooms) was admired for its lift, recently
converted to electric operation, and its excellent wine cellar; the large
dining room of the Metropole (200 rooms) also impressed. In Amsterdam, the
small Victoria Hotel had no special features worthy of adoption and the same
applied to the Amstel (200 rooms) other than its impressive entrance hall,
with gallery; its cooking arrangements were #145;antiquated#146;. In Paris,
the party inspected the large Grand Hotel Terminus, Gare St Lazare and were
shown over the station and the Board Room of the Western of France Railway
Company. The party was refused permission by its proprietor to visit the
Metropole Hotel in Brighton! On its return, plans were finalised and submitted
to Edinburgh Town Council for approval.
The 1896 tour was to eleven of the #145;most recently erected Hotels in Central
Europe#146; #151; in stark contrast to the ramshackle North British Station
Hotel, soon to be pulled down. A report was produced for the Board meeting
on 21 October 1896. #145;The Hotel Committee visited the following towns
in Central Europe, viz:- Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, Buda-Pesth, Munich,
and Lucerne. In each of these cities they inspected the principal Hotels
with a view to seeing if any hints could be obtained for improvements in
connection with the new Waverley Station Hotel.
One feature which was uniformly defective in all the hotels visited was the
lifts or elevators. In most cases they were very small, and slow. Another
feature in which all the hotels visited were uniformly defective was the
cooking apparatus in the kitchens.
. The new hotel was magnificent. It stood four square on its island site
at the corner of Princes Street and North Bridge, founded firmly on the rock
of the valley separating Old and New Towns, ten storeys high (four below
Princes Street level and six above), 190 feet by 180 feet, with its great,
square clock tower, capped by its metal corona 195 feet above Princes Street
and 248 feet above the level of the railway. It dwarfed the 1774 Register
House opposite, the 1866 General Post Office in Waterloo Place/North Bridge,
and the nearby Scott Monument of 1846 #151; the subject of much initial
criticism. Because of its isolated situation, all four sides of the building
were able to display the elaborate architectural features of its #145;free
rendering of the Renaissance period#146;. The six storeys above street level
were built around a rectangular central court, a light well, about 70 feet
square and faced with white bricks. The interior #150; entered from Princes
Street by a novel Van Kannel turnstile door #151; was the latest in style,
elegance and modern convenience. The main entrance hall was 50 feet long,
22 feet wide and 20 feet high, and floored in Sicilian and blue Belge marble.
The Palm Court #151; a lounge #145;of the most artistic and luxurious
nature#146;, fifty feet square, built in the central court and lit from above
#151; was just one of several luxurious public and dining rooms, with excellent
food and fine wines to match. #145;The total number of rooms, including cellars,
in the Hotel is 700; of these over 300 are bedrooms. The number of windows
in the structure runs up to 1000, and of doors to 2000#133;and there are
in all 52 baths and 70 lavatories#146;. The Scotsman reported on 1
July 1902 that #145;A feature is being made of suites of rooms, and on the
third floor special provision is being made for bachelor suites #151; sitting
room, and 2 bedrooms, bathrooms, etc which are being cosily fitted up, and
will be let by the year to single gentlemen resident in the city, who will
thereby be saved the discomfort of keeping house for themselves#146;. The
Hotel also catered for the higher class of commercial traveller, with a
commercial dining room and bar, writing room and stock rooms, and the billiard
room close by. The four clock faces, readable from almost a mile distant,
and lit at the joint expense of the NBR and the Town Council, gave the time
to the centre of Edinburgh, initially set 30 seconds fast to encourage tardy
train travellers.
The Directors considered a proposal to have an opening ceremony for the hotel
but decided against it. With Wieland now Chairman, all unnecessary expenditure
was being curbed. Instead, an insignificant notice appeared in the
Scotsman of 15 October 1902, intimating that the hotel was about to
Work on the station following the constrtuction of the hotel was modest until
the 21st Century and is shown through the pictorial material beow:
West end of Waverley after completion of its major redevelopment & building of North British Hotel, c.1920. Holmes class D 0-6-0T shunting carriages |
18 |
Numbers 1-9 Princes Street in about March 1893 prior to demolition to make way for the North British Hotel. See also footnote |
19 |
Corner of North Bridge and Princes Street, taken c.1895, showing site of the NB hotel before the demolition of the existing buildings commenced. |
20 |
South east corner of the site showing Cranston & Elliot#146;s department store at North Bridge & cantilevered walkway running along southern edge of building, |
20 |
Looking west from position on General Post Office building (at south east side of North Bridge) showing excavations on opposite side for new hotel. See footnote |
21 |
Advert for Waterloo Hotel at 23 Waterloo Place: acquired by NBR and converted into the company's head office building prior to occupation by NBR staff in 1898. |
22 |
New North British Hotel nearing completion in 1901 viewed from south east corner of reconstructed North Bridge |
24 |
Completed hotel in sunshine in 1900s view across the reconstructed North Bridge. Cable car No. 168 overtakes a plodding horse pulling well laden cart |
26 |
Aerial photograph taken in early 1920s which reveals the hotel's central court faced in white bricks. |
27 |
Colour postcard gives impression of interior of the new hotel with views of the dining room, palm court and lounge areas. |
27 |
North British Railway plan showing Waverley station as in 1905, including track layout, platform designations, passenger facilities & company offices. |
28-9 |
Former west end tea room at Waverley situated at the end of present day platform 12 (old platform 15) in 2010 view before its demolition. See footnote |
29 |
Cab rank adjacent to the down main line platform at Waverley, probably during WW1, showing mix of horse drawn and motor cabs |
30 |
Detailed plan of ground floor of central office block at Waverley station in about 1925 |
31 |
East and west elevations of the central block at Waverley taken from the original contract plans |
32 |
WW1 view taken at east end of station, showing two passageways (now blocked up) leading to main booking hall. |
33 |
NBR War Memorial in relocated position on south front of the central building, adjacent to extended (2019) platforms 5 and 6. |
34 |
Ticket collecting staff at Edinburgh Waverley station in 1922. |
34 |
West end signal cabin in late July 1924. See also footnote |
35 |
Waverley east signal cabin around 1910, with Calton Jail in the background. |
36 |
Waverley north central signal cabin, date unknown but probably late 1960s or early 1970s. |
36 |
Group of local fishwives with empty creels waiting for train home probably around 1900 before wooden platform boards replaced by concrete. |
37 |
General view of west end of station around 1900 showing north access ramp (nearest camera) with south access in distance. |
37 |
e train departure board at the end of platforms 12 an 13 at the west end of Waverley, probably taken around 1920 |
38 |
Two train arrival indicators installed at east end of station in 1902, one covering approach line through Calton north tunnel & other Calton south tunnel |
38 |
NBR Atlantic No. 879 Abbotsford in east bay platform 1 at Waverley having arrived with 21.20 ex-St Pancras express via Waverley route on 21 September 1910 |
40 |
East end of station, taken from Regent Road near to the old Calton Jail, on 20 July 1913. |
40 |
Footnote 1 very interesting view, probably taken about middle of 1896, looking west from a position on the General Post Office building (at south east side of North Bridge) showing excavations on the opposite side of the bridge for building new hotel. It is surprising how deep the excavation for the foundations proved to be and the hard rock, which was unexpectedly encountered, is clearly shown. On the right of the picture is the rear of the buildings fronting Princes Street and around the middle of the ground floor can be seen a freshly bricked up archway with a new window. This was the original passageway situated between Nos. 4 and 5 Princes Street which gave access to the open area behind the buildings, where Learmonth#146;s coach yard existed during the 1830s and 1840s. It is thought this brickwork was added as an interim measure whilst these buildings were used as temporary NBR offices prior to their eventual demolition as the hotel construction progressed. Along to the left of the bricked up archway the shorter west wing of the building is still standing #150; this was a separate building, at one time referred to as #145;the old house#146;, and had been occupied by Cook#146;s Tourist Office (see photo 02). In October 1896, this wing was showing signs of giving way and had to be demolished earlier than planned. On the extreme left a rail mounted steam crane is in operation, moving excavated material onto a line of open wagons parked on what appears to have been temporary sidings serving the works
Footnote 2 very unusual photograph showing the west end signal cabin in late July 1924. What is of more interest is the fitted open wagon containing a photographer standing on a platform trolley together with other railway officials, somewhat precariously, being propelled by ex-NBR locomotive No. 425 Kettledrummie (LNER class D30) in the direction of the Mound tunnel! This unusual movement is believed to have been carried out in connection with the inquiry into the fatal collision which occurred at Haymarket station on 28 July 1924, when the 6.41pm inner circle suburban train, standing at the down south platform, was struck by the following 6.54pm Waverley to Kirkliston train with the result that 5 passengers were killed and 54 injured. The inquiry concluded that the accident was caused by driver Swan of the Kirkliston train mis-reading the signals in Princes Street Gardens on his approach to Haymarket tunnel. It is assumed the photographer in the wagon was tasked with obtaining suitable images showing the signal position and its sight lines in order to aid the investigation into the accident.
Footnote 3: corner property at No. 9 was occupied by offices for the East Coast railway companies and those of the Midland Railway, with Thomas Cook#146;s tourist office situated behind, adjacent to Waverley steps. In the foreground, an Edinburgh & District Tramway Company#146;s horse tram makes it way along Princes Street to Haymarket and North Merchiston
Footnote 4: former tea room demolished for extension of the platform to accommodate longer electric train units: it supplied free tea to soldiers and sailors during WW1
Alan Simpson. West Fife Pits and the NBR: Part 3 the Lochore
area. 42-53.
Third part of series about west Fife collieries and the NBR in its
later days: the pits and their railway connections on the NBR Lochore branch
#151; a line which ran eastwards from Kelty North Junction to Redford Junction,
where it joined the Thornton to Dunfermline route. This branch was a goods-only
one, used chiefly for mineral traffic and it served a number of collieries
along its route including the Mary pit (known locally as #145;the Big Mary#146;
or #145;the Mary Lochore#146;) and further eastwards, the Kinglassie pit.
