Magazine/Locomotive [Magazine and] Railway Carriage
& Wagon Review
key file
This page is being modified because of the difficulty created by the global pandemic and the closure of libraries. The creator of the website would like to obtain electronic copies of the indexes to the final volumes of this journal (1948 on, but especially for 1952-1959). steamindex.com@gmail.com
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Volume 12 (borrowed from British Library) had at one time belonged to Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd. Darlington: the title page being received on 8 March 1908 according to the date stamp. A key feature in many volumes were the F. Moore coloured plates. See also Locomotive Publishing Co. page. |
The title of this journal is a bibliographer's purgatory: it is normally different on the cover from that given on the opening page. Similar variations are found on the "official publisher's bindings"
Locomotive Magazine (until 1915)
Volume 2 (1897)
Volume 3 (1898)
Volume 4 (1899)
Volume 5 (1900)
Volume 6 (1901)
Volume 7 (1902)
Volume 8 (1903 January to end June)
Volume 9 (1903 July-December) TITLE chamged to
include & Railway Carriage & Wagon Review on title page,
but not on publisher's page
Volume 10 (1904)
Volume 11 (1905)
Volume 12 (1906)
Volume 13 (1907)
Volume 14 (1908)
Volume 15 (1909)
Volume 16 (1910)
The Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review (1911-1959
when merged with Trains Illustrated)
Volume 17 (1911)
Volume 18 (1912)
Volume 19 (1913)
Volume 20 (1914)
Volume 21 (1915)
Volume 22 (1916)
Volume 23 (1917)
Volume 24 (1918)
Volume 25
Volume 26 (1920)
Volume 27 (1921)
Volume 28 (1922)
Volume 29 (1923)
Volume 30 (1924)
Volume 31 (1925)
Volume 32 (1926)
Volume 33 (1927)
Volume 34 (1928)
Volume 35 (1929)
Volume 36 (1930)
Volume 37 (1931)
Volume 38 (1932)
Volume 39 (1933)
Volume 40 (1934)
Volume 41 (1935)
Volume 42 (1936)
Volume 43 (1937)
Volume 44 (1938)
Volume 45 (1939)
Volume 46 (1940)
Volume 47 (1941)
Volume 48 (1942)
Volume 49 (1943)
Volume 50 (1944)
Volume 51 (1945)
Volume 52 (1946)
Volume 53 (1947)
Volume 54 (1948)
Volume 55 (1949)
Volume 56 (1950)
Volume 57 (1951)
Volume 58 (1952)
Volume 59 (1953) Magazine dropped from title
which became Locomotive, Railway Carriage and Wagon Review
Volume 60 (1954)
Volume 61 (1955)
Volume 62 (1956)
Volume 64 (1958)
Volume 65 (1959)
Modern Railways
Volume 19 (1964)
Volume 24 (1970)
Supplements, etc
The Locomotive Magazine Coronation Number. See
Locomotive Mag., 1902, 7,
Our Empire's TrainsWe hope to have ready early in June our special
Coronation Summer Number which will be of an exceptionally attractive nature
this Coronation year. .As fitting supplements we are preparing !wo large
coloured plates to accompany each copy of the Issue, namely The decorated
engine, No. 284 G.E.R. used for His Majesty's wedding in 1862; and (2) The
new four-coupled express No. 1870 G.E.R. specially pamted for His Majesty's
use during the Coronation year. The general contents of the book will include
reproduced photographs of engines and trains from all parts of the great
British Empire. The price will be 1/-, and as the issue will be a distinctly
limited one we ask our readers to make early application so that we may have
the ,necessary number
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 2 Locomotives built by the Berlin Locomotive
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 4 Engines built by A. Borsig. Berlin.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 5 Locomotives built by Messrs. Hudswell,
Clarke & Co., Ltd
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 6 Locomotives of the Midland Railway
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 7 Locomotives of the Great Western Railway.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 8 Locomotives
of the Great Northern Railway. 1911
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 9 Locomotives of the Great Central Railway.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 10 Locomotives built by Henschel &
Sohn, Cassel.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 11 Locomotives built by Haine St. Pierre.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 12
Locomotives of the Eastern Railway of France. 1911
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 13
Locomotives built by Manning, Wardle & Co., Ltd. . 1911
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 14 Locomotives
of the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway. 1911
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No.15
Locomotives built by R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Ltd.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 17 Britain's Famous Expresses.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 18
Locomotives of the Northern Railway of France. 1912
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 19
Locomotives of the Paris. Lyons & Mediterranean Railway.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 20
Locomotives built by the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd. for India, Burmah
and Ceylon. 1912
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 21 The First
Railway in London, by A.R. Bennett 1913
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 22 Britain's Famous Expresses (No. 2).
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 23 Railways of Canada.
Locomotive SouvenirNo. 13 constructions of
Messrs. Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Ltd.
Locomotive Souvenir No. 15: Engines built
by Messrs. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co., Ltd., of Gateshead, for various
[Great Norther Rly locomotive department:
Volume 17 (with November Issue)
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 24. Rolling stock
built by the Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co., Ltd. 1914
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 26. Locomotives
fitted with the Robinson Superheater.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 28. Locomotives
built by Messrs. Andrew Barclay, Sons & Co., Ltd., Kilmarnock. London:
The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd.
