Author index

This does not include all authors: see also books (and for periodicals try search engine)

Acworth, William Mitchell
Ahrons, E.L.
Allan, Ian
Allen, Cecil J.
Atkins, Phil (all papers)
Atterbury, Paul

Bonavia, Michael

Carter, Ian British railway enthusiasm
Chackfield, John: lives of Collett, Fowler, etc.
Colburn, Zerah

Dow, George & Andrew

Ellis, Cuthbert Hamilton
Ellis, Chris
Engel, Matthew

Freeman, Michael

Handford, Pater (Transacord phono-recordings)
Hardy, Richard
Hendry, Robert
Holland, Julian
Hoole, Ken
Hughes, Geoff

Jackson, Alan
Jenkinson, David
Johnston, Norman

Lloyd, Roger

McKillop, Norman (Toram Beg)
Marx, Klaus: biographer of the Billintons and Marsh
Mullay, A.J. (Sandy)

Nock, O.S.

Patterson, E.M.

Ransom, P.J.G.  
Reed, Brian  
Ross, David
Rowledge, J.W.P.
Rutherford. Mike (including most Provocations)

Shepherd, Ernie
Simmons, Jack
Skeat, W.O.
Smiles, Samuel
Stead, Christopher
Stretton, Clement E. (bibliographical health warnin)

Theroux, Paul
Thomas, John (Springburn story)
Tuplin, W.A.

Vaughan, Adrian

Warren, J.G.H.
Whishsw, Francis
Wolmar, Christian

Wragg, David Dictionaty?