These were both Fife Coal Co. pits (#145;FCC#146;), sunk in the early 20th
century, both having a large workforce, and they survived as producing collieries
until their closure during the mid-1960s. There are three villages in the
area: Ballingry, Lochore and Crosshill, running north to south. Their populations
grew with the development of mining locally. For public transport, Lochore
and Crosshill were at one time served by the Dunfermline & District electric
tramways. What was eventually to become the Kelty to Redford Junction line
was built in stages.
Kinglassie Pit |
42 |
Lochore area in 1928: extracted from Ordnance Survey One-inch #145;Popular#146; edition Sheet 68, Firth of Forth. |
43 |
Mary Lochore Pit. |
44 |
Lochore branch in 1896 before extension to Kinglassie map original scale 1:10,560, re-sized for publication |
45 |
Lochore branch in 1896 after extension to Kinglassie map original scale 1:10,560, re-sized for publication |
45 |
Eastern end of Lochore branch in 1919: extracted from Ordnance Survey Six-inch Fifeshire Second Edition Sheet XXVII.SE, |
46 |
NBR waybill from 1889, recording a load from Kirkness Collieries. |
46 |
Lochore branch, showing Wester Crosshill Colliery, Rosewell Colliery, Capledrae and Lochore in 1896. At south-west corner of map is site of Loch Ore |
47 |
Capledrae Colliery and Kirkness Pit in 1896 (both disused) extracted from Ordnance Survey Six-inch Fifeshire Second Edition Sheet XXVII.SW |
48 |
Lochore Branch prior to Redford extension: railways highlighted in red: extracted from Ordnance Survey One-inch Second Edition Sheet 40, 1900. |
49 |
No. 256 Glen Douglas at Leslie Station on railtour in June 1962: train included two preseved Caledonian Railway coaches |
51 |
Helensburgh Central Station.54-5; rear cover
The station was opened on 31 May 1858 (as Helensburgh), as the terminus
of the Glasgow, Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway. This line, authorised
on 15 August 1855, ran from Cowlairs, on the Edinburgh and Glasgow line,
to Helensburgh. The line was initially single track west of Dumbarton (it
is now once again single west of Dalreoch) and passenger trains used the
Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway#146;s Queen Street Station, running round the
north of Glasgow via Maryhill. The Glasgow City & District Railway, with
its Queen Street Low Level Station, was still nearly thirty years in the
future. Illustrations: maps of 1860, 1897 and c1914. See
also contribution from Andrew Boyd on single track approach,
Holidaying in style! NBR 4-4-0 locomotive |
![]() |
Number 138 December 2019 |
On the campaign trail. 3. illustration
Photograph of 4-4-0 No. 576 at Cowlairs shed. The driver was Jock
Walker of Haymarket. Locomotive decorated in preparation for a special working
in connection with what is described as WE Gladstone's final campaign,
presumably, the election of July 1892.
Harry Knox (1940-2019). Jim Summers. 4
Obituary reproduced in full: see
also bibliographical page. Harry Knox was a good railwayman. To those
in the business, that understated, simple accolade says an awful lot in itself.
But Harry was much more than a railwayman: he was artist, walker, cyclist,
gourmet, wine connoisseur, chef, country dancer #150; and author. It was
through his books that many thousands of people came to know him and the
railway. He covered life on the footplate and, more than any other author,
explored and explained the low life and high life of locomotive depots. The
real work of cleaners, fitters, list clerks, and the bosses was depicted.
Blessed with a remarkable memory for the names and stories which lay behind
mere engine numbers or shedplates, Harry brought the railway to life. Read
his account of firing on an ore train from Crew Junction to Clyde Iron Works,
disturbing the dozing, douce denizens of Edinburgh in the wee sma#146; #146;oors,
to understand the day-to-day craftsmanship on the railway. His background
was in the shale country to the west, which led him to produce the definitive
academic work on the shale industry in the Lothians. Harry#146;s books were
ever well researched. This pursuit of accurate information also meant that
a tour of the city of Edinburgh under his guidance could be a revelation.
It was a disappointment that Harry was not given time to complete another
book, in which he had begun to tell tales of life off the footplate, recounting
the people, personalities and tasks he encountered as he worked his way up
the operations side of the railway. He knew that railway, the real railway,
the 24/7 railway of dark nights, tough weather, and sometimes tragedy. As
a young man, he was propelled by wise old managers into challenging jobs,
largely on the old Caley side of Lanarkshire: jobs which gave him his assured
touch in handling anything from out-of-gauge loads, to carriage cleaning,
to engineering possessions, to accidents, the Account Current, and errant
staff. His final job #145;outside#146; was Area Manager, Bathgate, where
he and his folk dealt with the car trains and shifting the shale bings of
the Lothians to the motorways of the west. He was also responsible for the
day-to-day operations of the east side of the E&G. But there was no passenger
service to Bathgate. When that came, Harry#146;s knowledge of signalling
and the area was there in the background, while an ingenious and unique cocktail
of arrangements was devised to make the service affordable.
His move #145;inside#146;, to be the Rules and Signalling Officer for the
Scottish Region of British Railways, brought him into robust discussions
with some naiuml;ve but thrusting financial managers, whose ideas for pruning
track layouts and signalling conflicted with safety and commonsense. This
role meant also a heavy contribution at UK level in London with the innovative
new Rule Book, and the setting of national signalling standards. Harry was
much involved with getting into service the Radio Electronic Block system,
which largely ensured the survival of the West Highland and Far North lines,
and the Yoker Integrated Electronic Control Centre.
Harry then tackled the wider world, living for three years in Sydney and
working with all the Australian railways and in New Zealand. He was no stranger
in the Irish Republic either. Everywhere, people admired his range of knowledge
and his forensic skills, concluding with uncompromising reports. His experience
had taught him how to hold his corner, as ever the professional railwayman.
A good railwayman, and more. One of the best.
John McGregor. West Highland 125. 5
Euan Cameron. The large Wheatley 0-6-0 saddle tanks
(Part 2). 6-17
Part 1. The solitary No. 220: unique locomotive
built at Cowlairs in November 1870. It was, in effect, a smaller-wheeled
version of Nos. 226 and 228 (featured in last Issue).
Like them it had a wheelbase of 7' 3" + 7' 9". It appears to have had more
or less the same frames (24' 4" long), boiler, tank and boiler fittings as
the larger-wheeled versions.
The 130 series 0-6-0STs: The smallest class discussed in this article was
also the earliest to be built The 430 series 0-6-0s converted to 0-6-0STs
1. The original tender coal engines. The 430 series, twenty more or less
identical locomotives, were built at Cowlairs between October 1873 and January
1874 as part of Wheatley's
2. The first rebuildings as tank engines (which retained the original boiler
and fittings) These engines appear to have been perfectly functional for
around 15-20 years, until Matthew Holmes evidently felt that it would be
more useful to convert them to tank locomotives
3. The reboilering by Matthew Holmes (retaining the tanks and platework from
first rebuilding
4. The proposed refitting with overall cabs and 17" x 24" cylinders (Drawing
No. 4938B, not carried out)
The final twist in the 430 story is that a General Arrangement drawing was
prepared, Cowlairs No. 4938, for a third rebuilding of the class.
Illustrations (including Euan Cameron magnificent coloured side elevations
abbreviated as ECSE.
No. 220, in Leith Walk yard about 1900. Guard Will Ballantyne, driver Jock Henderson, fireman Jock Davidson. This is the only known photograph of this locomotive in almost entirely original condition. The livery appears to be unlined dark olive. Note the two handbrake standards visible on each side of the bunker: these would be replaced with a single brake handle at rebuilding | 6 |
No. 1171, photographed at Haymarket, its home shed, on 30 December 1922, or possibly 30 October according to another source. Note that a small additional plate has been added to the left side of the spectacle plate, and the pull rods for the handbrake located down the mid-line of the locomotive rather than outside the wheels as before | 7 |
No. 8, photographed at Cowlairs, probably in the early 1890s.. | 7 |
No. 220 in nearly original condition. This partly conjectural reconstruction is based on the part drawing of the rebuild (which included some details of the original design) and includes the equalizing beam between driving and trailing wheels shown on the same drawing. (ECSE) | 8 |
No. 220 after rebuilding in 1901. This reconstruction is based on the diagram book sketch of the rebuild and the Cowlairs works drawing of the cab and rear end of the rebuilt form. Note the later period Holmes livery as seen on No. 228 in the last issue. (ECSE) | 8 |
No. 440 as tender locomotive The drawing is adapted from the GA drawing of the rebuilt version of the class and photographic evidence, following what is known of Wheatley's practice in other similar designs. The 1,800 gallon tender was standard for all tender engines built in this phase of the Cowlairs locomotive building programme. (ECSE) | 9 |
No. 430 after rebuilding as a saddle tank in 1892. Note the absence of a works plate from the first rebuilding. The unlined olive livery is deduced from photographs: this represents an unusual use of a Drummond painting style by Holmes. (ECSE) | 10 |
No. 433 in later condition after reboilering in 1900. Note that the locomotives rebuilt after c. 1895 are assumed to have been painted locomotive body colour on the valances and footsteps (ECSE) | 10 |
No. 258, at Kelty. Shunter Jimmy Allan, (unknown), driver C Manclark, yard foreman Geordie Scott. Note the Wheatley pattern footstep with shunters' boards and additional handrail added. | 11 |
No. 263, showing details differing from those of No. 258. Note the later pattern cab footsteps; shunters' boards are not fitted in this case. | 11 |
No. 258 as first built in 1873, in Drummond olive. Photographs show the brake pull rods cranked downwards to avoid fouling the hoops wrapped around the centres of the wheels. As this drawing shows the locomotive without hoops, the brake rods are shown straight. As suggested in the article, the dome on the middle of the boiler barrel was probably a feature of the engines of this class built in 1873 | 12 |
No. 258 as rebuilt by Holmes in 1894. The earlier rebuilds of this class retained the Wheatley style footsteps with the brake shaft bearings incorporated. Later rebuilds had more modern steps with a different layout of the brake levers (ECSE) | 12 |
No 435 as tender engine, possibly at Aberdeen. If this photograph was indeed taken at Aberdeen as is believed, it shows the locomotive having worked a long way from N.B. home territory (ECSE) | 13 |
No. 443, as built, believed to have been photographed at Niddrie West Box around 1893 while serving as the Niddrie Pilot. Driver James Smith and Fireman Andrew Brown. Note that the tyres of the locomotive wheels are severely worn down in this photograph. Another version of the photograph was taken at the same time with shunters and other staff arranged alongside the engine | 14 |
No. 433, rebuilt as saddle tank. The location may be either Joppa or Perth. Behind the front of the locomotive is an early pattern Jubilee coal wagon of c. 1886, while one of the older outside framed bogie wagons is behind the rear. The water crane is of an older pattern than the later N.B.R. standard | 16 |
No. 434 as Waverley Station pilot, at the east end of the station. In this and the above photo note the firing iron bent at an angle and inserted inside the handrail on the tank. The cabs of these locomotives were so cramped that fire-irons could not be used unless they were bent out of shape. See also 433 in the next illustration | 16 |
No. 433, pictured at the east end of Edinburgh Waverley, showing its cab fittings. Note the whistle lever to the left of the pressure gauge, the sloping water gauge, the steam key for the injector (with wheel handle on top) and the water key and lubricator on the spectacle plate. | 16 |
No. 1272, nbsp;former No. 445. The locomotive is in post-1915 black with straw yellow lining. Despite carrying the black livery, this locomotive does not have a control number painted on the tank as one might expect. The photograph was taken at Bo'ness in 1916 and shows flagboy Robert Hamilton, shunter Thomas Binnie, driver Alexander Davies and shunter John Arnott | 17 |
No. 1275, formerly No, 448, at St Margaret's shed, 27 June 1921. Note the pull rods for the handbrake located down the mid-line of the locomotive rather than outside the wheels as before. This alteration was also noted on 1171 above. | 17 |
Re-railing a locomotive 19
A demonstration of M. F. D. re-railing equipment at Eastfield Motive
Power Depot on 10 November 1955. From a photo album donated to the Group
by Alistair Scott. C16 No. 67499, had recently bee n withdrawn from Dundee
and condemned on 2 November 1955, according to Yeadon's Register,
was deliberately tipped onto its side then righted and re-railed using a
variety of jacks and other equipment. The jacks were manufactured in West
Germany. Seven photographs all showing lack of safety clothing for men.