Containing thirty-two sepia collotype prints of interesting engines
built by this firm, this souvenir forms a record of their varied experience
in modern locomotive building. Narrow-gauge tank engines, to burn coal, oil
or wood fuel are represented by examples for Chili, Persia, Egypt, India,
New Zealand, Greece, Burmah, Spain and South Africa. Articulated locomotives
are illustrated by engines for India and Tasmania. Two curious tank locos.
with separate tenders for Cuba and Peru are included as well as two examples
of standard gauge combined crane locos. British practice is represented by
standard gauge engines .for the Alexandra and Newport Docks and Railway (now
G.W.Ry.), Waterford and Tramore Ry., Port of London Authority, Portsmouth
Harbour, and the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Ry. Other engines illustrated are
for the New South Wales Government Rys. and the Buenos Ayres Western Ry.
and for various collieries and contractors. Fireless locomotives built for
the Naval Cordite Factory and the Ministry of Munitions are also shown. Beneath
each plate full dimensions and particulars are given.
In a moment of absurd optimism given the lack of resources to hand which amounted to a handful of single issues; those issues indexed for specific articles in Steam Locomotive Development; and piles of notes made from inspecting bound copies in a variety of locations, such as the National Railway Musuem, the National Library of Scotland and the Coalbrookdale Museum, it was decided that this journal is too important not to be covered in depth. Furthermore, it is sufficiently important to justify some commercial or charitable organization to do a scanning operation comparable with those performed on the literature of the two major engineering organizations (Civils and Mechanicals) and the Newcomen Society. Now KPJ has access to a nearly complete run and improvements will gradually evolve.
The most serious gap in the acquired set is Volume 2. This was partly filled by a visit to the IMechE Library, but its copy contains several gaps. A rather frenetic few hours were spent in the Search Engine in early November 2016 and an attempt has been made to fill these gaps, but time was limited and some of these will have to be mitigated by examining the Index. The late Issues are also poorly covered: indeed Volume 65 does not appear at all until this latest escape from the bibliographical desert of Norfolk: KPJ is still awaiting a Nelson de Rail to refute this accusation.
There are many problems which require to be addressed: should such an index contain all material (all is being attempted), or be restricted to articles relating to British steam locomotive development? [resolved to try and index almost everything] Some material duplicates material already indexed on steamindex and available on the Internet: how should this be handled? The many small paragraphs containing news are sometimes extremely interesting, but frequently duplicate much available elsewhere, notably in RCTS publications. Feedback would be extremely useful, as would assistance in indexing..
A brief visit to the NRM in York enabled the first two volumes to be inspected including Moore's Monthly Magazine published by F. Moore of 9 South Place, Finsbury in London. Perhaps, the most striking feature was the modernity of the publication: it may sound old-fashioned but it looked very modern with the use of sans serif type in shaded capitals to emblazon the title. Issues were much thinner at first, but the characteristic series articles began very early on. The modernity was stressed by the use of MMM for self-reference. Nevertheless, Locomotive Magazine was adopted from January 1897. A substantial amount of space was devoted to listing the products of The Locomotive Publishing Company. It is interesting to look at photographs of the Webb compound Black Prince with double chimney and a Wilson Worsdell 4-4-0 and immediately be struck by their modernity. Some typographical features were absent from the early issues notable the absence of the ampersand and. the use of Rly or Rlys..
A subsequent visit (Summer 2012) to the NRM elicited the surprise that the journal produced during 1903 was published weekly and extended to two volumes (8 and 9), Otherwise it was monthly and tended to be published in the middle of the month. An extended visit in May 2013 enabled KPJ to establish that Volumes 8 and 9 did not consist of thinner issues, but contain an enormous amount of material: the reason for discontinuing weekly publishing at the end of December was not stated, but was presumably financial or logistical: a weekly must have demanded a huge amount of redaction and their standards did not appear to slip. Things got difficult in both World Wars, but editorial standards remained high and there is relatively little reference to the wars probably due to official censorship. Fifty years of publication was celebrated in a short editorial on the first page of Volume 52.
A problem with some of the National treasures is that volumes which were formerly part of the Patent Office Library (which were split between St. Pancras and the Document Supply Centre) were mainly based on the low cost version printed on highly acid newsprint which are liable to degradation and sometimes have pages missing (one at St Pancras was so thin that resort had to be made to the index). There are probably more copies in secondhand booksellers (names suppliable in return for payment of at least £30) than in public libraries. These volumes are being decontaminated from asbestos! But as noted earlier Kevin enjoys access to a nearly complete set.
Conventions. Much of the brief paragraph material has been scanned in an attempt to speed things up. The case of such text is changed and as far as possible transcription errors are avoided, but some caution should be observed: scanning software has a remarkable ability to introduce unseemly words. Many metric measurements were converted to imperial leading to 11/16 and similar impossible for html fractions. WN is used for all Works Numbers and RN for running numbers (the latter only where necessary). The Editor had a GBS approach to spelling and color is liable to slip through. "We have reason to believe" is always left at that. The OCR used by KPJ perverts Brunel into Brunei!
See also end pages of Dunn's Reflections on a railway career
By Issue Number
Issue 80
Issue 100
Issue 140
Issue 150
Issue 160
Issue 350
Issue 380
Issue 480
Issue 500
Issue 600 (August 1942)
Issue 620 (April 1944)
Issue 630
Issue No. 754 was duplicated (May & June
Issue 790