Stephen Woodhouse. Edinburgh to London, faster, ever faster...
Introduction by LNER of the Azumas on the Edinburgh to London run
and compares it with steam, early diesel. Deltic, High Speed Trains and electric
traction. Names from the past like Flying Scotsman and Queen of
Scots. Illustrations: ex-NBR 4-4-0 locomotive No. 740 (LNER Class D31)
and ex-NER 4-4-2 locomotive No. 697 (LNER Class C6) head an up East Coast
express near Reston in early days of the LNER. proper and the new order:
an LNER Azuma at Platform 5 at Edinburgh Waverley on 19 September 2019, having
arrived at 11.20 with the 07.00 from Kings Cross. Alongside at Platform 6
is a similar train operated by Trans Pennine Express. (latter photo: D
Brian Farish. Dundee: track rationalisation and
re-signalling in 1985. 22-33
At its most extreme Beeching had envisaged the total closure of the
Tay Bridge and reouting trains via Stirling and Perth or via Ladybank
and Perth. The Tay Road viaduct was built without Government encouragement
and carries the A92 into the City, but with little consideration to existing
railway infrastructure. Dundee East station had closed in 1959 and Dundee
West in 1965. The former was jointly owned with the Caledonian Railway; the
latter solely by the Caledonian. British Railways (Scottish Region) played
a very significant role in the rejuvenation of the Dundee Waterfront Area,
which could not otherwise have taken place, and that, together with the recent
modernisation of passenger facilities at Dundee station has completely
transformed this area of the city. The R & R project was completed within
the authorised expenditure, within the allotted time-scale and realised the
forecast staff savings. These would have been further enhanced by the Estate
Surveyor (BR Scotland) selling large surplus areas of the former two Dundee
Yards. Illustrations:
A3 nbsp;No. 60065 Knight of the Thistle waits departure from platform 1 at Dundee (TB) station with a southbound express to either Edinburgh or Glasgow (Queen Street). In background Dundee (TB) West S.B. with an approaching train on the Down main. Note freight traffic in the Dykeside nbsp;1949 | 22 |
Haymarket based B1 No. 61072 arrives in No. 3 Dock platform at the head of a local stopping train. Note narrow lower quadrant semaphore signals .1948 | 22 |
In platform 4, Thornton-based B1 No. 61103 waits departure at the head of a southbound express service | 23 |
Mandatory Project Board acknowledging financial aid granted by the European Regional Development Fund. A similar board was fixed to Dundee Central signalbox | 23 |
Central diagram of resignalling | 24-5 |
Dundee in 1952 (from Ordnance Survey) | 26-7 |
Dundee Central signalbox in June 1983. | 28 |
Up yard area with Dykeside sidings prior to site clearance in June 1983 with Dundee (Tay Bridge) West and Central boxes top centre. | 28 |
Buckingham Junction signalbox and diesel depot with down and up Perth lines and on far left East Coast Main Line approach viaduct leading to Tay Bridge June 1983. | 28 |
Extreme west end of up yard at Riverside Drive during site clearance (colour) | 29 |
Extreme west end of up yard at Riverside Drive during site clearance. (colour) | 29 |
Dundee Central signalbox June 1983. | 29 |
Dundee Central Junction looking east towards Dundee (Tay Bridge) West signalbox taken from up E.C.M.L. with diverging Perth lines on the left June 1983 | 30 |
South end of Dundee Tay Bridge station taken from Dykeside sidings. From right to left: Up Main; lines to and from the dock platforms 2 & 3, and on far left the Down Main leading to platform 4. Overbridge spanning the station was demolished in January 1984 and was known as Smith-Hood bridge. | 30 |
Taken from Smith-Hood bridge in June 1983: western approaches to station controlled by Dundee (Tay Bridge) West signalbox with Dundee Central signalbox in the distance. During project main lines were slewed to the right virtually through the site occupied by the signalbox. | 30 |
The well-advanced earthworks on the Up side showing the solum for the new trackworks. (colour) | 31 |
Reverse shot nbsp;to above showing semi-prepared track bed for future approach lines to station on the right with siding accommodation (colour) | 31 |
Looking west towards Buckingham Junction showing preparation work prior to laying the new trackwork for the main lines | 31 |
Looking west towards Buckingham Junction showing preparation work prior to laying the new trackwork for the main liness. | 32 |
Looking east towards Dundee (Tay Bridge) West Signal Box. On right Dykeside group of sidings, the Down & Up main lines to the station and on far left track bed for realigned main lines and higher level storage sidings. | 32 |
Southbound East Coast Inter-City 125 passing Dundee Central Signal Box in autumn 1984. Vehicles in Down yard loaded with panels of new track and the Project Board fixed to the front of the Signalbox (colour) | 32 |
Looking east towards station with Dundee Central Signal Box on the right showing advanced stage of new trackbed. | 32 |
Panorama showing planned realignment of main lines and soon to be demolished Dundee (Tay Bridge) West and Dundee Central signalboxes. At top of new embankment ballasting had been laid for the East Reception line, and the Loco, D.M.U. and Carriage sidings. | 33 |
Clearing site of former Dundee (Tay Bridge) West Signal Box preparatory to extending Up Platform and laying down of the Up direction lines. April 1985. | 33 |
See also Andrew Boyd communication in Number 139
Alan Simpson. West Fife Pits and the NBR: Part 4
the Cardenden area . Part 4: Minto, Glencraig, Bowhill and Dundonald
Collieries. 34-45
The first three of these were all substantial pits measured both in
terms of output and employment numbers. In the 1921 edition of the NBR List
of Sidings, thry were listed under the entry for Cardenden station and all
four were served by two short colliery branches of the NBR. These branches
both left the Cowdenbeath to Thornton line at a point called Glencraig Junction.
One branch was called the Glencraig branch. This headed northwards and then
bifurcated at a point called Bowhill Junction, one line heading west to Glencraig
colliery and the other line heading east to Bowhill colliery and the Craighead
branch. where the second branch was called the Dundonald branch and headed
southwards to serve the Lady Helen Colliery and West Mine.
Photograph: Minto Colliery, near Glencraig Junction, Fife looking north | 34 |
Minto, Glencraig, Bowhill and Dundonald Collieries in the 1920s. Map extracted from Ordnance Survey one-inch Popular Edition Sheet 68, publication date 1928. | 35 |
Glencraig Colliery: Map extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch map Sheet 35 NW, revised 1913, published 1920. | 36 |
Bowhill Colliery and the Craighead branch. Map extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch map Sheet 27.SW, revised 1913, published 1920. | 36 |
Minto, Glencraig, Bowhill and Dundonald Collieries in the 1920s. Map extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch map Sheet 34. NE, revised 1913, published 1920 | 37 |
Railway viaduct on the Bowhill colliery branch | 37 |
Photograph: taken in late NBR days of part of Bowhill Colliery and brickworks. In the foreground is range of FCC [Fife Coal Company] wagons. | 38 |
Dundonald branch. Map extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch map Sheet 35 .NW, revised 1913, published 1920. | 40 |
Bowhill Coal Co. wagon, No. 787: 12-ton wagon built Hurst Nelson in 1905; registered with NBR. | 42 |
An enthusiasts' brake van trip in 1963. W.S. Sellar. 43.
Three photographs taken on 20 April 1963 of J37 hauled railtour: coming
off Dundonald branch with WD 2-8-0 on goods train on main line; at Lady Helen
Pit? and at Pitcairn Level Crossing on the Bowhill Junction to Glencraig
Pit branch
Jim Summers. A milk churn lift at Abernethy. 46-7.
Five photographs from Abernethy, between Ladybank and Perth. From
LNER they show a milknbsp;churn lift at Abernethy station and are from glass
slides recovered from the estate of the late Richard Chown. Almost certainly
posed photographs, they are of interest in demonstrating the method of operation
of the equipment which was simple yet demanded special triolleys and ramps
with some form of winch' The original slides are now with the SRPS Archives
at Bo'ness
Book reviews. 48-9
The Leadburn, Linton and Dolphinton Railway: by
train to West Linton, Donald Cattanach. Oakwood Press, (Oakwood
Library of Railway History No. 164)., 232 pp. 48
Reviiewed by Grahame Hood. Book based upon an earlier pamphlet produced
for a local history society. High points of line's existence was during
construction of Talla reservoir and during WW2 when Royal Navy stored and
possibly assembled mines alongside line. Mildly critical for not including
Caledonian line from Carstairs.
The North Berwick and Gullane branch lines,,
Andrew Hajducki. Oakwood Press, (Oakwood Library of Railway History
No. 85)., 232 pp. 48nbsp;
Reviewed by Graham Dick who notes inclusion of two long-vanished railway
obscurities, namely, the War Departmen's 1915 narrow-gauge line from Gullane
to West Fenton and the Island of Fidra Tramway and concludes that another
well-researched and highly recommended addition.
The Powderhall Branch. John Wilson
The Powderhall waste plant was converted in 1985 from an incinerator,
and from then used to process waste to be taken to landfill when this became
a more economic option. It compacted refuse into containers to be conveyed
by rail to a landfill site. At first it was taken to Kaimes Quarry in south-west
Edinburgh, and then to Oxwellmains near Dunbar from 1997, using disused limestone
workings. To reach Kaimes Quarry, adjacent to the ex-Caledonian line at the
former Ravelrig Junction between Curriehill and Kirknewton, the train ran
via Portobello, the Edinburgh Suburban and Southside Junction Railway and
the connection from Craiglockhart to Slateford installed in 1960. The train,
running to Dunbar, ceased to operate in October 2016 at the same time as
the plant closed. The Powderhall waste plant developed a fault at that time
and its operation ended. The timetable information shows that the locomotive
worked from Millerhill at the start of the day and returned there overnight.
At the end of the Powderhall Refuse Siding there was a winch and cable which
allowed movement of the wagons without use of the locomotive. Illustrations
(all colour): 12 May 2012 from Bonnington Road bridge, looking approximately
towards Dryden Terrace (overbridge for which is visible) and Leith Walk,
end of run-round loop with flat wagons awaiting containers; three views nbsp;of
cable haulage installation as it was on 10 June 2019..
Andrew Boyd. Helensburgh Central.
The Journal team were mistaken in stating in their article on Helensburgh
Central Station in Journal 137 that the line "west of Dalreoch"; is now single
once again. The line from Dalreoch Junction through Cardross station to the
eastern end of the layout at Craigendoran Junction, used not only by electric
trains to and from Helensburgh Central but also by trains to and from the
West Highland line, still retains double track. The section from Craigendoran
Junction to Helensburgh Central was however singled, I believe as part of
the BR re-signalling in 1989 to 1991 of the Airdrie to Helensburgh route.
What may have led to the confusion is that in the early 1970s the former
Dumbarton map; Balloch Joint line between Dalreoch and Balloch Central was
singled by BR as part of a different exercise.
Jim Lindsay. Proposed Methil engine
shed. 53.
Athough Donaldson#146;s timber yard was established in Leven as early
as the 1880s, I was wrong in assuming that the North British's interest in
using Donaldson timber yard sidings as temporary engine accommodation in
1913 related to the main timber yard. When I was able to get access to the
NBR plan for the site in question it became evident that it showed what it
described as"Donaldson';s wood sidings (temporary)", and these were not at
the timber yard itself but convenient for the new No.3 Dock, and lay between
the power station and the two proposed sites for formal sheds. The North
British proposal was for a set of three sidings off the timber company's
siding, the outer two having capacity for five engines each with the middle
one being able to accommodate 12 wagons. The proposal was evidently accepted
and the engine sidings were indeed laid out, probably quite soon afterwards
and certainly by 1923. The sidings remained in locomotive use into the 1950s,
and can be identified on the plans in my article as the location of the servicing
point (marked by SP).
Leith Walk Station. Journal Team. 53 rear cover
Opened on 2 March 1868; temporary closure during WW1 and permanent
from 31 March 1930. ,Maps of 1877 and 1895. Illustration of platforms after
closure and of w hat remains in 2019. See also Issue 135
page 38 et seq
NBR 4-4-0 locomotive No. 227 |
![]() |
Number 139 (March 2020) |
2-4-0 No. 427 at Thornton. 3
Christopher Cumming who was foreman on right with top hat. river John
Ramsay on footplate (large body of staff)
Euan Cameron. The Holmes ' West Highland bogie 4-4-0
locomotives. 4-13
Describes the locomotives which became LNER classes D35 and D36, Unusually
for a Matthew Holmes class of passenger locomotive (though not quite uniquely
see the 317 class in issue number 114 of
2011) most of the class were not rebuilt, and were withdrawn largely
in original condition. One of the locomotives, however, was omprehensively
rebuilt in 1919 as a superheated 4-4-0 with piston valves, and worked across
Scotland on a range of duties for another twenty-four years
No. 695: works photograph presumably taken around time engine was completed in January 1894 | 4 |
No. 343, of the second batch, and train at Row (Rhu) on West Highland Line, with coaches built for opening of route | 5 |
No. 343 at Garscadden Level Crossing with a West Highland train, probably three saloons and brake van | 5 |
No. 693, with the "engineer's bench" fixed to the front buffer beam. Photograph shows first form of heraldic device, with plain ring rather than with buckle | 6 |
No. 1434 (ormer No. 55) at Jamestown Viaduct, assisting a goods train from Inverkeithing to the Forth Bridge. | 7 |
No. 395, fitted with fluted coupling rods and a tender cab, as Dunbar Pilot at Dunbar East in 1919. | 7 |
No. 695 at Eastfield shed, following rebuilding. | 8 |
No. 695 at Parkhead shed, following rebuilding: locomotive still carrying NBR livery, although photograph taken in 1923 or 1924 | 8 |
No. 343, after application of control numbers to the tender. (Euan Cameron coloured side elevation) | 9 |
No. 695, after rebuilding with longer coupled wheelbase, new boiler, new cylinders and new cab in 1919 (Euan Cameron coloured side elevation) | 9 |
No. 9695 at Parkhead shed in LNER green, following fitting of two small snifting valves behind chimney | 10 |
No. 969 in LNER lined black, carrying boiler 1387, a saturated boiler of D31 pattern with Ross pop safety valves, and snifting valves in smokebox waist. Eastfield shed, | 11 |
Four-coupled bogie engine. Moore' Monthly Mag., 1892, page 39 with illustration | 13 |
The "West Highland Bogies" present a curious story, of an innovative design for a special task which did not quite live up to expectations, one of which was rebuilt into an extremely useful modern form, but with such complexity and at such cost that it was not repeated. Yet the class was a feature of the N. B. scene for many years, and anyone modelling the railway in the early 1900s could justifiably include one in almost any geographical setting
Allan Goodwille. A North British Railway passenger guard';s Report
Book 14-17.
Study Group purchased Guard's book. Writer modelling Wemyss yard at
Scott#146;s Road sidings on Methil/Buckhaven branch where the Wemyss line
ran alongside the NBR line. The sidings were for interchange of traffic between
the Wemyss system and the NCB system in latter nationalisation days. set
in the 1950s/60s and includes the NBR line coming down from the Junction
at Thornton and passing the yard before going under the bridge and into Wemyss
Castle Station. He hoped the book would reveal some operating secrets, at
least on the passenger side, and give some insight into the period.
The book itself nbsp;covers from 22 December 1888 until 9 February 1889 and
is a card and cloth bound book, possibly black in colour originally. Passenger
guard Robert Leith signed and dated the book in the inside cover, recording
the date it was issued, 22 December at Methil. Driver John Pattison, is in
photographs in Alan Brotchie's book
about the Wemyss Private Railway and its associations with the Methil
Branch. John Pattison appears to have taken over from 10 January onwards
as the regular driver, there being three other drivers involved before that
and occasionally afterwards were John Scott, Robert Ellis and A Haxton. Robert
Leith was the guard for the train throughout this period and does not seem
to appear in Alan#146;s book.
entries in actual journal for 2 January 1889, when engine No. 161 hauled train. | 14 |
Locomotive No. 30 one of locomotives used for the Methil trains during the period covered by the book. It is pictured at Burntisland, with a goods brake van lettered #145;Burntisland#146;. Driver William Nicholson, fireman George Pitkeathley, guard Alex.Johnston are shown in the photograph. | 15 |
NBR 0-6-0T locomotive No. 161 Buckhaven (later LNER Class J82) and train at Wemyss Castle. | 16 |
NBR 0-6-0T locomotive No. 161 (later LNER Class J82) with a passenger brake van at Methil. This was the regular engine for the Methil passenger service during the period covered by the book | 17 |
Allan Rodgers. The "Scotsman" vans of the North
British Railway 18-28
See Journal 109, article covering Ashbury
passenger brake vans built for NBR, and identified them
as being to NBR 1908 diagram 32. My recent research clearly indicates that
NBR diagram 32 most probably refers to the 77 passenger brake vans built
between 1876 and 1880 for the NBR, some by Ashbury and some at Cowlairs.
NBR diagram 32, I now think, represents Drummond's first passenger brake
design for the NBR and I have identified them as the type shown in Plate
11. I have now allocated a different diagram reference (A3250) to the older
Ashbury vans described in my 2010 articles, as these clearly did not survive
to be included in the 1908 NBR diagram book. See
also Issue 140 pages 49 et seq
NBR passenger brake van No. 104 at west end of Waverley c1873 vehicle possibly drsigned Hurst & built Ashbury c1866 * | 18 |
Possible Wheatley early NBR passenger brake at west end of Waverley c1875-77: with exception of birdcage lookout being replaced by end duckets & windows, shows a remarkable similarity to above * | 19 |
Extracted image: one of five vehicles believed to have been built in 1870 at west side of Waverley c1878-80: thought built by Wheatley & altered c1872, | 20 |
one of eight passenger brake vans secified Wheatley & built Ashbury c1870/1: further two built Lancaster Wagon Co in 1871 | 21 |
1872 Scotsman newspaper express & packing van in siding at west end of Waverley c1872-73 | 22 |
Scotsman van in same spot as abovet the west end of Waverley at slightly later date c1875 as above: van number 61 | 23 |
Coloured side elevation of nbsp;four wheel passenger brake van No. 61 used by Scotsman from 1872 until 1900. (drawn by Allan Rodgers, February 2020) | 24 |
Holmes six wheel passenger brake vans built for NBR between 1890 and 1903: twelve believed to have been allocated for exclusive use by Scotsman example shown in is NBR No. 252, in LNER livery as No. 3252 at Meadows Yard. | 25 |
Scotsman six wheel van repainted in LNER period with full Scotsman heraldic banner & other embellishments & LNER No. 3251, | 26 |
Coloured side elevation Scotsman six wheel van (drawn by Allan Rodgers, February 2020) | 27 |
Drummond four wheel passenger brake at west end of Waverley in 1890s, NBR 1908 carriage diagram book diagram 32 | 28 |
image extract from a photograph by George Washington Wilson (GWW).
Goods wagons from NBRSG Photo Archive. 29
Four-wheel goods brake vans after Grouping, carrying LNER numbers, 700260 &700587. For 4mm modeller, kits vailable from NBR 4mm Developments. |
NBR 10 ton four-wheeled goods van No. 16230 to NBR diagram 59(a), LNER diagram 42B. For 4mm modeller, kits available Wizard Models. |
NBR bogie well wagon No. 16307, a 40 ton Rulley M to NBR diagram 95 and later LNER diagram 120B. vehicle built by Hurst Nelson in 1911 |
Alan Simpson. West Fife Pits and the NBR: Part 5
The Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co. 30-9
Concentrates on the period from 1900 to the end of deep mining in
the area by the late 1960s. The pits of the Lochgelly Iron & Coal
Co. Ltd. up until nationalisation of the coal industry in 1947, was the third
largest coalowner in Fife in terms of manpower and having pits located around
the edges of the town of Lochgelly and also to the east of the neighbouring
town of Cowdenbeath. The NBR List of Sidings etc. from 1921 shows the information
set out in the table at the top of page 31 for the Lochgelly Iron & Coal
Co. Ltd (subsequently referred to as LICCL) under the stations of Cardenden,
Lochgelly and Cowdenbeath (Old). The table shows that by 1921 the LICCL had
ten producing collieries and exchange sidings (Lochgelly No. 12 Sidings)
and would have contributed substantial traffic to the NBR. Just prior to
the First World War, it was producing over 1 million tons of coal per year.
For use on its private standard gauge railway system serving its pits, it
had a fleet of its own locomotives: the
Industrial Locomotives of
Scotland lists fifteen of these over the 75 year life of the Company,
of which nine (all Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 saddle tanks) eventually became National
Coal Board property in 1947. It was a substantial business enterprise and
at its peak (1920), was the largest employer in the Lochgelly area. Coal
had been mined in the Lochgelly area since the 18th century but it was the
mineral, ironstone (i.e. iron ore) which first came to prominence. A lease
of the minerals in and around Lochgelly was granted by the local landowner
(the Earl of Minto) to a partnership of businessmen around 1840; this partnership
had by 1850 become the Lochgelly Iron Company which was a predecessor to
the Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co. Ltd. Blackband ironstone (which comprises
both coal and ironstone) was found in large amounts in the Lochgelly area
and several pits were sunk during the late 1840s to work it. Two blast furnaces
were built in 1848 in the area and a further two in 1856 for the production
of pig iron. There were four blast furnaces during the mid-19th century in
the immediate vicinity of Lochgelly
Pits included Lady Helen Colliery & West Mine; Minto Colliery; Nellie
Colliery; Jenny Gray Colliery; Melgund Colliery; Mary Colliery; Arthur Colliery
(also called Newton Pit): the Raith group of pits Dora Colliery,
The LICCL was a substantial commercial concern in Fife, contributing considerable
traffic to the NB and its successors. It had what must have been a sizeable
fleet of main line wagons for its traffic. Five of its pits survived to become
vested in the NCB in 1947; these being Minto, Lady Helen, Nellie, Jenny Gray,
Dora. They had all closed by 1968 with the Minto being the last operating
pit of the old LICCL and also the last pit to close in the area. Today, there
is very little trace of the former intensive mining activity in the Lochgelly
& Little Raith area.
Lochgelly Iron & Coal Co. Ltd. pits in the Lochgelly area around 1920. extracted from Ordnance Survey one-inch 'Popular' Edition Sheet 68, publication date 1928. | 31 |
Nellie Pit, Lochgelly. extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch 2nd Edition Sheet XXXIV.NE, revised 1913, published 1920. Original scale 1:10,560, | 32 |
Jenny Gray Colliery extracted from Ordnance Survey 25-inch 2nd Edition Sheet XXXV.5, revised 1943, published 1950. | 32 |
The Jenny Gray Incline (1). composite extract from two sheets from Ordnance Survey National Grid Maps. North part: NT1993NW-A, revised 1949, published 1950. South part: NT1993NW-B, revised 1959, published 1959. Original scale 1:1,250 | 33 |
Jenny Gray Incline (2) extracted from Ordnance Survey National Grid Map NT1894SE-A, published 1950. Original scale 1:1,250 | 34 |
Wee Mary Colliery extracted from Ordnance Survey six-inch map XXXIV.NE published circa 1947. Original scale 1:10,560, | 35 |
Collieries to east of Cowdenbeath extracted from Ordnance Survey Six-Inch Map XXXIV.SE, published circa 1947. Original scale 1:10,560 | 36 |
The Newton Pit, also known as the Arthur Pit. extracted from Ordnance Survey 25-inch map XXXIV.8, published 1915. Original scale 1:2,500 | 37 |
Philip Atkins, Cowlairs and
the Highland Railway River 4-6-0s . 40-4
Writing in Locomotive
Mag., 1940, 46, 242,
Douglas Purdom, a former Cowlairs
apprentice, made the following rather surprising revelation:;It may not be
generally known that the River class of the Highland Railway (later sold
to the Caledonian Railway as the 938 class) was largely designed and had
their drawings prepared at Cowlairs and that their design incorporated many
North British details The link would have been
William Whitelaw, who was a
director on both the HR and NBR boards, with a particular interest in locomotive
matters. Not only that but he had been Chairman of the HR for ten years until
1912, when he relinquished that post to become Chairman of the NBR for a
further decade. Although this highly unusual transaction has been attributed
to the exigencies of the 1914-18 war, early on in which the locomotives in
question appeared in late 1915 at a time when the HR was unduly hard pressed,
this was not in fact the reason.
The Highland Railway Locomotive Committee minutes for 27 January 1914 recorded
"North British /Rly Coy have arranged to make drawings at a maximum cost
of £200" (Significantly, "Rly" had subsequently been inserted, as otherwise
the North British Locomotive Company, the HR's regular locomotive contractor,
could quite validly have been assumed.) The initial omission was perfectly
understandable for back in August 1913 NBL had indeed prepared a project
sketch/weight diagram in response to a very recent HR enquiry for four new
superheated 4-6-0s to assist with the heavy tourist traffic during the following
summer. Although recorded as S-928 in a NBL project sketch register, which
is now held by the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, this diagram under this identity
regrettably no longer survives. However, what must almost certainly have
been a copy made from it (drawn to the usual half-inch scale, specifying
four locomotives, two of them to be dual braked, and which rather unnecessarily
indicates the rail gauge) inscribed "Copy of print sent by H.Ry", was discovered
by the writer at York in 1976, serving as a wrapper for some Cowlairs boiler
In the event for whatever reason, but most probably cost, the four 4-6-0s
were not ordered by the HR in late 1913, while the extent to which these
might initially have been outlined at Inverness is not known. Although no
Inverness scheme for the engine is known to exist, later in 1983 the writer
also discovered a fairly detailed but undated general arrangement drawing
that had been made at Lochgorm for its 4,000 gallon six-wheel tender, whose
form was essentially replicated in the NBL diagram referred to. This tender
arrangement drawing is evidence of an albeit limited residual design capacity
post 1911 after the departure of David Smith, the chief draughtsman. This
post as such had been discontinued after he had swiftly followed Peter Drummond
to Kilmarnock, and likewise presumably a more lucrative post on the Glasgow
& South Western Railway. In early 1912 Drummond had been succeeded as
locomotive superintendent on the Highland Railway by his former deputy and
works manager, Frederick Smith, late of the North Eastern Railway. Smith
had considered superheating for the four Drummond Castle 4-6-0s that were
built for the HR by NBL in 1913, but in the event had settled for only minor
alterations to the original 1900 design. He then went on to envisage something
more powerful and up to date, which resulted in a larger superheated 4-6-0
design provided with outside Walschaerts valve gear. It may or may not have
been significant that also in August 1913 NBL received an order from the
Great Indian Peninsular Railway for eight Mail 4-6-0s in just such a format,
which in many ways remarkably anticipated the 4-6-0 scheme drafted by NBL
for the Highland Railway during that same month. Clearly, the latter diagram
was later passed by Inverness on to Cowlairs in early 1914 to provide guidance
for the production of the detailed working drawings, which task was entrusted
to the leading draughtsman there, Archibald Campbell.
Campbell had been born in Kilmarnock on 30 August 1864, and had married a
school teacher of similar age in Cockermouth in 1886, where they were still
living five years later, when his profession was given as engine fitter.
In the subsequent 1901 Census, however, Campbell was now returned as a locomotive
draughtsman living in Springburn, Glasgow, where no fewer than four different
locomotive works were then situated, two railway and two commercial. Probably
he was already in the employ of the NBR, where as a leading draughtsman four
years later he would have been very closely involved with the hurried design
of the Reid 4-4-2s in late 1905.
In essence an amalgam of the Great Central and North Eastern Class V 4-4-2s,
the North British Atlantics had a significant influence on the detail design
of the Smith 4-6-0. In late 1972, very shortly before his death in Buenos
Aires, in private correspondence Douglas Purdom recalled tracing off drawings
of components of existing NB locomotives for use on the new HR 4-6-0, without
specifically mentioning the NB 4-4-2 design. These could well have included
the latter's slide bars, drop grate, and the steam reverser amongst others.
New 21in by 28in cylinders for the 4-4-2s when superheated had recently
been designed at Cowlairs, although these were not implemented until 1915,
and in plan view the cylinder barrels were clearly replicated on the 4-6-0
(see above), on which the cylinder bore was likewise increased to 21in from
20in in the original 1913 scheme. The latter also indicated conventional
parallel frames spaced at 4ft 1½in, but Cowlairs now narrowed these
by 6in between the front buffer beam and the leading coupled axle as on the
4-4-2s, a technique that had seemingly been pioneered by Neilson & Co.
in Glasgow a few years earlier in order to provide more room in which to
mount large outside cylinders. Likewise, whereas the boiler barrel was originally
shown as having three rings of progressively reducing diameter towards the
smokebox end, Cowlairs amended this to have the smallest diameter ring in
the centre. Interestingly, the smokebox draughting arrangement precisely
duplicated those on the 1911 series of NB 4-4-2s built by Robert Stephenson
& Co., which were almost certainly based on recent research in the USA
at Purdue University, and which significantly differed from that on the original
NBL-built 1906 4-4-2s, which resulted in a slightly wider chimney.
Whereas the original 1913 outside cylinder cross section had been carefully
tailored to conform to the prevailing HR loading gauge, the NBL diagram curiously
showed a Drummond style cab whose roof cornices would clearly have breached
this. Cowlairs therefore devised a distinctive new style of cab in lieu,
but adopted without any alteration Lochgorms design for the large 4,000
gallon tender. In addition, Cowlairs drafted a printed specification which
carried Frederick Smiths name, a copy of which happily still survives
in the NRS in Edinburgh. This undated specification must have been issued
with some urgency to potential contractors, and was possibly even printed
very soon after the British declaration of war against Germany on 4 August
1914, in order to solicit quotations for the supply of six superheated 4-6-0s.
Only NBL in Glasgow and R &W Hawthorn Leslie Co. in Newcastle are known
to have responded, but once again NBLs quotation was not accepted.
In the event, the order was both logged in Hawthorn's order book and reported
to the HR directors as a fait accompli on 29 September 1914, with delivery
scheduled to begin in May 1915. At this point the working drawings might
not even have been fully completed at Cowlairs. The Hawthorn Leslie drawing
registers, now held by the National Railway Museum, show these logged piecemeal
as drawing received at various dates over a period of three months
between early October 1914 and early January 1915. A few related drawings
were also made in Newcastle, one significant departure from the specification
was the substitution of the Robinson-type superheater for the Schmidt pattern.
In March 1915 the Highland Railway directors resolved to name the new 4-6-0s
after HR territory rivers, shortly after their impending appearance was made
public at the Companys AGM. This proved to be merely academic, however,
for the first engine, HR No. 70 River Ness, was not actually delivered
at Perth until late September 1915, when its use was almost immediately vetoed
by the civil engineer, Alex Newlands, owing to it weighing significantly
more than he had originally been advised. Within a week Frederick Smith was
called upon to resign. Suffice it to say that No. 70s actual weight
at 71¼ tons had significantly exceeded its working weight, estimated
by NBL in 1913 to be only 66 tons, which interestingly much later would be
given as merely the empty weight on the LMS engine diagram! Such fundamental
errors in locomotive design and weight estimation were by no means unknown.
Furthermore, on what must have been No. 70s maiden run under its own
steam north of Perth before being stopped, after only a few miles its cylinders
had reputedly scraped the platform edge at Dunkeld. This could be attributed
to their enlargement by Cowlairs. Despite this mishap and Smiths almost
immediate dismissal, the second 4-6-0, No. 71, was nevertheless subsequently
also despatched by the builders to the HR, and rather puzzlingly it was observed
on Aviemore shed!
The upshot was that all six would-be River 4-6-0s, including
the four still at the builders, were very quickly sold on to the Caledonian
Railway, upon which they performed with distinction. As per custom the CR
would have received a full set of as made tracings from Hawthorn
Leslie Co., which were duly allocated drawing numbers in the St Rollox sequence
and entered thus into its drawing register. K.R.M. Cameron recalled that
when serving as an apprentice at St Rollox Works in early LMS days, and working
in the drawing office in 1928, he came upon a plan chest drawer full of anonymous
tracings, which he recognised must have been the original Cowlairs set that
had been made for the Highland Railway. On realising his discovery a senior
draughtsman quietly requested him to close the drawer, as if he had stumbled
upon a local guilty secret! Given his date of birth it is conceivable that
also just around this time Archibald Campbell might well have retired from
Cowlairs drawing office nearby, where he had been promoted to chief draughtsman
in succession to Walter Chalmers in early 1920. The writer is indebted to
Mike Fell for researching Campbell's biographical particulars. For his part,
Douglas Purdom left the NBR in 1921 and three years later emigrated to Argentina,
where he latterly was appointed CME of that country's largest railway, which
before nationalisation in 1948 had been styled the Buenos Aires Great Southern
Railway, shortly prior to his retirement in 1951.
1. Purdom, D. S., Locomotive Development on the N.B.R. from 1910 to the Grouping.
The Locomotive, September 1940,
pp. 242-5
2. Contrary to popular belief, advance notice of these locomotives was published
in The Locomotive for April 1915, p.
76, and The Railway Magazine for August 1915, p. 87.
3. The Railway Gazette, 13 July 1951, p. 48
Influences of the superheated NBR 4-4-2 on the final HR River 4-6-0 design:
Characteristic | NBL diagram August 1913 |
HR 4-6-0 as built 1915 |
Superheated NBR 4-4-2 |
Boiler barrel | three telescopic rings |
centrre ring smaller than outer rings |
centrre ring smaller than outer rings |
Boiler pitch | 8ft 6in |
8ft 8½in |
8ft 11in |
Boiler pressure | 170 psi |
180/160 psi |
180 psi |
Frame spacing | 4ft 1½in |
3ft 7½in, 3ft 10½in, 4ft 1½in |
3ft 7½in, 3ft 10½in, 4ft 1½in |
Cylinders | 20in x 28in |
21in x 28in |
21in x 28in |
Cylinder centre spacing | 6ft 7in |
6ft 8½in |
6ft 8½in |
Width over cylinders | 8ft 9½in |
8ft 10½in |
8ft 10½in |
James Calder. 43. illustration (portrait)
A report from the Railway Magazine of May 1918 at the time
of James Calder's appointment as General Manager of the NBR.
Born on the Railway's property at Blackhall station, near Shotts (where his
father was stationmaster), on 15 June 1869, Mr. Calder was educated at Shotts
and Hamilton. He entered North British Railway service as clerk at Peacock
Cross station, Hamilton, on 10 April 1883, where he remained for two years.
Thereafter two years were spent at Lennoxtown station, and he removed to
Craigendoran station in June, 1887. Transferred from Craigendoran to District
Superintendent's Office, Glasgow, under George Cunningham, District
Superintendent, in August, 1887, he received an appointment in the General
Manager's Office, Edinburgh, on 2 June 1892. He was appointed Assistant to
General Manager on 1 November 1903, and Assistant General Manager on 1 January
1913. On W.F. Jackson intimating his retiral as from the beginning of April,
1918, the Directors unanimously resolved to appoint Mr. Calder General Manager.
The Chairman at Annual General Meeting of the Company, held on 22 February
#147;I am glad to say that the Directors have found in Calder one of the
Company's own staff, who they confidently believe will prove a worthy successor
to Mr. Jackson. A report from the Railway Magazine of May 1918 at
the time of James Calder's appointment as General Manager of the NBR.
Mr Calder's predecessor was, as noted, W. F. Jackson who served as General
Manager from 1899 to 1918, when he resigned owing to ill-health. Calder held
the position until the end of the North British Railway's existence and became
General Manager (Scotland) of the London &North Eastern Railway in January
1923, continuing in that role until 1934 when he would have been 65.
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs Commentary. 44-6
Reprinted from;The Locomotive of 15 February 1943. This continues
the commentary from Journal 136, pages 19-21.
In 1867 the financial position of the North British was far from satisfactory,
and the problems of Thomas Wheatley, who in that year took over the
responsibility for the locomotive stock, were not lessened by this consideration.
He could expect little sympathy from the board of directors if he recommended
that large sums be spent on the renewal of the older engines, unless such
a course was unavoidable, and yet many of the locomotives were hardly in
a fit state to be allowed out alone. In consequence great powers of improvisation
were required of him lest the train service suffer from repeated delays due
to breakdowns, and the financial position become even worse from this
He had under his control two Locomotive shops, Cowlairs and St. Margarets,
but neither of these had ever turned out more than six new locomotives in
a single year. It was clear, however, that large numbers of additional engines
would shortly be required, not only as replacements, but also so that the
North British should be in a position to make a bid for additional traffic.
Planning for the future he decided to close down St. Margarets except as
a maintenance depot, and to concentrate all new work and rebuilding at Cowlairs.
This required considerable reorganisation and enlargement of the Glasgow
plant, after which it was estimated that great economies would result, since
the company would no longer have to rely on contractors for supplying new
locomotives. Rome was not built in a day, and the same applied to Wheatley's
Cowlairs. It was consequently necessary for him to introduce an interim policy
to tide over the time until the North British became self-supporting. Between
1867 and 1869, therefore, he ordered all but two of his new engines from
outside builders, undertaking at the company's shops some remarkable feats
of legerdemain by which old locomotives emerged in new and scarcely recognisable
forms to fill the gap until his new standard machines were available in quantity.
St. Margarets works did not feature in the future scheme of things, and,
since the independent spirit flourished there, they were permitted to build
a number of new non-standard double-framed 0-6-0 goods engines with 16¼in.
x 24in. cylinders, which appeared between 1867 and 1869. Of these Nos. 56,
58, 59, 131, 134, 135, 154, and 155 had 4ft. 6in. or in some cases 5ft. 0in.
wheels, but Nos. 17 and 50 included, it would appear, bits of older machines,
and their wheels were respectively 4ft. 0in. and 4ft. 3in. in diameter.
Wheatley's first type was his standard inside-framed 0-6-0, having 17in.
x 24in. inside cylinders and 5ft. 0in. wheels. In the early engines he used
the domeless boiler, which was, of course, at that time standard Cowlairs
practice, but he deserted the ornamental finish, doing away with polished
brass-work and adopting the stovepipe chimney of St. Rollox, which had been
so highly praised, but never used, by D. K. Clark. Messrs. Neilson received
the first order for the standard 0-6-0s, supplying twelve engines, Nos. 347,
348, 396-399 and 376-381 in 1867/8. The next order went to the firm of Dubs,
who delivered fourteen, Nos. 7, 57, 335-340, 359-363 and 400 in 1868/9. With
these the construction of Wheatley engines by outside contractors ceased.
During this period the only Cowlairsbuilt engines were two inside-framed
0-4-0 tender mineral engines with 15in. x 24in. inside cylinders and 5ft.
0in. wheels. They were the last 0-4-0 tender engines ever built for the North
British, Wheatley being responsible for the design. They had domeless boilers.
No. 358 was completed in 1867, No. 357 in 1868. Old wooden-framed tenders
running on four wheels were allotted to these machines. It is of interest
to note that No. 358 was renumbered 811 and later, in 1900, became No. 1011
and remained in service until 1925 having been allocated the number 10011
by the L.N.E.R. It was thus the last four-wheeled tender engine to run in
the British Isles.
The thirty-eight new engines of the 1867 and 1868 programmes were very welcome
additions to the locomotive stock, but in themselves they were by no means
enough. A tremendous amount of leeway had to be made up in renovating the
older units, while many, very many, were already long past the point when
they could economically be rebuilt. There were several reasons for this state
of affairs, such as the inevitable disorganisation which followed the major
amalgamations between 1862 and 1865, and the impossibility of planning far
ahead until the various departments of the enlarged company had settled down
under the new conditions. The locomotive department had one particular trouble
to face. A large proportion of the locomotive stock consisted of double-framed
machines built between 1846 and 1850; that is to say engine with the obsolete
type of framing in which the boiler gave essential rigidity. The majority
of these boilers were now worn out. To rebuild such engines for furTher useful
service required new frame members as well as new boilers, and if the cylinders
and motion were also in bad condition, there remained precious little of
any use except the wheels and axles. No previous locomotive superintendent
had had to face the necessity for planning a comprehensive rebuilding or
replacement programme. Only a small proportion of the engines bought by the
constituent companies had so far been withdrawn, and such rebuilds as had
been effected had been limited to an occasional reconstruction, often due
to a mishap or to an inherent weakness of a particular design.
Wheatley set to work to weed out the uneconomic units, replacing, during
his term of office, a large number of engines which no longer earned their
keep. Among these were the 7ft. 0in. single Queen and many other Hawthorn
machines, the Cowlairs singles Orion and Sirius, the Allan
type 2-2-2 from the Glasgow, Dumbarton and Helensburgh Railway together with
the 14in. Neilson single tanks, the remaining Bury goods and several of the
0-4-2 Neilsons while the majority of the locomotives taken over from the
smaller constituent companies of the North British went to the scrap heap.
In all during his eight years of office he broke up nearly one-third of the
engines which were running on the North British when he took over. He rebuilt
altogether about seventy locomotives. In the first two or three years any
machine which could be given a new lease of life had to be reconstructed,
even if it were the only one of its class, but as the motive power situation
improved a more selective policy became possible. Nevertheless when Wheatley
resigned the rebuilds amounted to some forty classes. It is not possible
to describe the whole tale of these, and it must suffice to say that very
many of them carried the domeless boiler of the early period. For goods and
mineral traffic he provided a stock of reconstructed six-coupled locomotives
varying in design but all of approximately the same power. These engines
had for the most part, though not invariably, 16in. or 16#188;in. x 24in.
cylinders and 5ft. 0in. wheels. Most were double-framed Hawthorns which had
originally been of the 0-6-0, 0-4-2 or 2-4 0 types, the property of one or
other of the three main constituent companies of the North British. Several
included the remains of some early 18in. Hawthorn 0-6-0 goods engines which
had lived to have their cylinders lined up first to 17in. and then to 16in.,
at which dimension they were finally stabilised, the capacity of the boiler
having at last caught up with the ability of the cylinders to use the
An interesting conversion was that of four Neilson outside-cylindered 0-4-2
mineral engines to the 0-6-0 type, cast iron wheels 4ft. 0in. in diameter
being fitted. These rebuilds were some of the very few 0-6-0 outside-cylindered
machines ever used in Britain. Three of these locomotives had originally
been the property of the Edinburgh and Glasgow and one had come from the
Monkland Railway.
The early passenger rebuilds included three of the North British 16in. x
18in. Hawthorn singles, which were so altered that there was little but the
number to recall the original to mind. No. 36 emerged as a single once again,
but with deep outside framing slotted out between the wheels, and not in
the least reminiscent of the arch-framed Hawthorn engine. No. 37 reappeared
as a 2-4-0 with 16in. by 21in. cylinders and No. 38 as a 2-4-0 with 16in.
by 24in. cylinders. Two of the ex Edinburgh and Glasgow #145;Sharpies#146;
were also rebuilt, these being the 1854 machines Nos. 231 and 232. Moreover
the ex-Crampton No. 55 was again rebuilt, receiving a domeless boiler at
St. Margarets in 1867. The two #145;Sharpies#146; after rebuilding were of
the 2-4-0 type, and evidence recently received suggests that they, unlike
the earlier series, were coupled engines as originally delivered to the Edinburgh
& Glasgow company. An inspection engine being needed, Wheatley turned
his attention to the remaining Neilson #145;Light express tank#146;, No.
312, sometime the property of the Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction
line. This engine had a wheelbase 10ft. 8in. + 5ft. 0in., the firebox being
behind the driving axle. Wheatley decided that, if a short boiler were provided,
with the firebox ahead of the driving axle, it would be possible to incorporate
a small saloon coach body on the existing engine frame, this taking up the
space originally used for the footplate and coal bunker. The conversion was
accordingly effected, but the finished engine had none of the severity of
line favoured by Wheatley in all his other work. A chimney with a polished
cap, reminiscent of the Beyer, Peacock model, was provided, and a polished
brass dome casing, the whole effect being, to borrow from Para Handy, #147;chust
sublime#148;. New springs were fitted, those for the leading axle being placed
above the running plate. The original plan of outside steam pipes from the
dome to the steam chests was continued, but whether the boiler was new, or
whether it was recovered from an older engine, is in doubt. As first rebuilt
spring balance safety valves were used, but in the course of time these were
replaced by Holmes#146; columns on the dome. This engine, as rebuilt, was
commonly known as #145;The Cab#146; Illustrations: NBR No. 358: Wheatley#146;s
0-4-0 tender engine, 1867; NBR No. 36 Wheatley#146;s rebuild of Hawthorn
2-2-2, 1867; NBR No. 312 Wheatley#145;s rebuild of ex-C&DJR tank as an
inspection saloon
Eric Kidd. Modelling the Wee Gorgie Pilot and the Big Gorgie Pilot.
One of Haymarket number 10 (Tank) link#146;s duties was that of working
the Gorgie East Goods Yard including Slateford Abbatoir and the nearby North
British Distillery plus Cox#146;s Glue works in Gorgie Road (KPJ: the stench
was unbelievable). An N15 and a J88 were used for these duties and known
colloquially as the Big Gorgie Pilot (the N15) and the Wee Gorgie Pilot (the
J88). These were usually N15 No. 69169 and J88s No. 68328 and 68339 during
most of the 1950s. The N15 worked the Gorgie East Goods Yard and the J88
worked at the Distillery and the Glue Works as the tighter radius curves
could not accommodate the longer framed N15. Harry Knox visited the layout
and during the running session he spoke about his work firing the many classes
at Haymarket in his time there in the mid to late 50s which is the same time
period as the layout. He mentioned the occasional duty on the Gorgie Pilots
and that gave me the impetus to take the kits out of a drawer where they
had been lying for a while and build them as examples to go with the other
Haymarket locos. The J88 already running on the layout is a Norrie Blackburn
kit which was put together with relative ease many years ago and once again
this was the case. nbsp;Illustrations: model of J88 No. 68335; prototype
No. 68335 at Haymarket shed on 19 March 1960; model of N15 No. 69150; prototype
No. 69150 at Thornton shed on 7 February 1953.
Dundee: track rationalisation in 1985.
Andrew Boyd. 50
Re Brian Farish's article in Journal 138. Family connections meant
that from an early age I was well acquainted with the line from Edinburgh
across the Tay Bridge and can still remember catching sight of trams on the
Perth Road from the vicinity of Esplanade station. I therefore derived particular
enjoyment from reading Brian Farish#146;s account in Journal 138 of the
rationalisation in 1985 of the approach lines from the south into Tay Bridge
station, for which he was the project manager. The basic layout had seen
little change since NBR days but this was all swept away within a matter
of a few months and replaced with a new track layout (and signalling) more
suited to present day traffic patterns.
Not much now survives from former days apart from the station itself which
at platform level remains a cold and draughty place to wait for trains, the
only concession to passenger comfort being the screens first erected at some
point in the 1980s (as I recall) to enclose and protect the eastern end of
the island platform from the prevailing west wind. By stark contrast, the
street level concourse has, within the last year, been provided with an exciting
new building, as part of the continuing re-development of this part of the
I would however question the statement that to facilitate the closure to
passenger traffic of the West station in 1965, a new junction, Buckingham
Junction, had to be formed to allow trains from the Perth (former CR) line
to gain direct access to Tay Bridge station. Close examination of the extract
from the 1952/53 Ordnance Survey 1:1250 map accompanying the article confirms
the existence at that time of a running connection from Buckingham Junction,
on the CR line, to Dundee Tay Bridge Central Junction, on the NBR line. Indeed
that connection was of long standing and dates from the opening of the Tay
Bridge in 1878. According to the Signal Box Register both the original CR
box at Buckingham Junction and the NBR box at Dundee Central were opened
in 1878. The CR box was replaced by a larger one in 1886, later enlarged
in 1917, and in turn was replaced by a new box of the same name on 15 June
1958. This was finally closed on 19 May 1985, when control passed to the
new signalling centre built as part of the rationalisation scheme described
in the article. The connection between the CR and NBR lines was therefore
of long standing, having been established at the time of the opening of the
(first) Tay Bridge.
The Caledonian Railway enjoyed running powers over all North British lines
north of the River Tay, although according to an LNER booklet issued in 1930,
the only portion over which powers were being exercised by the LMS at that
time was between Buckingham Junction and Camperdown Junction ";for all traffic".
At the latter location the NBR line through Tay Bridge station formed an
end-on junction with the Dundee & Arbroath Joint line.
For at least some time in the 1930s the LMS saved the cost of opening Dundee
West station on Sundays by diverting its services to Tay Bridge station via
the connection at Buckingham Junction. For example the July 1938 issue of
Bradshaw shows six LMS trains each way on Sundays between Perth and Dundee
Tay Bridge. Notably these included the 9.15 pm departure conveying through
coaches and a sleeping car to London Euston, which would have been in competition
with the LNER';s sleeper service to King';s Cross. The same timetable shows
three LMS trains each way on Sundays between Dundee Tay Bridge and Blairgowrie
via Newtyle and Coupar Angus, which I believe only ran in the summer months.
The gradual run down of the West station and the concentration of passenger
traffic on Tay Bridge station, started in January 1959 with the introduction
by BR of a new service of diesel trains between Perth, Dundee and Arbroath.
This involved not only the concurrent closure of Dundee East station but
also a significant reduction in the number of trains still serving Dundee
West, as most of the local trains to and from Perth now ran into and out
of Tay Bridge station.
Apart from a few exceptions, the only passenger trains still left using West
station were the express trains to and from Glasgow Buchanan Street, which
remained steam hauled. Limited platform and train servicing capacity at Tay
Bridge station may have been one of the reasons for not proceeding with the
closure of the West station at that time but it became an inevitable victim
of the 1963 Re-shaping Report.
I acknowledge with thanks the help of Dr Neil Dickson in confirming the history
of the pre-1985 signalling arrangements. Feedback Andrew Boyd offers some
comments on Illustration: A BR Class 47 locomotive approaches Dundee Tay
Bridge Station from the west on 8 September 1973 with train 1S51. Photo:
W Roberton nbsp;
Edinburgh to Inverkeithing (Dennis A. Lovett and
Allan McLean. Middleton Press. 96pp). Reviewed Graham Dick. 51
This latest volume in the Middleton Press Scottish Main Lines;
series follows the now-familiar Middleton format of a photographic and
chronological journey. The informative, extended captions take the book beyond
a mere album and include an alphabetic index of stations for quick reference.
The majority of the photographs are dated between the 1950s and the 1980s,
with a few pre-grouping/nationalisation and some of the present-day scene.
Complementing the photographs, each station and area of interest is illustrated
with map extracts, based mainly on the O.S. 25" series (which shows track
& signal details).
The work begins with a comprehensive preamble, outlining the geographical
context of the lines referred to, with an outline map and gradient profiles,
together with a brief historical background to their promotion and construction,
and some specimen passenger timetables. This includes a brief resumeacute;
of the development of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway together with other
minor undertakings, as well as the Forth Bridge Route.
It should, however, be pointed out that, although taking us over the Forth
into Fife, this book does not include the Edinburgh & Northern (absorbed
by the N.B.R.) Granton - Burntisland Ferry, or Thomas Bouch's world-first
Train Ferry. This is a sensible distinction, given the complexity of railway
development in the Leith and Granton areas and we are assured that this will
be addressed in a future publication. The ""journey" itself commences with
Edinburgh, Westwardsfrom Waverley, through Princes Street Gardens to Haymarket
and the Loco Shed, all familiar to our membership. We continue through the
long-gone Saughton Station (closed 1921), originally named Corstorphine,
which once boasted several carriage sidings, and a subway entrance, still
discernible off Saughton Road North, then the brand-new (2003) Edinburgh
Park Station.
We then come to the South Queensferry Branch, originally proposed by the
Edinburgh & Glasgow but not, in fact opened to traffic until 1866; a
year after the E &G had been absorbed by the North British. The Branch
left the E & G main line near Ratho, at Ratho Station some mile
and a half from the Village it purported to serve who said the N.B.R.
lacked a sense of humour! It ran via (each with their own illustrations)
Kirkliston to Dalmeny (later prefixed with ";Old" to distinguish it from
the later, high level facility of that name). For those familiar with the
area, the line ran right across what is now the east-most segment of Newbridge
Roundabout, the intersection of the M8, M9 Motorways and A8 and directly
under the flightpath of Edinburgh Airport. What would Victorian travellers
make of that?
The 1868 extension to South Queensferry (all three incarnations) and that
of 1878, to Port Edgar, from which the North British operated a passenger
ferry to North Queensferry, are also covered. Port Edgar was later a Royal
Navy base, complementing Rosyth Dockyard and is now a marina but some inset
trackage remains visible.
We cross the mile-wide Firth of Forth, to North Queensferry, to which a branch
was promoted by Dunfermline and Queensferry Railway Company and begun in
1875. Originally supported by the North British, this support was subsequently
withdrawn and the smaller company had, in a familiar tale, no option but
to sell out to the N.B. With the opening of the Forth Bridge in 1890, the
branches became redundant to passenger traffic but some freight services
staggered on as late as 1967. Returning to the main line at Saughton, we
continue via South Gyle (opened 1985) and Edinburgh Gateway (2016), the latte's
section including a nod to Edinburgh Trams and its intended Interchange Function;
(£41 million!) between main line and light rail to the Airport while
Turnhouse Station (closed 1930), at the eastern end of the runway, also merits
a passing mention.
On from Dalmeny (the current station), as we cross the Forth Bridge, with
its own section, to North Queensferry at the end of its tunnel and perched
high on the cliffs, and on to Inverkeithing via Jamestown Viaduct. There
is a quick look at some industrial locations: Welldean Quarry Sidings, Rosyth
Dockyard, Caldwell's Paper Mill and Cruiks Siding, the latter probably being
better known latterly as Ward's Scrapyard, infamous for breaking-up many
fine Naval vessels as well as several Britannia class Pacifics, among others.
Another well-researched, if necessarily brief, but recommended addition to
the Railway Bookshelf, particularly for those seeking an introduction to
some lesserknown lines to the north and west of Edinburgh. Unfortunately,
we are unable to offer this book through our own Sales Officer but it can
be purchased from Booksellers and traders at Model Railway Shows, and Harburn
Hobbies, Edinburgh, currently have stocks. Edinburgh to Inverkeithing, including
the Port Edgar, North Queensferry and Rosyth Dockyard, by Dennis A. Lovett
and Allan McLean; Series Editor Vic Mitchell. Published by Middleton Press.
Hardback, A5 format, 96 pages (approx.) 120 monochrome photographs plus over
50 map extracts, gradient profiles and other in-text illustrations. #163;18.95
post-free from the Publishers, or from Booksellers and at Model Railway
Methil. 52
The single line Methil branch was a relatively late addition to the
NBR system. The railway from Thornton to Buckhaven was opened in 1881 as
the Wemyss and Buckhaven railway and was extended to Methil in 1884. The
extension continued to Leven, but that section did not carry passenger trains.
The North British Railway operated the line from the outset and purchased
it in 1889.
Adjacent to the passenger station, and presumably also making use of the
station buildings, was a small goods yard with a goods shed.
Opposite the passenger platform, and dominating many views of the station,
was the Cairngreig Mansion Home, a model lodging house designed by A &
AC Dewar, architects based in Leven, and opened in 1906. The building, which
fronted Methil High Street #150; parallel to the railway platform #150; has
now been demolished, giving an open view from the High Street to the station.
Illustrations (rc=rear cover)
Methil branch, showing passenger stations. Map extracted from Ordnance Survey One-inch, Sheet 40 (Kinross), surveyed 1853-63; published 1867; revised 1903-4, | 52 |
Methil area, including docks extracted from Ordnance Survey 25-Inch Map of Fifeshire XXVIII.8 (Wemyss), published 1914, revised 1913, re-levelled 1911. Original scale 1:2500 | 53 |
C15 Class 4-4-2T No. 67452 and two coach train at Methil station | 54 |
Methil station, looking towards buffer stops and showing station building and name board | 54 |
Methil Station, looking away from buffer stops. Sentinel railcar at platform, probably No. 313 Banks of Don used 1931 to 1944. Cairngreig Mansion Home on right. | 54 |
Methil station building on 9 March 2020. | 55 |
Closer view of Methil station building, on 9 March 2020. | 55 |
General view of Methil station, looking towards buffer stop | 55 |
From same map as extract on page 53, shows passenger station and adjacent goods yard at a larger scale. | rc |
Updated 16 August 2020